Episode 16 - Been a While (9)

"Prince Gandalf indeed haven't changed at all. He could even make My Lady swore in her lifetime to a such of hair tie," Izana standing in front of the door while coming here, letting the door opened widely and sitting on top of the empty seat. Then, "That is really surprising. I didn't expect Vanessa will do a desperate choice."

Glances in his right eye which is purple colored gives the feel that is truly different from the other gaze. Even Varest grinning saw it and said, "let's talk about this in my room. We should disturb the Young Lady time, she need to rest well."

The engagement ceremony took all night.

Miss Vanessa is must be really tired.

"Yeah...you're right," Izana agree with him and rose from the chair, out of the room. Being followed by Varest in the back who whispering before closing the door, "I know that you haven't fully be in the dream, Miss Vanessa."