Of all the places he could have taken his current date. Of all the places in New York, it had to be Gaze. The only place in town with door-staff good enough to slow her down, well-paid enough she can't bribe them, and too professional to flirt past. It takes her forever to sneak in, which means breaking in through the back the slow way. Which is just infuriating.
"He really said that?"
"Yeah, right to my face."
"That...Heheh, that can't have ended well."
"No, then it was right to his face."
"What was?"
"My boot."
"Daddy lost like ten thousand when that deal fell through, but worth it!"
"Really? But. That's a lot of money."
"And it was worth it."
"Here, lemme show you."
She hears the voices before she even turns the corner. She'd recognize his voice anywhere, it's what she's here for after all. His date, well her voice is only quite as noticeable because she's been paying a lot more attention to her since he started looking the skank's way - well, okay that's not fair. She's not a skank, she's actually a really nice girl with her priorities straight and - that's not the point the girl's trying to steal her man, she's allowed to insult her! Those are the rules!
She pokes her flaming head of hair around the corner. A colorful and vibrant red, long, and playfully braided behind her in just the right way to rest at her ass in a bundle. That's not what's visible from the dining area's perspective though, just her gently curved bangs that frame her round freckled cheeks and her shiny green eyes.
She peers around the corner just in time to see that Paige chick hook an arm around Jace's shoulder, and pull him halfway across the table to look at her phone. In fairness that is an incredible picture of a very pushy jerk's face being kicked in. On the other hand, manhandling her man is not acceptable, even if he does seem to appreciate the touch and is laughing with her.
She steels herself for what's to come. She has dinner to crash, and she's not about to back down now on weak nerves. Actually, on second thought, would it be weird to just wait til after this and take him out on a date herself?
Yes, she decides as he smiles brightly at Paige, warming up the room. Yes, it would be. Worse, he'd be emotionally exhausted from this one and she'd get a second-best date! That's even more unacceptable than that oddly strong-armed girl manhandling him.
The longer she stares the more her eyes simmer with heat, how dare she, and how dare he let her get away with that? He should recoil, scowl, do literally anything but look so… happy.
"Heh, wow." He snickers.
"I know right. Totally worth all ten thousand. And the lecture."
"Just a lecture? Eesh, if mom caught me doing something like that..."
"Oh? Hehe, what would she do?"
"Um. I'm not actually sure." She'd probably praise him, his mom's kind of a hippie. Like, in a good way. She stands up for what she believes in, shows off her care in very blatant ways. Maybe it's the rose-tinted lenses, but she really likes his mom a lot.
"Wha, don't tell me you've never gotten in trouble before." That girl smirks at him, holding him even closer, and continuing to show him stuff on her phone. Her flowing, bountiful blonde hair resting on his shoulder. She's got an overgrown tuft that covers one of her pretty blue eyes, and that means it's kind of impossible for it to go anywhere else.
She sneaks closer, she has to. She came by disguise after-all, and there are lots of places to hide in a fancy restaurant, like over - No there's not. Turns out there's nowhere to hide but under tables.
Okay, she's worked hard for this, she just has to do it one table at a time. And hope no one notices her rolling between them. She's got this.
"...Right? You've gotten in trouble before?"
"Well. Like once?"
"You are just a biiig momma's boy, aren't you." Paige sighs, finally letting him go. Just in time for her to look from under a table cloth and spy the movement. Much to her excitement, Jace looks visibly relieved. Good. It means he's not enamored with his date yet, she can still steal him.
"She's, kinda great." He defends. "Why wouldn't I try to make things easier on her?"
"Because you have your own goals?"
"And those don't always match up with what your parents want you to do."
"They do with us."
"Weird." She says dryly, her tone very lacking, Paige doesn't believe him, but it's true. She knows it's true, it's not a personality failure that he has a good relationship with his mother damn-it! How dare she!? She huffs a little, drawing attention from the people dining above her, which gives her a reason to dive out from under this one and under another the moment they start to look from the other side, working her way closer to her desired man. "So like. She wants you to do the job you want?"
"She's happy with my choices." He shrugs.
"And the girls you like..."
"Okay, that's a weird place, I'll admit."
"Oh? She doesn't like most of 'em?"
"No uh. She doesn't believe in monogamy. And I do."
"She - Don't tell me - Don't freakin' tell me she tries setting you up with-"
"Multiple girlfriends?" He teases suddenly.
"You lucky..." Her expression falls awkwardly. "And you don't take that?"
He shrugs as she darts under another table, she's so close she can almost smell them even amongst all the food. "I think it's a bit, weird and disrespectful."
"But, that means she's specifically finding girls that'd be okay with it." Paige points out. "You could have half a dozen girlfriends, and you just want one."
"It's better that way." He nods. "With just one I don't have to split my attention, things are exactly how they should be. Whoever I'm with has all of me, and I have all of her."
"That is both painfully dumb and painfully romantic. Oww!" She complains, clutching her chest dramatically.
"You should be." Paige whines. "Go have a dozen one-night stands to make up for it."
He pinches the bridge of his nose. In clear and obvious exasperation just as she slides from under the final table before theirs, before lunging right underneath their long tablecloth. It's more of a stealthy, silent slide, and she's kinda proud of it.
She's underneath their table, she's made her objective. A rush of accomplishment flows through her, and for the first time all night, she finds herself smiling. There's just one problem.
What in the actual hell was she planning on doing under here? She's not gonna hurt this girl. Sure she can hear them better but what if someone kicks their feet or…
Jace's dress-pants are new. She can practically smell the 'worn for the first time today' permeating off of them and flowing up her nostrils. Way to seem special, dummy.
It's okay though, he can be a dummy. She's okay with a dummy. As long as he opens his eyes and understands he's her dummy, everything'll be perfect.
Leaning in towards the smell to see what else she can nitpick - err, learn about him from this new perspective! She can't help but bump into something. Something massive. Something she definitely hadn't noticed before, not at this size.
This. Explains much. It explains why he tends to run away from her at odd times, avoids the slightest sexual commentary, gets awkward with any sort of physical contact, and even evades her whenever she blatantly gives him go signals.
He's not that dumb, he's not even a prude. He has an Atlas sized dick and you just can't hide that. It doesn't even look fully erect right now and it just smacked her in the face! Her best friend has a cock that could choke a bear, and she's resting her face against it, blinking awkwardly into the hard mast and newly stretching fabric.
"Eeh, hehe. No, don't really do that." Paige changes her mind suddenly. "Then I don't have you for the night. Your mom's just, really permissive. I can't imagine turning something like that down."
He's glad for the conversation, it gives him time to adjust his collar and pretend whatever he's feeling doesn't exist. She can just picture his cheeks slightly reddening, but she can't really see it.
"I feel like sometimes, she might be a bit too permissive." He says with a long gulp
"That's crazy-talk."
"Yeah…" He doesn't try to respond to that. He doesn't give her ground but doesn't release it either. He looks outwardly for something to talk about. "I can see where you're coming from, but sometimes you really want things toned down a bit. It can be too much to handle sometimes, you want a little restriction."
"Okay yeah, I can see where you're coming from." Paige's feet tap a little at the awkwardness. Some conversations turn quickly, especially when talking about radical hippies. It just happens.
She's used to it, clearly, Paige isn't.
Paige can't see his family for what it is, just like she can't run her fingers along the zipper to his dress pants, pop his button, and watch his massive schlong smack her in the face. Because that would be potentially wrong, and possibly a horrible friend move. She's a better person than that.
Or maybe she's not, given she just did it without really thinking about it, and her lips move to place a kiss on his length.
"You okay?"
"Ack-um, yeah just, something in my throat-" Bout to be something in her throat, if the relaxing of her jaw has anything to say about it.
"Waiter!" She hears Paige call out. "Why don't we have water yet? We've been here for almost twenty minutes!" She can practically feel the frown on his features at that, he doesn't like it when people get angry and assertive, so that's a win for her. A win that has her slobbering up his shaft with a flicker of her wet tongue. Shamefully, if she must admit. What with the fabric in her way.
Not that there's a ton. She's surprised there's not like six layers holding this monster back. It's just one pair of dark blue, heart patterned boxers. Boxers that are already straining, and have a heart exactly where his glistening tip is. Its power growing in excitement to see her.
She's not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, what she is going to do is kiss it deeply, drawing back to do so right on the fat tip that leaks just a little salty jism into her lips through his boxers in response
"Heh, a little angry I see." He says, breaking up the moan that threatens to escape his lips with barely let out words.
"A little." Paige admits with a little flush. A part of her points out that she's adorably flushing herself if the heat at her cheeks is to be believed. It's hard not to be embarrassed, she's never done this before. "It's basic hospitality, you know?"
"Yeah. It's k-kinda, uhh, weird, but I mean. It's not that big a deal." He groans just a little. "Mmm, it would be nice to have it though."
"Exactly." Under control, Paige seems to have recovered from her issue, consideration is a nice trait. She has to admit. With a lap of her tongue, she gets it deep into his boxers, scoops him right up, and pulls him out into her lips. Bare and full before her, she can see little veins decorating his shaft. Veins that are filled to the brim in excitement.
Looking at it like this, she has a moment of doubt, reluctance. Reality sets in and she can't help but wonder if what she's doing is wrong. That is until a beacon of light arrives. Very suddenly, one of his hands reaches under the table and sets itself right on her head. He rubs softly in a circle, an act that makes her eyes close and her heart waver.
Is he doing this because he's afraid to look, or does he know it's her and wants to tell her it's okay?
Whatever the reason, she takes it as a sign and sucks the tip right into her lips. Opening up and padding her front teeth with her tongue so she can slide him right along her taste buds.
She has to hold in a moan, it's all the organic crap his mother makes him use, she's sure of it. He tastes like she put a spoon full of fruit salad in her mouth and got surprised by a whopping sausage. The diversity is surprising, but not as surprising as the way her lower half shakes, and her insides twitch without her control.
Does she have a thing for the taste of dick, or is she just that madly in love? She's pretty sure she just came a little, silencing herself by squeezing the crap out of a cock between her cheeks shouldn't be an active requirement, but it is.
If she's that madly in love, does that mean her judgment is wrong? Is this wrong? Could this be-
Her thoughts waver back to stars and hearts when he gently pressures the back of her head and pulls her down his mast. Gulping in several inches before she feels a notable strain in her jaw, and pats his leg to get him to stop. He does, but only after a second. He still pushes himself against her throat, and joyfully distends her cheek when she flickers to the side on reflex and fills it to the brim with man meat.
"A-ah, soo, um, how do you feel about uh, women's rights?" He gasps. Pounding the table a little bit with a dramatic cough.
"You mean, as a woman?" Paige mocks, glaring at a waiter that passes by, carrying water for someone else. "I'm for them, obviously. As are you, if your statement about getting along with your mom so well is accurate."
"Well, yeah but uuh, kinda have to bring it up? What with mom being an-"
"Activist?" Paige smirks. "Yeah, I googled your name. Basic dating practice."
"R-right!" At that, her moment of reprieve is apparently over. His hand tightens on her scalp, and there's a dick in her throat before she's even recognized they were moving. It's massive, fills up her airway, and makes it hard to listen. What with the distracting twitching going on against the walls of his new home inside her esophagus, and the rain of fluids dripping into her panties and making her thick thighs all slippery. The band of her panties strains dangerously, as her hand leaves his leg to slip under it and rub her eager, swollen pussy.
Paige rolls her eyes when she realizes he definitely didn't google her. "Fine. Umm, I think people made some heavily sexist decisions a few decades ago, and now a lot of people are trying to defend those decisions because we don't want our nations to grow up. Which leads to some odd practices and strangely harmful viewpoints. I doubt it's because the common people are actually woman-hating monsters."
"J-j-ahh, just, decades?" He gasps. Pulling her head up to pump back in. Her lips close around him to block out the wet slaps of his rod slamming deep, but only the clatter of plates nearby really stops the noises from getting too suspicious. Especially when her fingers dig into her insides and roll around, stretching her just like she's sure his dick will when she finally gets a taste of it where it really belongs.
Maybe he knows it's her, maybe he doesn't. What she does know is that he's fucking her face like a virgin bucking into his first whore, and she's not prepared for that. Her jaw aches a little, and the air is thin. She tries though, squeezes her clit to bring herself back to reality and rolls her tongue to vary the strokes he pumps without a care.
"Uh, well. Okay, some middle-eastern countries date it back a lot longer, Asian culture's sexism predates the Holy Roman Empire. It's easier to say 'a few decades ago' because it's not a direct attack on like, every long standing tradition out there."
"Aah-m-makes sense!" Her best friend's speech is messing up. It's adorable, enough to make her cheeks fluster if they weren't already painted red as a ripe cherry tomato. She has to wonder why Paige hasn't noticed yet. Why Jace hasn't stopped her. Why he's going at it so aggressively.
Her eyes roll instead, this is exactly how she wants it. Him wanting her this much, so passionately. She wants it so much that when he stops, tapping her cheek to tell her to slow down, likely a warning of what's to come. She doesn't hesitate to keep it up. Plunging as aggressively as ever and reaching up to force his hand back exactly where it was.
She's not stopping now, not when she's so close to getting a throat stained white from the love of her life. He can lose it in front of the skank if he has to, he'll always have her.
The waiter finally arrives with water just in time for him to pick it up-
"Mmmrrrggglll-" and stifle a serious 'cough.'
"Woah, that's really bad. Are you sure you're date ready?" Paige asks. Eyeing him with a touch of concern, and greater attention to the flushy details of his face. "You look hot."
"No I-hehe, I mean you look like you need bed rest, not a romantic date at a fancy restaurant." Paige points out. "Are you sure tonight is fine?"
"Y-yeah. I'm not free again for another few weeks." He admits. "I uh, I'm not sick just um…" He taps the table, unsure of what to use as an excuse. Just as his other hand gets back to work, no longer controlling the tempo - that's her glorious, satisfying job - but providing supportive headpats she could hardly live without.
"Ah. Don't push yourself, please."
Oh, he's not, Paige, he's not pushing anything. She is, pushing his dick right into her mouth!
She squeezes him with her cheeks, vibrantly humming into his shaft. No longer caring if they're caught. Paige is either deaf or an idiot. Either way, if he's not gonna really stop her proactive slurping or even hint that she should actually stop, then like hell she's doing anything else but getting a feisty taste to coat her dreams with.
"Heh, yeah. I know what you mean. I don't really date often. Who has the time?" Paige decides to move on with it. "You have a nice night, it ends awkwardly, or worse it actually works out, and then you're in a relationship…"
"Y-yeah, haah-I uh, I didn't mean it quite like that. I have time, I'm just busy." He gulps down more water with a blissful expression that's hard to place. "Definitely don't have the time to spend an entire day getting ready like this place deserves, every week… I could probably, um, hah, go to a movie regularly?"
"Ah." Paige nods, as her unseen rival under the table finds the time to lick his balls and hungrily gulp down enough precum to seed a garden. "Makes sense, this was a lot."
"Wh-what's your um, aah, schedule look like this week?" He asks.
"Um...Well, tomorrow I have to fly out to Berlin." She admits with a glimpse at her bright pink polished nails. "There's a lot of civic contracts up for grabs there, and I wanna see if I can out-bid dad on a few."
"Ooh, cut-throat." He chuckles.
"He uh, doesn't mind? You know, you going for his profits? Aah-"
"Stuff like that is why he bought my first car, silly." The haughty bitch rolls her eyes again. "Someone definitely didn't google his date."
"I thought it'd be uh, rude." He explains. Her eyes water, panic-induced tears from the lack of consistent air getting through his meat causing them to flow down her cheeks. Her tongue swirls and her efforts to create a constant flow of suction are countered gloriously by her own humming. She chose wisely, despite her desires. Politely picking the gentle tune of the violin playing in the background, just to stay unsuspicious. One might just think there's a speaker under his table if they can make her out. Well, if they ignore the wet plundering of her orifices.
She gulps him down, only for him to suddenly get bigger. Fiercer, a few more inches springing out inside her so suddenly her jaw threatens to break and new air becomes impossible to obtain. She stops humming, has to. She's on a timer now, because like hell she's backing away. Only one person is getting a fancy dinner of Jace tonight and it's her!
"You uh, have a really scratchy throat." Paige points out when he goes to take another sip."
"Y-y-oooohhh, yeah!"
"Your face is really red."
"It. It-ah? Aa~?"
"I'm getting worried."
"D-don't be, hah. It's, it's fine. Eheh, just, um, where's our food? Maybe I just need to eat something." He excuses hastily, looking around for that waiter. The exchange was simple, a quick showing of what they wanted, the items too fancy for him to know what he was talking about, and Paige decided not to have mercy on him and explain what he was buying.
Back and forth, keep on the suction, don't slack on the tongue. She tries but it's really hard to get any real use of it when he's crammed so deep. It kinda hurts, in a way that makes her feel used even though she's the one forcing the issue. She finds being used makes her incredibly hot. "Auh~" That's her, not him, she can't help it. Her insides are so busy reacting to what's past her lips that they barely care about her own fingers rabidly trying to have their way with her. She's too busy cumming from this alone, drenching the floor with what flows down her legs and drips off her knees.
"Oh, there's our appetizers at least." Paige sighs happily. Pointing out a tray making its way towards her with foods he's never even seen before. He's starting to wonder if he's saved enough money for this, the menu didn't have prices he just had to assume. Which was probably a bad sign in itself.
"H-How caaan you uh-um, tell?" He asks. Patting his chest a little, and squeezing his temporary lover's head in warning for what's to come.
She's prepared.
"You know it's funny." He says as the tray is sat down, the lid removed, and plates are set down in front of them with an odd grace he wasn't aware a plate could have. "Appetizers are the one thing that Olive Planters does right but this looks waaay better." She can tell, the smell hits her even down here. It makes her hungry, but something tells her she'll be fine with her meal even if she doesn't get a speck of their food.
"Olive Planters has got nothing on this." Paige giggles at him. "That's your measuring stick?"
"W-well er, you know…" He looks away as awkwardly as he can manage. Which is insanely awkward, if the girl sucking him in has anything to say about it.
"Is that what's wrong?" Paige raises blue eyes and a pretty brow. Reaching up to stroke a little blonde hair out of her sight and to the side. "Is it the price? Is this date too rich for your blood?"
"You're literally sweating the price."
"Literally, look." The blonde reaches across the table and taps his head, pulling away to show her the moisture from his brow. "I didn't think that was possible."
"It's kind of-aah-ooh god-"
"Calm down, okay?" His date smiles, finally understanding, her worry fades and her gaze takes on a gentle look to it. "That's really sweet of you, but if it's gonna ruin the date, just let me pay. I care about having a good time with you a lot more than I do a few thousand."
"A few thousand!?" He jumps up, cramming his dick into her in a way that distends her jaw to the limit, her mouth visibly gaping if he'd just look underneath the table.
"Hehehhee, woww, okay, googling, skill you need to get more of. How'd you even get the reservation without knowing the prices on a place like this?"
"I um, haah-mom made it, actually. I asked her to get me someplace-"
"Got ya." Paige interrupts. "Calm down and eat, I got it." It's such a simple sentiment, and yet it resonates with her. Her dummy can't think ahead but he's worth the investment. Guilt settles in the pit of her stomach in equal proportion to all the precum, a disastrous amount warning her of a superhuman result if she doesn't back down now. Doesn't fall on her bouncy ass to suck in air and fight back the impending darkness that starts to encroach on her vision, even as his massive shlong twitches and throbs aggressively into her.
She's doing something wrong, this girl deserves her chance. She decides to quiet down and finish him without disrupting them. Hopefully, she can pull that off, if only she could stop cumming for ten seconds.
"So, guua- um, Berlin?"
"Yeah, I'll check out a few local businesses. Recoup the loss from this night. They tend to need a bit of funding to keep competitive, which means investment opportunities that don't always just come knocking. It pays well, in time. Good investments always do…" Paige's pink lips see a flick of her tongue along with them, and he can't help but bulge his eyes a little. He's so close, he's not sure he can stop himself from moving any longer. He needs a distraction, anything, anything at all -
"Well, I uh, should actually probably go to the lady's room before our food gets here," Paige says, pushing her seat out, stealing some sorta spoonful of crab something, and popping it in her mouth. "Mmm, wouldn't want to have to leave for a moment during the main course. I'll be back in a minute."
"Aah-okay, I'll be fine by then." He nods aggressively. "A-already feeling better, s-sorry!"
"Nonsense, please. The fact that you didn't abandon ship before this point means a lot. That you're an idiot, for sure, but it's also pretty romantic. I think. Just a minute."
He watches her firm ass sway as she walks away, and changes gear the moment she's gone. Pulling up the table cloth just a little to see his aggressor in all her drippy, open-mouthed, eyes rolled back, sweaty-faced glory.
His fingers thread into her hair. "Rose?" He snorts, before gripping tighter and beginning to aggressively take charge. Fucking into her face like one might a toy. "You shoulda done this at my house, dummy, not on a date. You know how I feel about multiple partners." She barely collects the words, too hit with everything. Her body shakes, her chin is suddenly treated as a comfortable cushion for the slapping balls he rams against her. Before she had to take care not to slurp too loud, even when she loosened up her restraints on herself she was still polite about it to some extent.
Now she proudly gasps, moans, and slurps like she's at a Japanese ramen stand. Jace deserves that. Deserves everything she can give him while he's thrusting so recklessly.
She abandons her dripping lower lips and slams her hands into his legs, aggressively fending to take charge right back. Racing him to finish him, a battle of wills that only she can see. Though she's sure the other diners are probably curious why he's jumping off his seat into the underside of the table, and why it all sounds so incredibly wet.
Wild abandon flows between them, abandon she doesn't dare look away from. She rights her narrowing emerald gemstones to stare right up at his own dark orbs. Her red hair bobbing as fast as she is, what's not sticking to her drool-covered cheeks is slapping against her tits with just enough force to make a muted sound. It's so deep between them, so constant and jacked in pace, that her efforts to kiss the skin at the bottom of his cock at the end of every forceful thrust almost appears like a constant make-out session with his flesh.
"Uuu Aaaaahhhhh!" He moans freely. "Sooo, muchhhh, haaau! Drink up!"
He doesn't care that they're in a restaurant. He doesn't care that people turn to look. He doesn't care that some of the food is bouncing atop the table.
What he does care about, is how much semen he's releasing. A veritable ocean explodes past her lips like it somehow managed to condense and get shot from a cannon. It's insane what works its way into her throat. And what they manage to hold back together when it tries to come up. Pressed deep as it can go, blocking her everything, it creates a pressure inside her that they both have to work together to hold down and keep sealed.
A prison for his cum, filling up her stomach at a dangerous speed. It's too much. She slurps down cup after cup, trying without a hint of irony just to survive what she'd wished for so much.
It's crazy, powerful. If this was any other situation she'd have given up, pulled back, and let him spatter her face and hair before coating her legs. She can't do that, he has to walk out of here, she can't let any of his cum get on his pants. It'll ruin his date.
A date she suddenly finds she cares about so very much. "Sllrryy!" She apologizes, even if it barely comes out past the potent downpour of cream flushing down into her belly.
She chokes instead, barely forcing down one uncomfortably large hydrant blast at a time even as her vision blackens and her strength fades.
She can't do it. She just can't handle what she wished for. Her eyes close and he proves what a caring friend he is by pushing her off his thickness. He doesn't stop cumming there though, not even when the force of the fall pushes a fountain's worth of splooge out from her lips. She splashes into a pool of her own fluids, her stomach so distended he can't help but think she looks pregnant.
It doesn't end there. She'd worked him too much, ignored all warnings and now it's here to unleash everything for her. He fires the rest of his swarming load over her dress in a typhoon. Splashing it over and soaking her fiery hair, over her gentle lips. Her rounded cheeks and her thick bust. He coats her round thighs, drenches her gaping pussy, before giving her toes a virile sperm bath.
"Haah-haah-haah-" Time slows down, he grips the table. Works to shakily put himself away and then get back to his food. Desperate to work himself back to a working condition.
"You still look tired." Paige interrupts his sense of frayed reality, taking his gaze towards her own shiny blues, and swooping down to steal a gentle kiss from his lips with a self-assured smirk that tells him she knows he won't deny her. "Ready to eat?"
"Mmm…" When Rose's eyes open, it's to the prodding of a broom and a darkened room. "He left me here." She mumbles. "Jerk."
"Paige's group?" She hears from whoever's brooming her cum coated form. At least it's mostly a cold glaze by now. The shower's gonna suck. "They looked like they really hit it off. They're probably, shall I say, doing the deed, right about now."
"Oh… That's nice." She rolls over a bit. "Just gonna-"
"It's customary for a man's under the table whore to sneak out after the check." The man says. "That was hours ago. If you don't leave I'm going to have to charge extra."
"Under the table… Is that a thing?"