Chapter 40

"I don't understand your brother's thoughts, that.  Marriage is in sight, but Alex foolishly chose to withdraw for no apparent reason."

"Like not exactly Alex's type."  Bella nodded, rubbing her chin.  "I'm still curious as to what actually happened." She looked back at her father.

"I don't know for sure.  I'm too lazy to ask your brother.  But what I know from the media is that Alex couldn't get married because of rumors that July was having an affair?"

"Actually I already know.  Since hearing the news I immediately look for information.  And every gossip show says that July has been having an affair."

"July doesn't cheat."  A hoarse voice from behind the door was heard inside.

Bella and Baron suddenly turned their heads at the same time.  Watching the door waiting for someone to appear from behind it.  It was certain that it was Alex.  Leaving the door open, Alex approached to join his father and sister's chatter.