After seeing off his daughters while at the same time leading them towards his room, the other Rei who was left behind went directly to the display counter to grab some cookies.
It has been ages since he last tasted the bakes made by his mother so he can't wait to gobble up as many as he can.
After sliding the glass door, the smell of freshly-baked breads and desserts hit his nose.
This was something that he always and was used to smell whenever he's in for a grab but, right now just the smell made him literally droll. And the sight made him unable to decide what to pick first.
He was even tempted to use his Omnipresence to taste it all at the same time, but he won't be able to give reasonable excuse to his mother if she saw that the baked goods have suddenly decreased a lot.
After some hesitation, he finally decided to grab a cookie as it was quick to be eaten. When he tasted it, he can't help but closed his eyes to savor the deliciousness even more.
『So delicious! It's so delicious that I feel like I haven't tasted it for over a hundred years!』
After grabbing and eating one more, he took two plates and put a mountain of several kinds of cookies and also some cupcakes on it. Then he move to a near table to place the plate on it and sat on the chair.
Since his mother was still not done talking on the telephone, he grab his phone that was hanging on his neck through a lanyard and decided to download some game as he already lost count how many times he played the games on his phone and was already bored of them.
And as for his phone, the reason why it hasn't yet broke during the years he was using it in another world was because there are invisible runic formations writen all over it, giving it indestructibility.
As for the problem of where to charge his phone, since it's a model that can be charge wirelessly, his solution to it was to create alternating electromagnetic field on his hand using magic. So while he was using his phone, it was also being charge at the same time.
── After uninstalling the existing games and downloading some interesting new one in his phone, Rei played on his phone while eating cookies and cupcakes alternatingly.
While he was enjoying his time, he suddenly stopped and looked at the direction where his three daughters at while muttering with teary eyes, 「Mi, min'na... then I will follow your suggestion, Amara-chan. Thanks for your consideration, min'na. Promise, Father will make it up to the three of you later.」, and his body glowed for a bit.
Then after lowering his phone on the table and the cookie back on the plate, he wiped the tears on his eyes.
『Those three daughters of mine... They have really grown into good daughters. Their mothers have really taught them well』, Rei thought to himself.
It was then, when his mother came.
She have this murderous aura around her, as if she have just arrived from her confrontation with her enemies. But when she saw Rei wiping out his tears, she suddenly become worried and hurriedly rushed to his side.
「Baby-chan!? What happened!? Did a robber broke into the shop!?」
Then she immediately checked if he has any wound, but seeing there's none, she breathe a sigh of relief.
「Mom, you're worrying too much. My, my eyes were just hurt because I played Endless Tiles that keeps getting faster without closing my eyes. I even made a new record. Look」
Then he picked up his phone and showed the screen towards his mother. Seeing that what her son said was true, she finally believe him.
「But why did mother took too long on the phone? Did Rina-sensei relayed a homework for me?」
「Oh, about that. Rina only said that you should rest for today and she will visit you later along with her daughters. But I also called the housewives from neighborhood association that's why the call took too long.」
「So that's how it is. Mom should have told me that you would also call them so that I could have told you to say my hello to them.」
「It alright, Baby-chan. They said that they will visit you later so you can just greet them then.」
At first Inami, the mother of Rei, confrontated those housewives one by one on the phone but, they seemed to have become enraged when they heard that there's a woman who was giving Rei bad influence and making him lie, so Inami thought that they're not the suspect.
Some also express concerned about Rei acting strange so they want to personally check him if he's alright and not in harm's way. There's a virus spreading right now so they are worried about Rei.
「Anyway, it seems that my baby Rei-chan was quite hungry? Sorry for leaving you without serving you your snacks earlier.」
「It's alright, mom. I could do this much by myself. And I could't wait to taste mom's delicious bakes so, I already took the liberty of doing it myself.」
「Really? Then whom do you like the most, other people or my bakes?」, inquired Inami sneakily.
「Of course I like mom's the most!」
Although he already tasted more delicious foods in another world, eating the food made by his mother who he deeply miss right now was the most delicious thing for him.
Inami knew that he was always being given snacks whenever he was walking in their neighborhood, so she don't feel suspicious hearing his reply.
So, after giving a satisfied nod, she said, 「Anyway, it seems that you still don't have a drink, so let mommy prepare it for you.」
Then she left Rei, who resumed to play on his phone, to prepare him a milk.
After a while, she arrived carrying a tray with a hot milk on it.
「It's still hot, so you should play for now and wait for it to lower its temperature.
She lowered the tray and sat beside Rei to feed him while he was playing game.
Inami already done her preparation in the bakeshop and since there's still no customer, she have time to accompany Rei.
「Here you go. Let me help you have a drink.」
As it was already a few minutes, the milk have now lowered its temperature acceptably.
While Inami was helping Rei drink, she can see a very blissful expression on his face.
So she casually asked with a smile, 「What is this? Don't tell me mommy's milk is also better than the others?」
「Hmm? Oh, um, the milk that mom prepared? Yeah! I, I also like it the most!」, then he pushed the bottom of the glass, that was still being held by his mother, towards his mouth and drink the milk enthusiastically to show his mother that he really do.
Seeing Rei uncertain answer and suspicious behavior, Inami was shocked in revelation, 『What!? I knew it! There's really a slut who was seducing Rei from me! So that bitch also serve him milk, huh!? It must be a breast milk! And there's only 9 people lactating in this neighborhood so she must be one of them! Just you wait!』
Then Inami accidentally blurted out, 「So, she must be lactating, huh….」
Hearing what his mother said, Rei-chan suddenly spit the milk he's drinking.
「Oh my! Are you alright, Baby-chan!? Sorry! Mommy's mind was occupied, so I didn't notice that I was still helping you drink!」
Then Inami hurriedly placed the glass on the table and patted Rei's back.
── Meanwhile, the three sisters who was watching this scene, can only give a sigh.
「Well, it's not Father's fault for not knowing how to lie.」, said Amara in defense for their father.
「Yeah. Or rather, it should be our fault for making Father lie.」, said Rhian.
Her two sisters nodded at her in agreement.