Chapter 10 - Zombies!

After reuniting with Reina-sensei and the quintuplets, some women have also visited Rei and when it's already noon, Rei's daughters appeared in the bakeshop after he called them.

「Are they the people you were talking back in Is-kai, Father?」, said Amara.

「Un. All of them are kind people from this neighborhood. Sorry that I can't still introduce you to them for now...」

「It's okay, Father. At least we already saw each of them. But you seemed to be specially closer to Reina-san and her quintuplets, Father?」

「Oh, them? It's because me and the quintuplets have grew up together and can already be considered as siblings. My mother and Reina-sensei are old friends so she always asked my mother to take care of her children in order to be able to go to work.」

Rei remembered his mother saying that she and Reina were former classmates.

Although they were not close to each other during school days, they could still be considered an acquaintance. So at the time when Reina was still pregnant of the quintuplets and in dire need, she didn't hesitate to ask financial help from Rei's mother who was also living together with an actual baby Rei in the same apartment building as her in Tokyo at that time.

And almost a year after Reina gave birth, she immediately went to work as she need to support her quintuplets by herself. But since Reina doesn't have relatives in Tokyo and also money to hire a nanny, she asked Rei's mother to look after her babies.

When Rei became 5 years old, his mother Inami decided to moved in Kyoto, but since Rei doesn't want to separate with Reina and her daughters, they also decided to moved together with them to Kyoto.

「But Father, didn't Grandma Inami also need to work to support you when you are still a baby?」, said Natasia, looking confused.

「About that, mom said we are really rich so there's no need for her to work. You must be thinking that mom was hiding from someone, right? I also thought that but mom said that the reason we lived in that simple apartment like Reina-sensei did was to deceive bad people like robbers and make them think that we are poor. Mom just want to prevent bad things to happen. Amazing, right?」

「That… surely is amazing, Father.」, said Natasia awkwardly, trying not to sound skeptical. Even her two sisters also felt skeptical like her.

「Anyway, since no one else will visit now and I only need to look after the shop until mom wakes up, I might as well show you around this city and also buy you anything you might need.」

「Alright, Father. But before we go, can you first sense if there's anyone who have high Mana here in this world?」

「Okay. But is there any particular reason why you ask me to do it, Amara-chan?」

「We just learned earlier that the people here on earth have also possess some knowledge about Mana. And we also found that there are some stories about heroes being summoned to another world, so we are curious if there are some people who have returned here to Earth like you, Father.」

Mana or Spiritual Energy is normal for ordinary people to have as it is what keeps them alive.

Even those who don't have Mana Circuit would still possess Mana inside them but, if their father could sense some people who possess absurd amount of Mana in them, that's only means that they must be supernatural being like them.

The three sisters could also sense anyone around the world, but they decided to ask their father to do it in order to be sure as people who are stronger than them could make themselves hidden from them. And the three sisters also wants to minimize the risk of being detected and expose their presence to the other unknown beings.

「Is that so? Well, I've also read stories about being summoned to another world before and it was really similar to what happened to me. I already told about it to Iris-oneechan at the time when she summoned me and she said that it may be because some people have been enlightened or have the chance to get access to the Akashic Records through dreams and the likes.」

Akashic Records are the compilation of all knowledge. Whether it's from animate or inanimate, all their informations are recorded into it.

「I see... that makes sense and that might be the case considering it came from Godmother Iris.」

「But there's no harm in making sure, right? Or more precisely, I should really need to try sensing if there are no other supernatural being who might harm us.」

Then while placing his index finger below his chin and tilting his head, Rei looked at particularly nothing while narrowing his brows and after a few seconds,

「Hmm.. I didn't sense any supernatural beings, but some places on earth seems to have a small number of life… and a bunch of micro-organisms lumping together are more numerous than them instead... I think I should look at them directly.」

After pinpointing the locations of those places, Rei 'directly observed' those places simultaneously using his Omnipresence as if he was there personally on the locations.

「Uwah! Th, they look gross!」

The moment he witnessed the scenes at those unusual places, what greeted Rei were motionless zombies, while some zombies on other places were feasting on dead humans.

Seeing their Father who look like he wants to throw up, the three daughters hurriedly went to his side.

「Father! Are you alright!?」, Amara said in panick.

「Hey Rhian! It seems like Father wants to throw up! Do you have anything that can relieve him!?」

「Un! My mother handed me something that might help Father.」

Then Rhian took out a small bottle of essential oil from her dimensional storage and made her father smell its scent after opening bottle's cap.

Seeing their father's urge to vomit have lessen, Amara carefully asked him.

「Father, can you tell us what you saw earlier?」

They don't have any idea what their Father saw, but what they knew is that they are screwed once our mothers found out that they let their father see something unpleasant.

「Puff...… It's really gross. I saw grotesque zombies doing grotesque things…... 」

「Zombies! I didn't expect that we would find their actual existence in this way. We shouldn't have let Father search the world and see thier appearance...」, said Amara in shock.

「There's no use regretting over something that have already happened. I think we should instead do something to make Father forget about that horrible memory...」, said Natasia.

Rei who doesn't want to make his daughters be worried anymore, spoke while separating from resting his head on Rhian's chest.

「Mi, min'na, don't worry, okay? I'm alright. I will just forget about it. Look.」

Immediately after saying that, a small colorless wisp shot out of his forehead and Rei purified it out of existence.

「There. See? I already erase that really gross memory. So you don't need to worry anymore.」

Seeing what their father just did, the three sisters blanked out and looked at each other to confirm if they heard it right.

「This… I think that would make us more worried, Father. Are you sure there's no side effects on what you did earlier?」

「Un. Don't worry, Amara-chan. Maybe your mothers forgot to tell you about it, but I always did it during the time when I was just summoned to forget about some frightening things.」

At first when Rei was just summoned, he was made to watch a monster be slayed so that he would be accustomed to killing, but he was traumatized by it and didn't step out of his room for a week.

But eventually as he didn't want his companions turned wives to worry anymore, he decided to just literally forget about those terrible memory. And he casually made that technique.

After that incident, his companions were always making sure that he won't see anything horrible and even though it's inevitable for some accidents to happen at first, they eventually became accustomed on making Rei stay away from gruesomeness completely.

「Anyway, I didn't expect for the Zombie apocalypse to be this already serious. Considering the estimated number of humans, it seems that more than half of them have already become zombies.」, Rei said in deep thoughts.

「Now that I remember it, we heard you earlier saying about a bunch of small micro-organisms lumping together. Are you referring to the zombies, Father?」

「Oh, you're right, Natasia-chan. They are certainly the ones I referred earlier. It's because the version of zombie here on Earth is different from Is-kai. The zombies here is just a single type of virus that got in and multiplied to trillions inside the body. Then they eventually took over the body when the host died. 」

「But aren't the viruses non-living and can't make decisions by themselves unlike the bacterias? 」

Their father sometimes taught them anything from his world, so Amara knows a little about germs.

「Umm, maybe someone engineered them to make them do some complex decision? Because from what I can observe, all the viruses in the body have started to work together after successfully taking over the host body, as if they are connected to one network and act in coordination. It's like they replaced the nervous system.」

Rei said while scanning the zombies by using just his senses. He can sense that the viruses have become both the brain and the nerves to control the body. Although they can only do some zombie-like actions, it's still impressive considering how micro they are.

「That…. certainly makes sense. As expected of Father.」

「It's really simple, Natasia-chan. It's just that, it's impossible to believe that a type of living virus, who can do some complex decision, have just suddenly popped out when there are millions of different types of viruses that have been discovered until now and all of them are non-living.」, Rei said smugly.

「Anyway, it seems that we deviated from our talk earlier. Didn't I promised you that I will tour you around? We shouldn't waste more time and go now! I'm sure you will enjoy yourself!」

Rei said energetically, completely forgetting about the matter of zombies. But this time only for temporarily and not literally.