Chapter 17 - 'A new hero? How could there be? It must be a scammer!'

「Bitch! bitch! bitch! Just she wait! I will get back at her for this grievances!」, said Minerva while angrily stomping down the hallway.

Minerva, along with her daughter Amara, were currently on their way back to the Throne Hall.

Earlier, they received a letter carried by a white pigeon. And since every member of their organization can telepathically communicate due to them being higher levels, the sender of the letter can only be from Minerva's family on the mortal land below the Celestial Domain.

After reading the letter, Minerva excused herself together with her daughter Amara and teleported themselves to one of the floating islands dedicated for her as one of Rei's wives in order to make preparation to go to the mortal land.

The floating islands in the Celestial Domain, more than half of those are areas given to each of Rei's wives. On there, they have their own palace and the residents on the island were part of their little factions within their organization.

But not every members of their organization were part of the factions within Rei's wives, since there are those who are independent or neutral who was fortunate enough to meet Rei on his early days of adventure in Is-kai and not be involved in Rei's women little fued.

And they are also too lazy to bother on the rivalry between Rei's wives so they choose to be neutral and be contented.

「But i think what mother Natalia did was also reasonable, mother. You might have hurt father if she didn't stop you.」, said Amara, completely disregarding that her father is the most strongest being they know, much more than Goddess Iris.

For them, just because their adorable Rei is strong, doesn't mean that they could treat him roughly.

「Even so, Amara. Why can't you understand? That woman is sly. She always wants to appear good and considerate in front of Rei-sama at the expense of others, especially me!」

Amara just went silent at her mother's side. She's too lazy to care for her mothers' feud.

If Amara didn't know better then she would have thought that they've probably just misunderstood each others all this time and Natalia was just like her own daughter Natasia who act strict and reserve but deep inside was just too shy to be affectionate publicly towards their father and jealous of the others who could, but that's not the case.

Amara know that her two mother's relationship were good in the past and they could even be called best friends, but everything changed when her other mother Natalia have an affair with her father who was already her own mother's lover at that time.

Amara's mother knew that in their world Is-kai, it's only normal for powerful men to have many lovers, but Minerva still felt betrayed that her best friend was having an intimate relationship with Rei behind her back. And what made Minerva even more angry was that Natalia made her innocent Rei kept it a secret.

It was only when Goddess Iris intervened, convincing Minerva that the more Rei would have many love ones the more he would hesitate to return to his world, that Minerva eventually accepted Natalia as Rei's lover.

「Anyway, I think you should be careful with your words now or else Father might hear you, mother.」

「I know, okay? I'm just excited and can't wait to have my revenge on that bitch.」, said Minerva and grinned slyly while remembering the letter she got earlier from her family on mortal land.

If Minerva told the content of the letter to her beloved Rei-sama, then she would be able to take him away from Natalia and the others for a few days or maybe even weeks.

Amara just shook her head at her mother in exasperation. While also feeling thankful that she and her other sisters didn't need to be involved in their mothers feud and they were treated equally like their own daughters.

After arriving in front of the enormous double door that opened automatically, they went inside the Throne Hall and found Rei who was seated on his throne while explaining what the new upgrades on the functions of their domain to Rhea, Rhian, Natalia, Natasia, some valkyrie-like women, priestesses, maids and other several women in unique attires.

The valkyrie-like women are under the command of Natalia and most of them are from Church's Paladin Order or female knights from different kingdoms. As for the priestesses, they are led by Minerva and they wore white and red robes slightly similar to her. While the maids are led by Rhea and she along with the maids are mainly assigned in the main floating island to carefully serve Rei well.

And the reason why Rei's other wives or anyone from their little factions were still not here was because they were not yet informed of his arrival. And it's not because the women present have purposely concealed the information, that they already found him, to make them look bad or make them look like fools waiting for Rei on different directions of the Celestial Domain. Really.

Noticing his wife and daughter's arrival, Rei looked at them and spoke,

「Hm? Minerva-oneechan, Amara-chan, you're back right in time. I was just explaining the new function of our domain.」

「I see... I'm sorry, Rei-sama, but can I trouble you again to explain what we've missed?」

Rei nodded and he told them that they just need to use their intent in order to choose what world, Is-kai or Earth, they want to go. They also don't need to worry if thousands of them uses it at the same time and chooses different destinations because the new upgrades can process it simultaneously.

Hearing Rei's words, they tried to follow his instructions and spread their senses while 'willing' in their mind what world they choosed.

Minerva want to 'see' Rei's world. While as for Amara who've just returned from earth, she was curious to know if they were really in Is-kai as well.

「So, this is Rei-sama's world... It looked much more developed than our world...」

「It's really true... so our domain is now at two different worlds at the same time, huh...」

Everyone except Minerva and Rhian have already tried it earlier as well.

Most of them choosed to 'see' Rei's world and after satiating their curiosity, they decided to test the new function and half of them willed to switch the location back to Is-kai, making them felt as if they teleported back to Is-kai while carrying along the whole Celestial Domain with themselves.

And after switching the location for several times, half of them on Is-kai while the other half on earth and vice versa, they concluded that there's nothing wrong in the new function which is as expected since it was made by Rei.


As Minerva and her daughter Amara was curiously testing out their domains new function, Rei suddenly spoke.

「By the way, what did you receive earlier, Minerva-oneechan? It must be a good news since you were grinning early after reading the letter.」

「Gr, grinning? Ha, hahaha... I think you probably mistaken it, Rei-sama. I, I definitely look worried earlier because I received some bad new from home.」

「I see... Wait, did you say bad news!? Are your family alright!?」

Seeing her beloved Rei-sama's worried reaction, Minerva hesitated. But after promising to herself that she will make it up to him later, Minerva steeled herself and spoke while ignoring the skeptical looks from Natalia's and Rhea's side.

「Ahem... Don't worry, Rei-sama. They are far from harm... It's just that, an upstart hero is forcing my niece Crystal into an arrange marriage. The hero wannabe claimed that Crystal, who is the current Oracle Priestess, should be his woman just like what happened with you, a fellow hero, who married the previous Oracle Priestess which is me.」

「??? What hero? How can there be a hero when I handed over the Holy Sword to Natasia-chan? ...Maybe he's just a scammer? Minerva-oneechan, I think we need to warn them now!」

Seeing Rei who was about to make a Teleportation Gate for them to travel, Minerva immediately stopped him.

「W, wait, Rei-sama! Let me explain more about this hero wannabe for a bit before we go there.」

Seeing Rei listened to her, Minerva started explaining to him who was listening seriously.