It was a peaceful day that Zara could relax happily. She went to visit her father and returned back before the lunch time. Deniz had also gone to his studio, so there wasn't any scheduled program for Zara to attend. After enjoying the lunch, she went to the courtyard with her drawing book. She had wanted to make a sketch of her dream house for many days. So, sitting by the lake she started her work which she loved the most.

Until evening, she dallied, concentrating towards the sketches. She drew then erased and again drew something. Zara was possessed towards her work. Even she couldn't sense the presence of Deniz who was there, behind her.

"It's nice." Zara was shaken by his voice.

Looking at Zara, Deniz said again, "It's nice. Is that your house?"

"Hmm.., my dream house. I like to make it for anyone who wants to spend a loveable life. It definitely brings a pleasure to share own creativities with people." Zara replied.

"Art is wonderful. We share what we have, like I share my songs."

"Would you like a cup of tea?" Zara asked looking at his exhausted husband.

"Sound's good. I'll go and have a shower first. Send some snacks too." Deniz said and left.

Deniz was looking at her through the room's window. He felt like Zara was a part of a painting. Without a single move she was sitting near an oak tree in a pink dress. And her blond hair was glazing under summer sunset. 'She's like a fairy', he mumbled.

Zara accidentally looked up and noticed Deniz. They had an eye-lock for a moment even though they stayed far. 'I want to live in this house with you and my dad forever' She self-expressed looking at her doting mate.

Zara brought a tea pot to the room.

"Do you like the job? I guess you love architecture than being my manager." Deniz asked from Zara.

She took some time to answer, "I love architecture but I'm fine with your managerial work. It's not hard."

"That's better then, I thought I put you into a trouble." Zara smiled listening to him.

"I work for you. Your family is extremely happy for that too." Zara responded.

"I asked your personal opinion. If you feel bad, you can leave the job. I can hire Julie again."

"But you told me you got tangled with them." Zara's mind was restless. Even though she loved architecture, she never wanted to leave his side.

"Yes, always. Like they made a fake story about us. Even after I started dating Esmee, they reported about Julie. That's their marketing."

"Then how can I leave it to Julie again? Don't worry I don't leave you." Deniz was amazed to hear her. He put his tea cup beside and spun towards Zara. She got confused seeing his glance too. So, she added to her talk, "I mean until the divorce".

Time was passing like a spin wheel. And every day was calm and sweet. Deniz was busy with his shows while Zara was arranging his schedules.

"Zara next week, I'm leaving to Spain for an event. Contact the agency and arrange my stay there." Deniz informed, when Zara was preparing dinner.

"Two days?" Zara inquired.

"No five days, Julie is also accompanying, so reserve two rooms in Mandarin Oriental Ritz. They know my preferred room."

"Why is she going there?" Zara seemed to be sad to hear that.

"We did that in our old days too. Esmee and Julie always went with me." He stated quickly and left the kitchen.

Zara prepared dinner fast and went back to the room.

"Dinner is ready." She informed Deniz.

"Ok let's eat" Deniz was about to go down but Zara refused dining with him.

"I'm not hungry and I have a sketch to complete. You go and eat, Dalcy is there." Zara carelessly replied him and took out pencils from the drawer. Deniz went down. Since it was his first time eating alone after they started living together, he was fidgety too. So, he devoured few bites then returned to Zara.

Zara was drawing in the salle while studying about Spain. It was her favourite 'you tube' channel about architecture. When she wanted to be relaxed, she collected different types of technics from them. But that day she had picked up 'Hotel Marques de Riscal' project to study.

"I've been there once." Deniz peeked into her laptop. "It's a wonderful spot for modern architecture."

"I know. I did an assignment on this." Zara responded negligently.

Deniz was observing her. Her finger tips were bustling like a melody. And Zara was quite devoted towards her work. She drew few sketches and kept them aside. And again, started searching about Rome in the internet. Deniz enjoyed her mischievous act.

"You can play piano, right?" He asked sitting beside her. Zara nodded 'yes'.

"My dad is a pianist. I can play piano since childhood."

"I'm not good at" Zara surprisingly turned to him when he said that.

"Great singer Deniz can't play piano?" She was totally amazed.

"I can Zara. But not very well." He corrected her sentence. "And that's my secret."

Zara's small hair strands were messy, they were flowing here and there covering her charming face. She tried to put them back while looking at Deniz.

"Let me help you" Deniz did that for Zara. His eyes were endearing so much that Zara couldn't take out her glance from him. But she tried to return back to the sketch being felt uneasy. Deniz swooped Zara's cheeks and held her face.

"When I need you, don't evade ever." Deniz kissed her forehead. Zara obeyed him silently.

"Let's go" Deniz stood up and pulled her up too.

"To where?" She asked while sitting.

"First to eat, then to Spain. I didn't say I go without you." Zara was astonished by his words. She got up in that shock and was about to fall.

"I didn't say I want to go either." She told harsh. But her face was delighted in joy.

"I know." Deniz smiled at her. "But you can go with me, that's your right."

"My right? I don't have any right here. I just work for a salary."

"Zara, you get paid for being my manager not for being my wife. Until we get separated, you have that right on me." Deniz walked away in anger. He looked shaken by her words.

Zara ran after him and grabbed him emotionally. Deniz got sentimental in her grasp too. So, he didn't avoid her feelings and embraced her lean body with his muscular arms.

Julie was at the Madrid Airport waiting for Deniz. She checked flight information screen few times for Deniz's flight.

"Julie.." Deniz called out her. Julie went to him and hugged.

"I was waiting for two hours Deniz. You should have come with me."

"Since we're here, let's go to the hotel now." Deniz said looking at Zara.

Julie got furious seeing her. She had planned to spend some quality time with Deniz alone. So, she was quite disturbed by Zara.

"Why did she come?" She asked from Deniz.

"Because I'm afraid of caterpillars." He mocked at her. And truly, there were dangerous caterpillars in Spain.

"Let's go" He led them and stepped out of the airport.

Zara followed him closer and Julie was behind Zara.

"Why did you come?" She again asked from Zara slowly.

"Because I'm his wife." Zara responded bossily and clutched Deniz's hand.

They got into the cab and proceeded to the hotel. As Zara informed to the agency, everything had arranged smoothly per Deniz's wish.

"Deniz, where are we going after the event?" Julie asked while travelling to the hotel.

"The event is tomorrow. Let's see after that."

They arrived to the hotel and separated at the lobby. Julie's room was far from Deniz's. So, Zara felt ease. Zara and Deniz got to their room which was flowery and spacious. Deniz loved it the most since there was a small sauna. And the bed was so comfy too. Hence, Deniz happily jumped into bed as soon as he entered to the room. After having a small break, Zara unpacked the luggage and Deniz went for a shower. She ordered 'Paella Valenciana' dish for their lunch because it was Deniz's favourite. Then she phoned Camillie and had a chat. Camillie was extremely glad about their trip. She prayed her good luck and happiness.

"I'm going to the rehearsals you can rest here." Deniz said after lunch.

"I can come with you." Zara insisted.

"No Zara, you stay here and concentrate on your project. Julie is going with me." Deniz told her and left.

Zara didn't want Julie to accompany him alone but she had nothing to do except waiting for Deniz. She took out her drawing book and completed her last work.

Deniz was in the studio with Julie. They had common friends, Lucas and Mateo there. Both of them welcomed Deniz and Julie cheerfully. Lucas was a singer too. So, Deniz practiced few songs with him.

They sang songs until the day became dark. Deniz realized it and wanted to go to the hotel.

"Lucas, Mateo I'll go now. Zara is in the hotel alone."

"No way Deniz, let's go to our place and grab a drink." Lucas said.

"We met after a long time. You can go after a drink." Mateo also joined with Lucas. Finally, four of them went to the Mateo's place.

When Deniz reached hotel, it was twelve thirty and Zara was in a deep sleep. So, he went to bed without making a sound.

"I'm sorry, I'm late." He murmured to her ear and got tangled in her aroma which was spread around the bed. Even in the dim light, Deniz could see Zara's puerile face. He coddled her silky hair and gently stroked her head.

Deniz attended to the funding event with Zara and Julie. There was a big crowd as usual to meet him there. At the premises, Deniz was welcomed by the Director of the association and accompanied him to the stage. Zara and Julie went to the chamber and sat in the first row with other invitees. The show began after a big applause of the audience. Deniz started with his famous song, 'We date until die….'. It was written by his late grandmother so he always admired it a lot.

'Girl came from heaven..

Turning dark into sunshine..

Lilies blossomed the love..

That I could die in ecstasy....'

Zara was stunned hearing his words. She remembered their first meeting few months ago. But she never imagined he would make it to a song one day. Every word was loving and Deniz's voice made it so romantic. It was like, Deniz's voice kept some magics, audience had become serene. Deniz chanted it while looking at Zara who was lost in her thoughts. Julie was fuming in anger. Even though, Deniz and Zara hadn't realized Julie could easily find their love for each other.

Zara woke up in her dream when she heard claps. She saw Deniz was looking at her. He raised his left eyebrow and winked at Zara. Zara narrowed down her red face bashfully. Deniz laughed seeing her act.

The program ended after two hours and Deniz wanted to reach Zara. He was so impatient to hear Zara's comments for his song. But she avoided him and got closer to Lucas and Mateo.

"Zara, you look great in red." Lucas gave her a compliment. Julie smirked hearing that.

"Thank you. You are very handsome too." Zara praised him when Deniz was around. Deniz tried to reach her but his fans bagged him. Zara discerned his situation and smiled.

They returned back to the hotel after dinner. Both Zara and Deniz looked tired after a long day. Deniz had a shower and then fell into the bed. When Zara came after a bath, he was asleep peacefully. Zara covered him with the blanket and sat on the bed. But Deniz was observing Zara with half-closed eyes. He pulled her towards him and clasped.

"Deniz.." Zara was wondered.

"When you want to say something, you shouldn't hide." Deniz told her.

"It's fabulous. Thank you, I was surprised today." Zara whispered to his ears. "Is that enough or should I say more?"

"Hmm.. better to shut your mouth now, unless I have my own ways." Deniz replied while tickling. "From the beginning, I didn't plan to come here alone, it was you, who misunderstood me."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for yesterday too. I was angry when you left me and went for practices with Julie."

Deniz kissed her eyes dearly. "Let's sleep now. I'm too tired."

"Deniz.." Zara wanted to say more. But Deniz interrupted and kissed her lips.

Julie woke up early and got dressed to go out. She had thoughts of visiting 'Buen Retiro Park'. Every year she went to visit it with Deniz and Esmee since Deniz liked being there.

Julie came to Deniz's room and rang the doorbell. Zara opened the door.

"Deniz" Julie tried to enter calling him. But Zara didn't let her come inside and said, "he's asleep."

"Get away. I have plans with him." Julie pushed away Zara and entered.

"Deniz.. Deniz" She spoke loudly. "Let's go to the park. It's better if we go early."

"Julie, I have a different plan with Zara. You go with Lucas." Deniz said lazily.

"What are you saying Deniz? We go there every year. Even though Esmee is not with us, we can go together." She insisted.

"I don't want to remind the past. I'm sorry I can't go." Deniz told her and went to the bathroom.

Julie was sad and furious, she glared at Zara. "You can't win him over me. Just for a while, enjoy your time. You're not going to be with him forever." She scolded her and left the room.

"I know it better than anyone else. I'm not going to be with him forever." Zara whispered to the air.

Deniz called to Lucas from the bathroom, he asked him to arrange a list of places which were architectural marvels in Spain.

"I'll start with hotel Marques de Riscal." Deniz thought after reading the list.

He asked Zara to get hurried and went down for breakfast. He had ordered, two cups of latte, toast with mild cheese, churros and fried eggs when Zara came down. She liked the table filled with her cravings.

"I love this." She expressed while sitting.

"That's good then. Let's eat soon we have many places to go." Deniz said.

Zara didn't utter a word and devoured the churros with chocolate syrup.

"You should eat like this, when we are alone. I have different ways to wipe." Deniz removed the chocolate on her upper lip.

"Oh sorry." Zara wiped her face too.

After having breakfast, they reached Elciego city which was twenty minutes away from Madrid. Deniz drove their car to the hotel Marques de Riscal making Zara surprised.

"Don't you get down?" After some time, Deniz enquired Zara who had been lost in her thoughts.

"I do" She was staring with open mouth. Deniz enjoyed her fondle face. He was happy to share her experience.

They went into the hotel and spent some time there. Zara clicked some photos of its metal structure. But Deniz captured Zara's graceful face into his camera.

"Why is she cute like this?" he said looking at her photos.

Deniz had a coffee until Zara finished her work.

"If you want, we can spend tonight here. But there are many more places to visit." He suggested Zara.

"What do you prefer?" She was curious to know his favour.

"I need your answer. Then I'll say." Deniz responded.

"I like to stay here tonight. Can we visit other places tomorrow?" Zara apposed from him.

"I prefer that too." He had a meeting to attend but he agreed her after thinking about her joy.

Zara and Deniz walked around the hotel in the whole evening until they got tired. Its interior designs had also given a glorious look to the hotel. The hotel was one of the most innovative designs in Spain which was crafted using metals. Zara drew some sketches while observing that great work.

"One more speciality here." Deniz accompanied Zara to the roof top and showed the view there.

"Thank you Deniz." She said while enjoying the nature. "I learnt a lot today"

Deniz clung to Zara. He didn't need anything except Zara's warmth in that gloomy evening.