Zara didn't feel sleepy. She was extremely happy with the moment she had. While rolling here and there on the bed, she killed the time thinking about their togetherness. But Deniz was in a deep sleep that, even he couldn't feel Zara's movements.

"Deniz. Deniz.. Please get up." Zara patted on his cheeks.

"No way Zara. Why" He said while slumbering.

"I don't feel sleepy. Please get up. Shall we have ice-cream?"

"Ice- Cream?" He wasn't ready to wake up. So, he turned to the other side and started snoring again.

Zara felt bad. She went to the kitchen and took out a tub of strawberry ice-cream then started having them in that cold mid night. She didn't notice that Deniz followed her. When he took her spoon behind, she screamed out of fear.

"Oh Zara! It's me." Deniz consoled her and gave her a warm hug. "You don't want to eat alone, because you're afraid, right? I thought for a moment, because you love me. Fool me." He mocked at her.

"I'm not afraid. You are bad Deniz." She was quite upset.

"Ok Ok. Feed me few spoonfuls." Deniz opened his mouth towards Zara. She fed him until he said enough. Eventually, they finished the whole tub together.

Deniz went to the room before Zara. When Zara returned to him, he had another surprise for her. Deniz gave her few documents.

"What's this Deniz?" She asked before opening it.

"Better to look without asking. Since this belongs to you."

It was the legal document of Deniz's properties. He had transferred half of his asset to Zara's name.

"Don't think you belong to that cheap world hereafter. Since you belong to me, everything that comes with me, are yours." Deniz asserted.

"I'm sorry Deniz. I can't accept such. Of course, I'm yours. But you don't need to show it this way."

"I'm not showing anything. I'm just sharing my world with you. And I have already deleted our marriage agreement. So, hereafter no agreement, no divorce, and you're mine forever." He hugged Zara.

Zara cuddled him. But her mind wasn't ready to accept his wealth along with his love. Furthermore, she loved her old life with her father, although that past was hard. If Deniz needed her to stay away from that, she couldn't leave her old memories behind his wealth. But Zara didn't like to hurt Deniz's feelings either. So, she thought of dealing with that later and continued with her wifely duties.

David and Deon were in China for a business trip. Even Albert had gone to visit his only daughter Molly. So, Camillie and Alina had to stay alone in that big mansion. When Zara got to know about that, she suggested to go there. And Deniz was also happy to spend some time with his beloved mother. After returning from the studio, they packed some of their stuff and departed. Since it was not informed, Camillie was surprised to see them.

"Deniz." She hugged her son dearly and kissed his cheeks. "I badly miss you my baby. You're too busy to forget me now." She complained sadly.

"That's why we're here mom. We'll stay here until weekend." Deniz consoled his mother. She was extremely happy to be with him.

"Let's go inside. I'll prepare everything you like." She proceeded ahead.

Deniz followed his mother like a small kid, leaving Zara alone. He never missed any opportunity to be with Camillie. Best part of his life was his mother's love. Camillie took him to the kitchen and started preparing his favourite snacks. While having a chat about Zara she continued with her cuisines. Deniz had a lot to share with her too. He started from the day they met in the music college and how they go to know about each other. When he spoke about Zara, his eyes were sparkling and shiny. Camillie felt glad to see his radiant smile after a long time.

"Your smile is the best thing I ever got." She said.

"Mom." Deniz got emotional too.

"I missed it the most during past months. Thank you Deniz. Thank you for being such an amazing baby." Camillie kissed his forehead. It was like to satisfy her old days without his presence.

"Alina" Zara visited her room. Alina was writing her web novel when Zara joined her.

"New web novel?"

"Yes Zara. This is my 3rd novel recently. But this will be a unique piece." She described about her work.

"Oh! Sound's interesting." Zara added.

"Isn't it? Even I want it to be the best story."

"Can I read few pages?"

"No way. I'll give you two the first copy when the work is done." Alina evaded from the situation.

"How is the life going Zara? How is my stubborn brother in law?"

"Your brother in law is also a unique piece. Always unpredictable." Zara had a lot to express. So, she started with his surprises.

Alina was so interested to hear their story. Even she stopped writing and continued listening to Zara. Since they met after a very long time, both had a lot share with each other about their husbands. So, their conversation was also a wonderful story to hear. Until they were called for lunch, they were having good vibes.

Deniz was in his beloved room when Camillie called him for the lunch.

"Do you miss your room?" She asked from her son.

"A bit. But now I'm ok mom. I could adjust with my new life."

"Without me?" Camillie was sad. Since Deniz was a child, she was very fond of his mischief.

"No one can replace you mom. But you know, since I live separately, dad and I have lesser arguments. So, that's better for now."

"Hmm.. I know. But if you want, you can come back, dad won't disagree. Furthermore, you've changed for good and he knows that." Camillie said while stroking his head.

"I've changed?" Deniz didn't want to believe that. He always enjoyed his life the way he wanted.

"Because of Zara. I'm happy that she's in your life." Camillie asserted.

But even before she spoke about her, he has started thinking about Zara. Her smile, her lily-fragrance, her endearment all the things were so wonderful for him to cherish alone. Camillie saw his face and could understand his thoughts.

"Zara?" She whispered to his ear.

Zara's phone kept ringing for a while, Deniz got angry seeing Noah's name on the display and answered harshly.

"Zara?" Noah's spoke.

"I'm Deniz. Why did you call?" Deniz asked in a rasping manner.

"Oh Deniz!. Hi. Is Zara busy? I have something to discuss with her. Can you ask her to call me?"

"What's that?"

"It's ok Deniz. I'll call later, bye." He disconnected the line. Deniz got even more angrier with that. He called out Zara who was in the garden with her designing work. Since she had a new project to proceed with Noah, she was a bit busy. She couldn't hear Deniz's voice with the workload she had in her mind.

Noah had helped her to find few projects for Zara to work with. Since Zara had enough time after Julie joined Deniz's management again, she happily allocated her time on those. So, she never felt bored or lonely when Deniz wasn't around.

"Noah called you." Deniz came to Zara.

"Oh! I wanted to call him. But forgot with the work I had."

"Why? What do you have to speak behind my back?" Deniz was curious to know.

"OH god! What's this Deniz? You're again bad mouthing about my friend. It's work-related. He found me few works and I have to submit my rough work tomorrow." She explained to her envious husband.

Deniz didn't say anything and went back. When he entered from the back door, Dalcy was mopping the house. He was about to fall on the wet floor with his hastiness. Zara saw him from far. Even though his way is oppressive, she loved his jealousy act.

'Mr. Jealous." She self-expressed while smiling.

Esmee called Julie to meet her outside. So, Julie went to her farm-house, a bit far away from the city. They had plans to ruin Deniz's marriage as soon as possible since it was getting stronger daily. When Julie reached the place, Esmee was waiting at the gate.

"You're late." She was much upset.

"So sorry darling. Since I was in the Deniz's studio, I couldn't get out easily. Tell me what's matter?"

"Did you find anything new about Noah?"

"Yes, Noah has given some projects to Zara and she's doing them these days. Even she doesn't come to the studio frequently. But Deniz hates Noah for that." Julie proceeded with her talk.

"Then we can use Noah as our scape-goat. Deniz hate liars. Let's make Zara a big liar in his life." Esmee said in anger. Her blue eyes were red and scary.

"What should we do?" Julie didn't have an idea about Esmee's plan.

"I know Noah's company. He works for my uncle. I'll try to woo him and use him against Deniz."

"Isn't it dangerous Esmee? Noah is a businessman, if he will catch you?"

"Esmee is not just a name Julie. It's a brand. I will definitely use Noah against them."

Julie didn't give her opinions further. She knew her friend could go to any extent for Deniz. So, she decided to help her instead arguing over those silly matters.

They waited for the next week since, Esmee was invited as the brand ambassador of her uncle, Augustin Careme's company.

Since that company was another successful multi-billion company in the Europe, the launching ceremony was one of the biggest events in the city as well. Even Arnauds' were invited. But, Camillie had decided not to attend alone without David and Deon. And she knew that Esmee would be there for sure. So, she didn't want to have any more controversies with Esmee's family and asked Lisa to send a flower bouquet behalf of Arnauds'. Apart from Arnauds', all the classy families, celebrities, politicians were present there. And another special person was Grace. Since, she was Augustin Careme's ex-wife she wasn't invited.

Augustin Careme came with his new wife, Lola. Esmee welcomed them and proceeded with them to the stage. Since the event was glamorous, everyone enjoyed the evening. Esmee looked at the premises few times to see Noah's presence.

Finally, Noah arrived the place with Zara. When Julie showed them to Esmee, she was quite confused. Because Zara knew both Julie and Esmee and if she was around Noah, they couldn't get a time to stalk Noah.

"I don't want to stay here anymore. I'll go now." Julie avoided the situation and went to the hotel lobby. But Esmee wasn't ready to accept her defeat easily and waited for a suitable moment to get closer with him.

She reached Noah with Augustin, when Zara went to the washroom.

"Hello Noah! How is the project?" Augustin enquired casually.

"Hello Sir! It's going well. And I hope, we would get it done before this month."

"Ok great then. Here, this is my niece, Esmee. She's going to work with us. So, you must know her better."

Both Esmee and Noah greeted to each other shaking hands and Augustine left them to talk alone and went.

"I've heard about you a lot. Uncle tells, you're a young successful businessman." Noah just smiled without a word.

"I'm still learning things from your uncle. I like to be like him."

"You came with your wife, right? I saw a beautiful lady with you." Esmee entered to her act.

"No. Actually."

"Don't say you don't like her. I can read eyes." Esmee said.

"Did you really read mine?" Noah teased and tried to went away.

But Esmee grabbed his hand and looked into his charming eyes. Noah was a statue for a while.

"I'm sorry." She released his hand and said. "I shouldn't grab you. But I don't like the way you left. Specially, your eyes. They keep so many secrets."

"It's not like that Esmee. Actually, I wanted to go to my friend. I brought her here to make her meet Mr. Augustin."

"Your girlfriend?" She offered him a drink and after sometime he started blabbering like a fool.

"I can't call her my girlfriend now. I lost her. She's married now." Noah said sadly.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine and you'll get what you deserve." Esmee patted his shoulder and left him alone because Zara was reaching.

Since her beginning wasn't too bad, she thought of using him again and again. Even Julie was happy about Esmees's new step to ruin Zara. She also hated Zara for no reason. But poor Zara, she went to Noah who was half-drunk.

"Noah? Did you drink?" She was surprised to see him unconscious.

But Noah couldn't hear her and he was murmuring Zara's name repeatedly. Since Zara didn't know anyone from the party, she didn't find a hand to support her either. Finally, with the help of a steward she took Noah to a hotel room. And that whole incident was captured perfectly by Esmee.

Deniz was performing for the annual musical show when he received the photographs of Zara and Noah. But, since his phone was in the car, he didn't know about the messages. However, without knowing that Esmee was waiting for a quick reply. Even she didn't take out her eyes from the phone's display. Looking at her act, Julie started laughing.

"He's in a show today. Have some patience. I'm sure he hasn't seen them yet."

"No way Julie. I had waited enough. I want to ruin everything before Zara returned back to him. Did you see her leaving? I think, she's still with Noah in the room." Esmee expressed angrily.

"I think, she left. Ok let me call someone from the show."

Julie went to take a call.

Esmee was eagerly waiting for Deniz's call. Even after she went back to her apartment, she waited without sleeping. Once she tried to call him either. But the line was busy. Then, she phoned Julie who was in a deep sleep. After that she started watching some of Deniz's videos with her. It wasn't a short relationship. They had dated for a pretty good time and finally their destiny made them apart. So, while struggling with those memories, while crying for his love she waited for his reply badly.

Deniz returned home after Zara. It was two in time and Zara was waiting for his arrival. When she opened the door before Deniz, he was quite happy. His sparkling eyes were penetrating his love for Zara. She kissed his left cheek and embraced him.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't attend the party." He caressed her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have compelled you to come. Esmee was there. It's good you didn't come."

"Oh! Did you get afraid of her? She can't do anything to you."

"Yes. I get afraid of losing you. I can't share you with anyone." Zara said dearly. Deniz kissed her emotionally. More than that he was having sweet dreams of their future.

In that cold mid-morning, his whole soul was stuck in her sweet love. He couldn't divert his eyes or mind from her even for a while. Zara's passion in her brown eyes and her charming expressions, suddenly made Deniz a scrimpy person. So, without wasting time, he carried her to the bed and crooked under the fluffy blanket.