chapter 15: I found you again and I'm not letting go

[yadara and narimo arrive at the house]

Narimo: god.. I can't get that image out of my head.

[yadara with a blank stare looking at the ground]

Yadara: Can we just go inside already?.

[narimo looks at yadara surprised but knows what he's going through]

Narimo: yeah.. Sure.

[narimo opens the front door]

Yadara: thanks…. I'm going to my room.

Narimo: oh… ok.

[yadara runs to his room tearing up]

Narimo: I hope he doesnt get more depressed.

[yoichi and hatano run to the front door wondering what's going on]

Yoichi: Is everything ok?.. Is anyone hurt?.

Narimo: no.. but.

[narimo starts to tear up]

Hatano: oh.. What's wrong?.

Narimo: It's nothing.. But yadara.

Yoichi: What's wrong with yadara?

Narimo: some man handed yadara a picture of sakai but she was dead.

[yoichi and hatano look at narimo surprised]

Yoichi: Oh god..

Hatano: Oh my god.. I'm so sorry.

[hatano hugs narimo]

Yoichi: Do you think yadara will be fine?.

Narimo: Honestly I don't know.. The whole time of us walking home he had this blank stare and it really concerned me.

Hatano: I'm sure everything will be fine.. Yoichi go try to talk to yadara.

[narimo looks at yoichi and hatano in shock]

Narimo: Is everything going to be ok?.

Hatano: [sigh].. As depressed as yadara is, we don't know if he'll be ok or not.

[narimo begins to tear up]

Narimo: It's all my fault.

[hatano looks at narimo surprised]

Hatano: what?.. No it's not your fault.. It's just there are really bad people in this world that will do anything for attention.

[yoichi arrives at yadaras door]

Yoichi: yadara.. Can you open the door?.

Yadara: why..

Yoichi: I want to talk to you.

Yadara: There's nothing to talk about.

Yoichi: look.. I know you're in pain but we can do this together.

Yadara: There is no together in this.. No family, no friends and definitely no hope.

Yoichi: what?.. Your sister is downstairs crying because she's scared you'll do something you'll regret.

Yadara: I can't help that.

Yoichi: look.. Come downstairs and we'll all talk it out.

Yadara: ok.

[yoichi walks down stairs]

Hatano: Did you talk to him?.

Yoichi: [sigh].. Yeah barely.

Narimo: Is he going to be ok?.

[yoichi hugs narimo]

Yoichi: yes.. If i can help it he'll be fine.

Narimo: ok.

[yadara in his room crying]

Yadara: I could have been there to protect her.

Yadara: why..

Yadara: why would someone do that to her?.

Yadara: she did nothing wrong to anyone.

Yadara: why.. Why was it not me?.

[yadara begins to tie a rope]

Yadara: no one will ever love me the same way she did.

Yadara: I'm worthless.. I was meant to protect her and i didnt.

[yadara punches himself in the face]

Yadara: im worthless.

Yadara: worthless.

Yadara: worthless.

[yadara puts the rope around his neck]

Yadara: well goodbye world.

Voice 1: stop, don't do it!.

[yadara takes the rope off his neck]

Yadara: why?.

Voice 1: because.. You still have those gems.

Yadara: ok and?.

Voice 1: with your imagination you can create your own power.

Yadara: ok.

Voice 1: you can create your power to be her.

Yadara: so i can make sakai come back?.

Voice 1: yes.. You can make her come back but she'll be your power.

Yadara: Will she remember me?.

Voice 1: sadly no but you two can be together again.

Yadara: ok.. I'll trust you this last time.

[yadara eats the gem]

Yadara: ok.. I feel nothing.

Voice 1: you won't but try and use your power.

Yadara: ok.

[yadara uses his new power and sees its sakai]

Yadara: sakai?.

Voice 1: see.. What did I tell you?.

[yadara looks at sakai surprised]

Yadara: Do you remember me?.

Sakai: no.. I'm sorry.

Yadara: [sigh].. It's ok, I'm yadara.

[sakai smiles]

Sakai: im sakai nice to meet you.

Yadara: yeah..

[yadara takes a picture out of his pocket and shows sakai]

Yadara: Do you remember this?.

Sakai: Is that.. Me?.

Yadara: yes.. That's you and me.

[sakai begins to remember who yadara is]

Sakai: my love?.

Yadara: what?.

Sakai: you're my love.

[yadara realises that sakai remembers him]

Yadara: Wait, you remember who i am?.

Sakai: Of course I do.. How would I forget you?.

[yadara hugs sakai]

Yadara: I missed you so much.. I was so broken without you.

Sakai: I missed you too.

Yadara: so.. How are you my power now?.

Sakai: oh.. You want to see what I can do.

[sakai moves her finger and the roof of the house gets cut off and sakai creates a new one]

Yadara: wow.. You're pretty strong now huh?.

Sakai: yeah.. Now I can protect you.

Yadara: yeah.. Wait, do you want to see narimo.

Sakai: sure.

[yadara walks downstairs to show narimo his new power]

Yadara: narimo!.. Look at my new power.

[narimo looks at yadara surprised when he shows her sakai]

Narimo: Is that.. Sakai?.

Yadara: yeah.. I'm so glad to have her back.

[narimo smiles]

Narimo: well.. I'm glad that you're happy again.

Yadara: yeah..

Narimo: So can you keep her out all the time or is it like your other power here you have limited time.

Yadara: I can keep her out all the time.. But I think she's stronger than my red helix power.

Narimo: how?.

Yadara: sakai.. Can you show narimo your power?.

Sakai: sure my love.

[sakai moves her finger and cuts the house in half and creates the house back]

Narimo: god.. That's impressive.

Yadara: i know right.

Narimo: maybe yoichi can train you to control her power better.

Sakai: what do you mean?.

Narimo: you'll need to control your power if not you won't be able to handle it.

Sakai: oh ok.. That's understandable.

Yadara: ok.. Well I'm tired so I'm going to sleep.

Narimo: Ok goodnight.

Yadara: goodnight.

[yadara walks to his room]

chapter 15.5 February 15th