chapter 20: hunter becomes the prey

[beginning of the great inaba war arc]

[inaba destroys the city hall]

Inaba: now.. Phase 2 begins.

[inaba creates a group of monsters]

Inaba: now wreak havoc on this city till every bit of it is destroyed.

[the monsters run in every direction destroying anything they can]

[yadara and narimo see that an evacuation is in effect]

Yoichi: well.. This city is ruined.

[yadara and narimo look at yoichi surprised]

Yadara: What do you mean?.

Yoichi: I mean there's no point in trying to stop him.

Narimo: we have powers, we can stop him.

Yoichi: no.. you two don't need to get involved with inaba.

Yadara: Then where will we go?.

Yoichi: hatano has a place set up on the outskirts of the city.

Yadara: ok but who will stop inaba.

Yoichi: I will.

[yadara and narimo look at yoichi surprised]

Narimo: What do you mean?.

Yoichi: I mean I'm going to stop him once you three get to safety.

[hatano grabs yoichi's shoulder]

Hatano: you're not doing it alone.

Yoichi: you're not getting involved with this either. I don't want anything to happen to you or the kids.

Hatano: No, I'm helping you out either way.. You know it's a suicide mission trying to fight inaba.

Yoichi: at least i'll die saving everyone

[hatano looks at yoichi surprised]

Hatano: what?.

[yoichi smiles]

Hatano: no.. you can't do this to me.. Not now.

[yoichi uses his powers to teleport hatano,yadara and narimo to the outskirts of the city]

[hatano looks around and begins to cry]

Hatano: no.. why now why did he have to leave me now.

[yadara and narimo hug hatano]

Narimo: hey.. Its ok he didn't leave you

Hatano: I don't want him to die.

Yadara: if yoichi says he's as strong as he is then he won't go down without a fight.

[hatano looks at yadara surprised]

Hatano: I guess you're right.. But we need to go back and help him.

[yoichi runs through the rubble of the city trying to find inaba]

Yoichi: Hopefully hatano and the kids are safe.

[one of inaba's monsters sees yoichi and tries to attack]

[yoichi smiles]

Yoichi: oh.. This will be fun.

[yoichi uses his power to blow the monster in half]

Yoichi: Well that wasn't much fun.

[yoichi looks around some more to try and find inaba but has no luck]

Yoichi: where could he be?

[yoichi looks in the distance and sees hatano,yadara and narimo]

Yoichi: what?.. Why are they here? I thought I told them to stay at the outskirts of the city.

[yoichi runs over to hatano]

Yoichi: hatano what are you and the kids doing here?.

Hatano: We came to help.

[yoichi smiles]

Yoichi: [sigh].. As stubborn as ever.

Hatano: hey.. If you're going to try and fight Inaba I'm going to be there with you.

Yoichi: well.. There's no going back now.

Narimo: Well, how do we find inaba?.

Yoichi: I'm not too sure.

Hatano: Do you think he would still be at the city hall?.

Yoichi: Knowing inaba he's had this all planned out.. so he would probably set a trap up at the city hall and hope we take the bait.

Yadara: So don't go anywhere near the city hall?.

Yoichi: right.. No one goes near the city hall.

Yadara and narimo: ok.

Hatano: So where do you think he would be?.

Yoichi: It's Inaba we're talking about, so he would probably be in the fanciest building.

Hatano: the hotel?.

Yoichi: he would probably be there.. But we need teams because we can go to different places alone.

Hatano: right.. I can call some of my coworkers to make some teams if you want.

Yoichi: Yeah, we'll need as much help as we can.

Hatano: ok.

[hatano calls ise]

Ise: hello?.

Hatano: hey is souma at work today?.

Ise: I believe he is, I can transfer you to him.

Hatano: That would be great.

[ise transfers hatano to souma]

Souma: hello?.

Hatano: Hey Souma, I need a few teams for a tactical mission.

Souma: What kind of tactical mission?.

Hatano: [sigh[.. We need to find inaba and take him out.

Souma: oh ok.. I'll get all the divisions out there to help you.

Hatano: Thank you.

Souma: No problem.

[hatano hangs up]

Yoichi: well?.

Hatano: souma is going to get all the divisions out here to help us.

Yadara: So how will we find souma?.

Hatano: each division will search a specific part of the city till inaba reaches the middle which is the city hall.

Yoichi: So we'll use the outskirts to push him into his own trap.

Hatano: exactly.

[after sometime souma and all of the divisions arrive]

Souma: Sorry it took so long.

Hatano: It's fine.. Now we need to set up before we begin the mission.

Souma: understood.

[souma and all of the divisions set up headquarters]

chapter 21 april 15th