chapter 10 education in the Sun federation (work in progress)

the professor Jellybot suddenly seemed to become 'alive' as he said with a mechanical voice "student Daniel Specter, my name is professor Jellybot, take your seat, the test of your current level of knowledge will start now"

normally, if the teacher chosen by a kid is one of the recommended ones, he or she would talk softly and in a manner more suitable to a child, but this was not a gentle professor in any way, and he had no time to waste, but Daniel didn't care, he sat down in front of the school desk and it lit up, on the screen a notification appeared

exam of the knowledge level, respond to any question you can in the shortest time possible

read the sentence: . . .

the question started by examining if he could read and write and then continued with math, history, and every subject existent in the database, obviously, Daniel went well in reading and writing and some basic math but it was pretty much it, he could not know what he didn't even see before, and till now the only books he saw were stories and fairytales

after the test, the robotic professor asked "in which direction do you wish your knowledge to go?" what he intended was which field of study was he interested in, the choice wasn't important at the moment since he had to first go through the basics required to every citizen and could make a more informed choice at a later date

but Daniel said "everything"

the schooling system in the Sun federation was different from what we are used to, there were the basics equal for everybody, and then one would be able to choose what he was interested in. like alchemy, swords, formations, spears, whatever they wanted to, they would be taught the basics and they could then take their diploma that said they had learned the basics to seek apprenticeship under a school or sect

this was highly appreciated by these institutions because the basics were the same for everybody, and they didn't risk having a student who just liked the idea of something but did not like doing it in practice, bringing down the number of dropouts

to make it simpler, elementary, middle, and high schools were one and the same, the 'basics' level, and the citizens used the diploma they got to get directly into a university-like level, so the school wasn't divided into years, it was as long as the student took to learn, or better in most cases dependant on the effort the student was willing to put into studying

so the robotic professor who was programmed with no feelings or opinions, as Daniel asked to learn everything just said "ok, would you like to start your first lesson?"

Daniel said "yes" and professor Jellybot started the lesson, but he was too slow for Daniel's crazy high computing speed, who was already getting bored

soon later Daniel said "can't you go faster"

professor Jellybot said "if you wish you can control the lesson speed with the controls on your screen, but if you fail the test, the lesson will have to be repeated"

soon Daniel found the control and started to make the robotic professor go faster till a normal person would barely understand what the professor was writing and saying, but it wasn't enough yet and he asked if he could follow two lessons at once at the same speed, and because the philosophy was that students should learn from their mistakes, it was indeed possible not only two but 10 if the student wished so, the idea was to make them fail and learn not to bite more than they could chew, but Daniel just thought it was normal and set up 2 lessons at once

three hours later Daniel was already late for lunch, so he was hungry and logged out from virtual reality, and when he opened the chicken egg, the trio was staring at him, and he didn't know why

Vr, soon after Daniel finished avatar selection, Vincent Phoebe and Joseph witnessed the few seconds after he exited the avatar selection, and at that moment they were already shocked

Phoebe asked "what avatar is that?"

Vincent said "I don't know but it's cool" then he entered the avatar selection and when he pointed at Daniel a notification appeared

px55458 it's a copyrighted avatar owned and created by Daniel Specter

do you wish to contact the owner?

Vincent froze and said to the other two "that avatar it's copyrighted and was created by him, that's why he took so long"

Joseph said "now that I know about it makes sense, the hexagons are like the one in his bracer, his hair is like the nanites, the horns are like the creature he liked in that children's book, those are all things he likes, even the clothes are from that comic book, and he used them to make his own avatar"

Phoebe said "now that you said it, I see it too, but I didn't expect him to use the imagination drive"

the trio kept following him and seeing the results of the test, they smiled, after all, at least this was what they expected, but afterward, they saw him choose to learn everything and thought it was too much, the Sun federation it's a high-level civilization, even the basic knowledge they have on every argument it's enough to make most of the student's who chose 2 or 3 subjects despair, but he wanted all of it

then they saw what he did with the speed of the lesson and they were surprised once again when Daniel wasn't happy enough and turned the one lesson in two at once, they could only accept that he was a little monster and just the 'basic' school wouldn't last as long as they originally thought

at this point they just hoped it lasted at least 10 or so years, after all, he choose everything, even at this crazy learning speed this was already an extremely flattering estimation for him

Vincent shook his head and said "this brat wants to give me a heart attack" the couple laughed, and when Daniel was about to logout the three of them logged out too

back to the present, in Daniel's bedroom, Phoebe asked "how was school?"

Daniel responded "it's ok, but the process of learning it's too slow"

the trio immediately started sweating, this brat wanted both the egg, the hen, and the fried chicken, but then they remembered what they saw, and decided it was better to keep their thoughts to themselves

Joseph said "I see but don't concentrate only on school, keeping some time to relax and play it's important"

Vincent added "yes, a good balance it's necessary"

Daniel had a late lunch, and then went back to his room, cracked the egg, and once again entered the virtual academy, the lesson resumed but after a while, Daniel still wanted to go faster, so e added the third lesson and a third prof Jellybot appeared

but this time he was having difficulties following the lesson, he had to make the three professors Jellybot slow down till he could follow again, and overall with a third lesson even if it was at a slower speed he was learning at a faster rate then before

time passed fast with his new schedule Daniel burned every checkpoint, all his exams were passing with perfect scores, but he still thought it was too slow, and wanted to go to school more to finish it faster

the trio soon realized what he was trying to do and forbid him to stay at school more than 8 hours a day, so he could only bask in the sun, Daniel hadn't yet realized how many possibilities for entertainment there were, and he was only focused on school so he could free the nanites and play with them

like this daniel arrived at his second birthday and he once again saw space in the strange room, but once again he mysteriously fell asleep before the formation was activated, and woke up at home, his body had already grown to that of a two years old and he started to notice something strange, his mind was much sharper and the three lessons that were his limit before directly became four

time passed very fast again, Daniel was concentrated on completing school, without knowing he was nowhere near to doing that, he had already assimilated a lot of knowledge and wasn't as clueless anymore, but the real bulk of knowledge where the basics of everything, the sheer amount of 1 of them was incomparable to the things everyone had to know

Daniel's schedule remained more or less the same, but he found out about his grandma's collection and started reading books during his 'tanning' time, integrating his studies, the nanites had finally found something they could do, they were helping him translate the content using dictionaries found in the Sun federation network, at the same time both of them were learning many languages

Daniel also started getting fascinated by scientific subjects he saw in his grandmother book's but they were out of reach, from the school point of view it was useless for cultivators to know such niche knowledge, so it was absent, almost everything was based on the magical spiritual or elemental energy, so the principles were completely incompatible with a pure technology-based system

at the same time, the technology-based knowledge in Sophia's book collection where part of fiction or history of other worlds and civilizations in the known universe, so they were lacking about the principle behind those objects only an explanation of what they looked like and what they did was present for every machinery, spaceship or anything else

like this Daniel became three years old, and once again he saw space but this time he was imagining the spaceships he read off in Sophia's books, sadly like usual he passed out before the formation was activated and he woke up in his bed, having grown again he realized his mind was even sharper than before, as his body grew so did his brain and studying became faster, the next time he went to school he passed from 4 lessons to 5

his life continued like that till one day 6 months later, when something happened on the lakefront

it was a sunny afternoon like always on the lakeshore, Vincent was fishing to make grilled fish at Daniel's request, joseph was making some melodies with a stringed instrument, and Phoebe was reading a war report like it was a novel

when suddenly they felt a tornado of energy that made their souls tremble, had started to force its way inside the dimension, it was so violent that the three of them immediately got up, ready to fight back, but when they noticed the source of the disturbance, they put their guard down while being surprised once again.

in the middle of the energy tornado, where all the energy was converging, Daniel was 'tanning' as usual while reading a book, anyone looking at the two white souls, would realize something was wrong, they were so bright that they could make someone blind, normally before reaching this point, Daniel should have compressed it and breakthrough like aunt Andrea taught him, but he was busy with his studies and completely ignored it, thinking he could do it later

at that moment, instead of exploding and taking his life in the process, the souls started to compress and shrink on their own becoming green, till they went from the size of a melon to a little dark green pea, then suddenly the pea exploded, they weren't shrinking, they were imploding

in a second the pea became the size of a tractor back wheel made of pale green light and then stopped, at this point, the soul energy stopped forcing its way in, and resumed its usual slow speed, but didn't stop going directly to Daniel, rather the energy seemed to converge on him from even further away