chapter 48 50000 feet below the surface (work in progress)

Daniel went back to work during the night, but not on the jellyfilter project, sister chaos was a perfectionist, so she was guiding the creatures using her powerful spiritual sense to catch the last uncatalogued fishes, in the meantime, Daniel who always slept in the morning, started to work on something new

since he had no access to anchor sand or the racer bronze, he started to work on a flying method like the one of the bike shaped vehicle, but instead of a bike, he wanted to make a vehicle that could haul things through the wormhole, and if possible a couple of flight-capable maru's

he spent a few hours on it, but obviously, the thrust necessary was many times higher than with the antigravity, without it, the vehicle was many times heavier, so the dimensions and power of the thrusters and the energy required to power them were also exponentially higher, there was no way to do it without a better energy source or the minerals for antigravity

Daniel was slightly depressed by this new obstacle and thought "everything is made of atoms, and atoms are made of protons neutrons, and electrons, if only I could build the atoms of anchor sand and racer bronze"

but this was only a random thought, he obviously couldn't, the only thing he could do now was ask sister chaos, this planet didn't have what he needed so Daniel wanted to find a way to exchange for it, if she had some, he would not let her give it away for free, after all, she was a friend now and he was educated better than to take things without exchanging for something

so Daniel walked to her and asked "sister chaos do you know these materials" showing her a sample of both extracted from one of the little scouts

sister chaos looked at it and said "yes some of my planets have this stuff, if you need it I can have a pet go fetch some"

Daniel smiled and said "yes but I can't let you give it to me for free again, is there something you need?"

sister chaos said "something I need" while playing with her hair, she was thinking about it but nothing came to mind, she was more than willing to just give it to him, but she also knew from the memories of people she devoured in the past, that friendship was based on equality, so while looking around, her eyes fell on her arm, and thinking of the future family member she said "do you have another itchy? so when the experiment is successful I can give it to her or him"

Daniel smiled and said "no problem, I'll go make you one"

sister chaos thought about it and said "made it identical to this one, but if possible make it so this one controls what the other can do"

Daniel smiled and said "so red and white bracer with parental control, no problem"

Daniel went to make the bracer, and with the loss of 10 more grams, Tickles went back to being just 1kg, after he was done he came back and gave it to her saying "here it is" with a smile

sister chaos said "thanks, my pet should be back in half an hour"

Daniel nodded and said "I have been meaning to ask, but what kind of animals are your pets?"

sister chaos smiled and said "they are not animals, they are monsters created in the blood lake inside my body by the remnants of the creatures I used to cultivate it, they can take many shapes according to their stage, but in general they are just mindless drones that do anything I order them, independently of what level they come out at, the strongest the rabbits are eight-stage, but they still are just mindless drones, I sent one of them to fetch the materials, while the tentafurry I sent to catch seafood are fifth stage"

Daniel was unfazed by the levels, the blood lake, or the monster part and said "interesting, so they are a part of you, but at the same time they are drones, so you are like a queen bee, in nature they are different, but it's a similar connection to the one I have with Tickles"

sister chaos smiled and said "that's a nice way to put it" she was inwardly stunned by how daniel was unperturbed by her aura or what she just said, after all now she knew he wasn't an old monster in disguise, so his reactions were unusual, he even found those things others would describe as macabre interesting, but at the same time she was happy, if he wasn't like this she wouldn't be able to have a normal conversation much less a friend, this was the first time she had a real friend in her long life

soon later a rabbit with red fur, arrived, it transformed into a woman with red hair and eyebrows and she opened her mouth, and a small hill of sand and orange metal fell from it to the ground, it was many times the volume of the rabbit woman, and this was also many times what Daniel had at home, he honestly wasn't expecting this much

as the pet ended up vomiting the materials sister chaos said "is this enough? I can make her fetch more"

Daniel with a shooked expression said "this is much more than enough, this is more than I ever had, I can build an army of maru with all this stuff"

sister chaos smiled and said "I'm glad I could help" before going back to guiding the creatures

Daniel went back to his work, and the first thing he did was add the mesh to the 2 maru's he already had, so they became complete v3 and fixed the small scout from which he took the samples

afterward, Daniel decided to get to work on the project cloud concept now that he was rich in materials, and decided to build it like one of the trains he saw on retak, but obviously, that could fly so that it could pass in the wormhole, and he could add pieces behind if he needed more storage, he got to work on this concept and first of all, he had to think of a shape, but since fitting a square in a circle didn't make much sense he obviously made it cylindrical, with the exception of the bottom to make it land flat

Daniel also wanted to make every section easily attachable and detachable, so if he wanted to use the vehicle to move he wouldn't need to take all the cargo with him, and while working on it he also realized that controls weren't needed with Tickles around, and without controls, no one but him and Tickles could drive it

he started to get excited while pitching ideas with Tickles and the final result was that each section will be able to separate into identical cylindrical vehicles, so if he encountered any problem he could separate them and sacrifice an empty section to escape, or use a dozen of them to fight like a flock of warplanes

while in train form, he would be able to walk through them so he could have quarters, small labs, and storage, basically at the front and the end there will be a door, except the first one that will be another layer of bait, a bigger and empty section with a different layout, to make it look like the locomotive, while daniel was safe in another section

when he finished putting together the concept Daniel realized that he had many missing parts to invent and other problems, first of all, the docking mechanism, and good materials for the hull, he could use the same as the maru's, but the result would be thick, really thick, he would also need a ton of resources to build them when the blueprint was ready

and if possible he wanted a better shield than the 2 he had now, namely the inertial shield installed in the F.A.S.S.A v4 or better the fluffy spacesuit, the scout and the maru's, and the low-energy starship shield he found in Sophia's books

after brainstorming with Tickles for half an hour, he concluded that the resources problem could be solved easily, he could make the maru fly to take big ships or other big abandoned vehicles, and bring them back here to be recycled by Tickles

other more precious resources could be procured by using the locals with another manipulation or by taking them personally from wherever they are, after all, he was giving them a chance of survival sure they won't mind if he took a few materials

but the docking system and the shielding, needed Daniel's undivided attention, so for now he could make Tickles build another 4 M.A.R.U v3 to accumulate resources, after they finished making the purifying jellyfish with sister chaos, he could get to work on this while he waited for the wormhole ability to charge

with the future moves decided, Daniel gave the orders to the maru's he had to go fish shipwrecks out of the sea, and to tickles to get to building, while he was working on a docking system for the new project cloudtrain, and waiting for sister chaos to catch the last few strugglers in the sea so they could get back to work on the purifying jellyfish with all the data about the sea

in the morning he had made a few small steps forward, but it was also time to recharge his biological batteries, so he called it in and went to the roof of the squatter lab, and with his armor in deckchair mode, he soon fell asleep in the sun like usual

in the meantime, sister chaos kept guiding her creatures to hunt the seven lifeforms in the sea that were still eluding capture, but one, in particular, was trying to create problems

in the deepest part of the sea 50000 feet down a giant squid was fighting with 3 of sister chaos tentafurry, this titanic squid could easily fill an Olympic size pool with its giant body, but this wasn't a normal creature, it was a third stage spiritual beast, with a powerful body, and crazy regeneration, high enough to momentarily resist against the fifth stage pets who were going easy on it to make sure they didn't kill it

there was a really small amount of spiritual energy on retak, so the locals never noticed anything and never developed special abilities, but this creature was lucky, it started to flee into the abyss, and the pressure that should have killed it, together with the prospect of death by the fish pursuing it, made it unconsciously absorb some energy, it's body started to change and in the years the deeper it went, the more concentrated the unused spiritual energy accumulated through the years became, till it reached the deepest point in the retakian sea, seeing that the energy stalled, the animal who had now acquired intelligence started to dig because it wanted more concentrated energy

and this brings him here today 50000 feet below the surface, fighting with sister chaos creatures, but this squid was smart, he knew he couldn't win, so he tried to convey his submission to these creatures, but they didn't understand anything, they only knew their orders were to bring it back alive and so they did, after grabbing it, they started hauling it back to the lab

when Daniel woke up a supple pointed cone was towering over the lab, while he still laid on the armor in deckchair mode, on the roof

he had a few questions, but he calmly got up and walked down, he soon found sister chaos who was cooking something, and said "good morning sister chaos, what is that thing outside?"

sister chaos smiled at him and said "good morning, that is the creature that lives in the deepest part of the sea"

Daniel nodded and said, "won't it die out of water?"

sister chaos kept stirring the pot and said "it won't, it's a third stage spiritual animal it will be able to survive for a while" and brought the pot in front of Daniel to pour some mushroom and vegetable rice

Daniel smelled the aroma and said "sister chaos food always smells amazing, did you catch the other missing specimens too?" and started to eat

sister chaos smiled and said "they are in those live wells things, I was waiting for you to continue" and also started eating

Daniel finished chewing and after swallowing said "it tastes amazing like usual, should we go back to project jellyfilter?"