In School

"That's it, Jia! Don't make a fuss so early in the morning! You go first, okay! Let father punish your younger brother first!"

Mr. Kim Jae patted his daughter's head.

"Oh yeah, you have breakfast first!"

Jia nodded, then walked towards the stairs. Uh? When she crossed paths with Jeje, Jia still had the opportunity to kick her brother, Jeje's shin.

Apparently, this is an ordeal in the morning for Jeje.

After Mr. Kim Jae felt that his eldest son had drifted away, now it was his turn to encourage his youngest son who was very cute. So cute, Mr. Kim Jae gave him the strange nickname 'Little Mouse'.

Mr. Kim Jaelani hugged Jeje's shoulder.

"What was it like, Son?" asked Mr. Kim Jae in a gentle tone.

"That's it, Dad. Sister Jia looked for the CD and accused me of taking it. I swear to the magic shell, I didn't take it, Dad." Jeje said while holding up two index and middle fingers.

"Huh? Compact Disk you mean?"

"I don't know, it's not clear," Jeje answered reluctantly.

"Oh... that's right. Well, let's have breakfast first! Later, let my father take you to school, I suspect that Jia still has a grudge against you, Son." Mr. Kim Jae spoke.


At the dinner table an awkward atmosphere still enveloped them. Mr. Kim Jae looked at his two children in turn.


It was the sound of Mr. Jae's sigh.

"I'll buy you a new CD later, Jia. Make up first with your sister!" said Mr. Jae while pulling Jia's hand telling him to shake hands with Jeje.

"Jeje first has to apologize, Father!" snapped Jia. It's just like a fierce stepmother.

Jeje actually didn't want to extend his hand and apologize. He felt the wronged party here.

"Why does Jeje have to apologize, huh?! Who pushed and kicked who was that?!"

Jeje threw his meatball sauce right into his brother's face.


Jeje threw all the plates on the table in all directions.


The sound of a table slamming.


Jia's voice almost made Mr. Jae and Jeje's eardrums burst.

Jesse took a deep breath. Unfortunately his anger was only in Jeje's imagination

"Sorry, Sis? Jeje is willing to do anything to get forgiveness from sister." Jeje aka Jangjun said

Jia displays her triumphant smile.

"Now the punishment for Jia is that Jia does not get transportation money for one week."

Mr. Jae said casually while drinking coffee.

"WHAT??! WHY IS THAT, FATHER?!" Jia protested. He thought that his father had defended him from the start. Turns out, it was Jia who was punished.

"Oh yes, my old bicycle is in the warehouse. Jia can use it temporarily," said Mr. Jae again, ignoring Jia's protests. This time there was no apology for the daughter.

Jia's hands clenched tightly. Her sharp gaze shone right at her brother. Jeje only responded with a lopsided smile and sticking out his tongue.


In the warehouse behind the Kim residence.

With difficulty, Jia took out Mr. Jae's bicycle first.

Jia flinched at the appearance of the bike. This is indeed an ordinary mini bike, but the decoration is really unusual.


Jia's voice stuttered when she saw the appearance of her father's bicycle.

A blue mini bike with a sticker full of the Korean animated character, Pororo.

Combined with additional parts shaped like wings on the right and left side of the bike. There is also a headdress resembling a Robocar Poli on the front of the steering wheel.

At that moment Jia did not want to know about her father's past.


Hwarang Senior High School

The latest Ferrari car stopped right in front of the gates of the Hwarang High School, a high school founded by South Korea in Indonesia.

Nana, Shikasuke and Shinosuke got out of the luxury car.

"Hime-chan, study hard, huh!" exclaimed Kyosuke who was behind the wheel. He is the eldest brother of the Takahashi brothers.

*Hime = princess

*Aniki = older brother

"We'll be picked up later, right, Aniki?" asked the twins Shikasuke and Shinosuke, almost simultaneously. They are also students at Hwarang High School but are in 2nd grade. Jia's friend is automatic.

Kyosuke nodded. A moment later his car had sped away from the elite Hwarang High School.

Nana walked hand in hand with Shinosuke. They parted ways while in front of Nana's class, class 10-F. Same class as Jeje.

"JEJE~!" Nana's voice was limp. Nana walks using the slow motion mode effect as well.


If only this was a Bollywood film, you might have heard the sound of violin scraping and drum beating.

Jeje, who was busy eating his snack, was shocked and choked.


The crumbs of the snack from Jeje's mouth splattered right into Nana's pretty face.

Nana hit Jeje's head viciously.

"NOTE, RATS!!" Nana snapped.

"Sorry! Why did you startle me, Nana?!" Jeje said unclearly because his mouth was full of food

"Surprising what? I've been here all along, Jeje!" shouted Nana.

Once again Nana hit Jeje on the back of the head.

It seems that not only at home, even at school, bad luck always surrounds Jeje.

Unfortunately the fate of Mr. Jae's son on this one.

To be continued....