
In December, it rains more heavily because this is the rainy season. Jakarta is now filled with puddles of water on several sides of the potholes.

However, such a pothole will not hinder the determination of a Takahashi Kyosuke to follow the road to the Tebet area.

Kyo stops right in front of the market with a building that says "Private Piano and Violin"

"Fifteen minutes late!" cried a girl as she closed her car door, Kyo just got out of the car. However, he was greeted by the lips of the girl who was a few steps away from him.

Remember about goals?

Yes, this was Kyosuke's goal. Picked up his youngest sister. Nana takes music lessons here. From two to four in the afternoon. Just today. Even though it's the first day, but on this first day Nana has experienced a lot of events.

"Gomen imouto, the streets are chaotic." Kyosuke said flatly. He still had time to ruffle his sister's long, slightly wet mane. Maybe it was splashed by rain because Nana was waiting for an invite in front of this building.

*gomen = sorry

*Imouto = sister (pr)

Nana tightened her thick purple jacket, she shivered.

"Hime's cold, huh? Come on in quickly!" Kyosuke opened the door of his red Ferrari for his little sister. Kyosuke quite understands his little sister's spoiled nature. Besides being very young, Nana is the only girl in their family.

*Hime = Princess

"Papa is never late to pick Hime up, wherever. In fact, papa always comes early," Nana sulked, turning her face to face the other way.

"Aniki apologizes huh? Sorry, huh?" Kyosuke coaxed.?" Kyosuke persuaded.

* Aniki = brother (lk)

Kyosuke handed the white coffee mongoose that he had just bought from the Turkish shop on the street earlier for his sister. Coffee, in which Lee Min Ho became a commercial star for marketing in South Korea. Indonesian coffee. Mongoose.

Kyosuke knew very well, coffee was his little sister's weakness. Bribes other than a cup of hot chocolate. Ah, it's easier to get coffee, Kyosuke thought.

"Arigatou," said Nana. Thank you sincerely.

*Arigatou = thank you

Kyosuke nodded. lThen, he sped his car down the still snowy road to their residence.

It's not been a pleasant afternoon for Nana. Because again, on the first day of tutoring, she got an extraordinary surprise. Jeje, the son of Babe Jae, also took lessons there. Nana never thought before. In fact, all this time, Nana thought that Jeje had never been interested in music. This coincidence was too sudden. Nana thought.

"Can you tell your anxiety about this aniki of yours?" open Kyosuke.

"I don't want any more lessons. I just want a vacation!" snorted Nana. She looks so pissed off right now. Her hands crossed with pouted lips. Nana turned away and now looked out the car window.

Kyosuke smiled, he would take his younger brother, Shino and Shika, to the country where Homo mojokertensis fossils were found, namely in the Brantas River valley, Jombang Regency.

To be continued ....