Daddy And Son

Today was as tiring for Jeje as the previous days. But, today at least he doesn't need to go to school because it's a holiday. For 4 months after being born, Ryushin stayed in the hospital and Takahashi covered all the expenses. Ryushin just got out of the hospital a few months ago. And that's when Jeje's suffering began.

 When he entered school yesterday, Jeje left his baby at a daycare center near his rented house. Jeje admitted that he and his sister had been dumped by their parents because of economic problems.

 Jeje was forced to admit to the neighbors that Ryushin was his younger brother, so as not to make a scene. People can be ostracized if Jeje, a student, admits that Ryushin is his son. He must have immediately received the nickname 'How can a child have a child'. Especially gossip from local residents, who often gossip around this area.