Sister's Attention

 Jia just nodded, just believe in her brother's innocent reasoning. Jia handed the big red crackle to her brother.

 "I brought diapers, milk and porridge, Je. This will be enough for the next week." Jia said.

 Jeje immediately hugged his sister and cried. His older sister, whom he thought was his stepsister, but in fact the older sister, was the one who had the most merit for Jeje at this time. He didn't expect that Jia, who was usually rude to him, was now the one who cared the most about him at this time.

 Jia smiles seeing her brother crying on her shoulder. It turned out that, even though he had become a father, her younger brother was still as childish as ever. Jeje always cry when he feel touched. Yes, like now.

 Jia didn't speak. She just patted her little brother's back.