Sugar Daddy

 "I'm currently in 3rd grade at Horikoshi Gakuen, Oppa. Yamada-kun and I are in the same class, we majored in language."

 "I've returned to South Korea the day after tomorrow. If you are on vacation, visit us to Seoul," said Kim Jae, friendly.

 Indeed, since 6 months ago, Kim Jae has always followed his in-laws wherever he went. From Japan, South Korea, China and other big countries. So, Kim Jae very rarely returns to Indonesia. In the last 6 months alone, Kim Jae only came home once. That was just to see his daughter graduated at that time.

 Kim Jae has vowed that he only has one daughter, namely Kim Jia. He had completely crossed out Kim Jeje's name from his family card. And forever, Jeje is no longer a part of Kim. Although Jeje still insists on using the name Kim that accompanies his name.