Aunty Attention

 Jia grabbed it quickly and changed her nephew's clothes which were dirty with vomit. Don't forget that Jia has asked for eucalyptus oil and powder all over Ryushin's body to keep him warm.

 After that, Jia wrapped Ryushin's body with a baby blanket and handed Ryushin's baby to Jeje.

 "Let's just take Ryushin to the health center, Je! To make it clearer why Ryushin is vomiting and doesn't want to drink like he is now." Jia says

 Jesse nodded in agreement. He grabbed a finger from Ryushin's pile of clothes earlier.

 "Sis, help Jeje carry Ryushin!" Jeje asked, because he couldn't drive. Besides, Jeje doesn't have SIM C yet.

(( SIM C is proof of the legitimacy of the driver's competence to drive a two-wheeled vehicle or motorcycle. According to the Regulation of the Indonesian National Police Number 5 of 2021 concerning Issuance and Marking of Driving Permits, there are three classes of SIM C. ))