
 "Why would I look down on your brother, Dear?"

 "Perhaps. Maybe Aunt Mina is disgusted by my stupid little brother, who made a child at such an immature age."

 "We can't punish someone for his past mistakes, Jia. Most importantly, your brother wants to take responsibility. That could be the punishment he receives in this world for his past actions." Aunt Mina spoke wisely.

 "And after this, I will take more care of Ryushin and Ujang, Jia. So if you're not here, don't worry about your brother and niece!" continued Aunt Mina.

 "Thank you, Auntie!" Jia exclaimed as she hugged the woman.

 Unbeknownst to them, Jeje heard their conversation from inside the room. Jeje sheds tears because he won't be alone in taking care of Ryushin. There are many people who love Ryushin.

 Jeje looked at his son who was fast asleep, although Ryushin's sobs were heard several times.