End of Love Story

At Icheon Harbor. Detective Kang Rae Ah and the team as well as Takeru have arrived. There were also dozens of patrolling police and their sniffer dogs.

"The witness admitted that he is currently in a dark room. It is possible that he was ambushed by the demon in one of the containers or maybe in one of the ships." Detective Moo Tae Gu spoke to his comrades.

"Kami-sama!! These containers number in the hundreds or even thousands, Chief," said one of his colleagues.

"If you don't want to, just go back to your mother's lap, Hoobae!" snapped Detective Moo Tae Gu at one of his juniors.

"We will look for the demon in every corner of this harbor," added Detective Moo Tae Gu.

"All right, Chairman Moo," everyone shouted. They finally split up.

Takeru, who doesn't know what to do, finally decides to follow Detective Kang Rae Ah. It seems, Takeru is still obsessed with snatching Rae Ah from his twin sister's hands. However, it seems that it is not easy.