Unique Neighbor

 After a few months, Tae Joon's men meet Rae Ah who is doing her studies. Rae Ah doesn't want to regret a second time, so she begs the messenger to take Rae Ah over to Tae Joon's place.

 Where are they now? Then the answer is in Bandung, Indonesia. According to Kim Jae's promise, he also took part in defrauding the authorities who would arrest Tae Joon and fake his death, along with Rae Ah's fake death, which only certain people knew about him.

 With the power of Lee and Kim, they carry out the big conspiracy. Not suprisingly. They work together. Previously, Kim also worked with McNally to eliminate the Takahashi.

 The life of the rich, indeed very complicated.

 This morning, Rae Ah is on the balcony of the room. He is also an Indonesian citizen at this time. Rae Ah's eyes focus on her neighbor who lives in a small house, next to her big one. Rae Ah knows that the rented house is inhabited by a teenage boy and his 5-year-old sister.