Midnight brew 2

"Take for example, the young knight, Terrano was it? He can use affinity with earth, even though he is a knight of Verbena and had sworn loyalty to the king." The woman had explained.

Aliester's eyes widened. 'How did she know about Terrano?'

Zarame, who had been quiet for a while, said.

[Answer: This witch's ability is something akin to clairvoyance. She could see glimpses from past and future. It is being amplified by that crystal ball, which shows her necessary information about the client.]

'her ability is somehow frightening. If her husband cheats on her, she would definitely know.' Aliester mentally commented before returning his focus on the woman.

Caramel added. "His abilities should have been sealed due to the curse. But he had pledged to the Duke of Alcove when he helped you escape, in return, he had unsealed a bit of his affinity."

Aliester thought for a while. "If what you said is true, then, I have to swear loyalty to a master?"

The woman sighed. "Since, you are a duke's son, the loophole will only work if you pledge to someone higher than your standing."

"That would only be the grand duke or the king or queen. But the Verbenian king and queen are…" Aliester groaned with frustration.

"Yes, and that is why it is treason." The woman looked at him with sympathy. "you have to serve a different master."

Aliester was a bit conflicted. He knew that he was not the real one but because of the predecessor's memories, he could not rashly make such betrayal.

The original Aliester has Verbenian royal blood flowing in his veins, so he could not simply discard Verbena and become loyal to another kingdom.

Caramel suggested. "Marjoram is near this place. You can serve the royalty there. Azalea may also be an option."

While he was contemplating, Zarame butted in. [What are you so anxious about? Some of your skills had already been unsealed by Raiha. You don't really need to go all out and pledge loyalty to another person.]

With Zarame's interference, Aliester hesitantly, made up his mind. "I am sorry but I cannot rashly decide on that." He politely declined.

'Well, I can still use some of my skills. Thanks to Raiha's blessing. I will just have to reserve this as last resort.' Aliester thought.

"I understand." She smiled.

"Now, for my main mission." He started. "Do you have any spell that could allow a person to cross to different realms?"

Caramel frowned. "Travelling to other realms is considered as taboo. It will entail some sacrifice and there would be a lot of repercussions."

The young lord shoulder sagged, but then Caramel added. "You are in luck, since we have a spell like that in our coven."

Aliester's eyes lit up. "Then…"

But Caramel's expression made him back down. "Accessing such spell is forbidden. But this mission is given by a guardian… so…" she muttered to herself.

The woman's brows furrowed, but she finally revealed. "I am not sure if she will share it to you. The spell you are seeking is part of a grimoire which belonged to the Hallows."

Zarame then chimed in. [The Hallows is one of the strongest Caster family in Marjoram since ancient times. They have supported Marjoram's royal family for generations.]

'That meant that the Hallows are quite influential.' the young lord thought.

His reverie was cut off when Caramel's crystal shone and revealed a young woman with dark hair and clad in black robes. "This generation's family head is Holly Hallows. She had assumed the position just a few years ago."

"Where can I meet her?" Aliester asked. He could not see her face clearly but the crest on her robe was quite memorable.

"She lives at the center of Nightshade's Grove. You must bear in mind that only casters can enter her dwelling place." She informed.

But as an afterthought, she added. "but you are not from this realm, the rules may not apply to you."

Aliester was a bit puzzled. "Which means?"

"You may be able to bypass the process and meet with her." she smiled as if in encouragement.


"If fate works in your favor, it will lead you to her." She cryptically answered.

Aliester was dumbfounded.

"Now, for the payment dear sir." She rubbed her hands together.

Aliester sweated and took a bag of coins from his dimensional pocket, which he had finally gotten limited access to. "I only have a few gold coins with me."

The witch shook her head. "No…no… I don't need money in this business. I can earn money in the bar."

Aliester was even more confused. "If not money, then how can I pay you."

"I deal with information, whether the client would keep it as secret to take to the grave or revealing it to the world, it is their choice. Information comes with a price. We, witches, valued the equivalent exchange policy, after all, and money does not simply cut it."

"So, what do you want as payment?" he asked.

"It was information you had wanted, then in exchange I also wanted information." She smiled her businesslike smile. "An information from your realm. You got some interesting things you can share to me?"

Aliester does not know what to give in exchange so he tried to reason out. "Magic does not exist in my realm. I may not give you anything related to mage craft."

The woman did not back down. "Oh… I am not aiming for mage craft. In case you do not know, I am more of a potion master. I am more interested in mixing drinks and imbuing them with magic than actual incantations and magical formula."

Aliester gave up. "Please get straight to the point."

"I want you to give me recipes of interesting mixes from the other realm. It does not necessarily have to be magic potion." The woman said while her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Since Aliester did not react. Caramel shared "My great grandmother Mrs. Caressa Caraway had founded this place. It was just a simply cafe with enchanted drinks and it had been several centuries that the mixes had not been upgraded."

"I want something new that would get the patrons' interest. Ironically, Midnight Brew is a café but the coffee beverages are not that popular. It became a bar since most of the patrons now prefer to visit at night and have alcoholic beverages than the usual brew." she sadly imparted.

"New flavors for food and beverages would be welcomed." she said while giving him a begging look.

Alister thought for a few moments. When they traveled to Nightshades, he had seen coffee trees abounding the forest.

From his predecessor's memories coffee is not that well received due to its bitterness. Most people only drink it black so that they can stay awake.

Aris Hausen liked coffee more than tea. He used to drink a lot when he stayed up to play RPG's. So, he might be able to use his knowledge about his favorite beverage.

"How do you prepare coffee?" he asked the witch.

"The usual hot black coffee, frappe and affogato." She answered.

Thus, Aliester share several recipes ranging from coffee based cold brew, to coffee-based cocktails.

The coffee recipes and shared by the young lord would be a story for another time.