The Grimoire of Time, Space and Realms

Aliester was not really sure if it is going to work. But still he tried to think of the needed grimoire to travel across realms. At first nothing happened.

"Try harder. Concentrate." Hallows instructed.

At his second try, one of the shelves moved and a thick black book with lock floated out of the shelf. The chains extended as the tome floated towards them.

"There it is… but of course, the Grimoire of Time, Space and Realms." Hallows muttered

When Aliester got hold of the book, he felt its pulse. It seemed to have a life of its own. The ornate designs moved as if the gears are unlocking the key and the book opened itself to a specific page.

"This is empty." He could not help but say upon finding the revealed blank pages.

"It will reveal what you seek in time." Came Holly's advice.

Aliester closed his eyes and thought of how he could go to other realms, Fahren in particular. Although it took a long time, he did not give up.

"You pass the third test. Determination." Holly smiled while eyeing the tome. She then left Aliester and went to one corner of the archives.

Aliester opened his eyes and focused on the book. From the blank pages, inkblots appeared and then they formed the words.

He read the spell but since it was a bit intricate. He could not memorize it.

[Notice: would you like a copy of the spell and the deciphering of the magical circle?] Zarame asked.


[Alright, but this may take a while.]

It took some time for him to read and understand some parts of the spell. Since it was an elaborate thaumathurgy, Zarame could only give him some of the initial conditions needed for the spell.

[Information: There are things you will be needing for the spell. One which is the most crucial would be the sacrifice. If transporting to another realm, there should be an equivalent sacrifice to connect the realms and open up the realm's gate. Souls should be offered up to the gatekeeper as part of the bargain.]

"so the first one is soul." Aliester murmured. "this would be a bit harder than I thought."

[information 2: you would need some items for the spell to work. A black candle to travel in the speed of light. A special chalk to draw a door that should connect to other realms and a special entry pass from the gatekeeper.]

'I have seen the black candle from Holly but I do not know about the chalk.' He mused.

He took a glance at the witch who had busied herself making tea on one corner of the archives.

'the special entry pass must have been the sacrificial souls.' Aliester massaged his aching temples. 'I do not like the idea of sacrificing other people, but this is a necessary ingredient.'

[Keep in mind: You need a first class caster for this spell to work properly.]

'first class caster? What does that mean?' he asked.

[first class casters are casters who are adept in magecraft and thaumathurgy. They are masters of the magecraft of the highest caliber. You can ask a wizard with mana level five or above for this task. A witch such as Holly will also suffice.]

'I can try recruiting Holly but I doubt if she will be willing to accompany me in this journey.' He looked at the witch who was taking a sip of tea and had been reading another tome in a couch.

[Additional information: Since this involve spatial travel, the spell may not work in enclosed areas. Also blood should be used as catalyst if you want a specific point to open in the other realm.]

Aliester had a headache after he received the data he needed.

"Are you done, young duke of Alcove?" Holly asked while making his way towards him.

"yes I have gotten the information I needed." He replied. "thank you very much!"

He hesitated for awhile before opening his mouth. "Miss Hallows, I seemed to need a caster for this spell. Would you-"

He did not get to finish what he was about to say. Holly had outright rejected him. "I am sorry but I have to refuse. I cannot cast the spells from any of the tomes here."


"Our ancestors have made the succeeding generations vow to protect this archives and not allow any of their kin to cast the forbidden spells." Holly explained. "The casters of Hallows coven would not be able to use any of these tomes. We are only here as their keepers."

Aliester looked dejected at that information, so Holly had given him a little bit of encouragement.

"But I have a received a vision, not far from the future. You will be reunited with someone in Verbena's court. He is a wizard that you can trust. He may be able to use the spell."

"I can give you a copy of that spell, though it is forbidden. I knew that the guardian will not order you to, unless it is necessary." Holly said as she took a parchment.

"Thank y-"

"Don't thank me yet. We need to have an equivalent exchange for this, you know." Somehow, Holly's grin gave Aliester chills.

'I kinda have a bad feeling for this.' He thought, but he braced himself for he was aware that the information he had acquired is quite valuable.

"Young duke of Alcove, please make sure that the spell should never fall into the enemies' hands." She warned.

When Aliester nodded, she recited an inaudible spell and the words flew from the grimoire were copied on the parchment.

'Is this a version of photocopy in this realm?' he thought as he read the same words from the tome which had been replicated in the parchment.

She then gave the copy to the young lord. "this spell could upset the balance between realms so please use it with care and never allow the wrong people to have it."

[notice: copy of the spell from the grimoire acquired. Mission complete.]

Aliester swore and hid the spell in his inventory. "I will make sure that this spell will not be taken by the wrong sort, even it will cost me my life."

Holly then took a black candle from one of the drawers and lighted it. The pentagram glowed and the transportation spell that would take them back to the Hallows library was activated.

When the light ebbes, they have found themselves in the library.

"uhmm, Miss Hallows, can I purchase one of those black candle?" he asked.

Holly was a bit surprised. "These are not for sale my lord." She awkwardly said.

"Where can I get those black candles?" he queried.

"All over Hemlock." She answered. "Travelling by light is one of the fastest and safest way of transportation. Hence, the Ebony candle is famous in Marjoram and you can it mostly in every kiosk in Hemlock."

"But why do you need this?" she asked.

"It is one of the requirements for the spell." He answered.

"How odd." she muttered. "You cannot use that candle to travel to other realms. You have to order a special one that can transcend space."

She then suggested. "You can ask the Caraways for one. Caramel's younger sister makes some of the best ebony candle in Hemlock. She may be able to craft one for you."

After that, Aliester tried to talk about the equivalent exchange for the spell but their attention was caught by the mirror.

"What is wrong?" he asked as he eyed the mirror warily. It was glowing in almost rainbow like fashion.

"Someone is making a call." She simply answered.

When Holly drew near the mirror. The glowing reflection was replaced by a static. When it stabilized, the familiar caramel haired witch appeared with Midnight Brew counter as her background.

"Hello Mademoiselle Hallows! How are things at your end?" Caramel asked cheerfully.

"You won. He had succeeded." Holly said while pouting.

"I knew it!" Caramel giggled.

Aliester gasped at the witches with wide eyes. Disbelief was written on his face. "You placed a bet on me?"

"Don't mind the minor details young duke." Holly smiled awkwardly before turning towards Caramel and changing the topic. "Of course, it will work, you gave him the cloak and dagger. Which reminds me, isn't that dagger your family heirloom?"

"Caramel giggled before answering. "It was a copy. My younger sister had a knack for copying items these days and tried to craft the nullifying dagger from the Great Mage Zeke. I cannot give away our family heirloom, you know."

"So, why did you call?" Holly asked.

"I have news for you. Bad news and the other one good." Caramel turned a bit serious this time. "Which one you want first?"