Back to Hemlock

Aliester felt a little dizzy after they have transported back to Hemlock.

After accepting the mission from King Lennox, he was reassured that Marjoram would convene with the other members of the Enclave for their future plans to reclaim Verbena.

So, the young lord came back to Hemlock for his other mission.

"How are you related to the king?" Aliester broke the silence while they were on their way to the center. He was quite curious since the King and Minister acted a bit informally with Holly.

"He is my uncle." Holly replied. "My mother is his older sister."

"Your mom is the first princess?" Aliester was a bit surprised to learn that technically speaking, Holly is closely related to the royal family.

"Yes, but she chose not to succeed the throne. She had decided to be married in to the Hallows and became part of the coven."

[information: In Marjoram, females can become rulers.] Zarame suddenly butt in. [There is a law that royals who possess a lot of caster's circuit and excel in magecraft can give up their rights to the throne and serve as the next head of the Hallows Coven.]

'Thanks for the background, Zarame.' Aliester murmured. 'but please could you not suddenly butt in on our conversation without any warning? You almost give me a heart attack.'

[As you wish.]

"Young lord, I forgot to remind you, but you need to be wary of some casters." Holly warned. "There are some who might have given some information away."

"Thanks for the warning!" he gratefully said and bid her goodbye. Holly had to separate ways with him due to an errand from the king.

He entered Midnight Brew and directly went to counter and talked to Caramel. It was three in the afternoon, so there was not much patron in the bar.

"Can I have the earth apples?" he asked as he took his seat.

"Oh, you're finally back!" Caramel exclaimed upon seeing him.

"Your companions were a bit worried since you have been gone for a few days." She continued as she prepared him his drink.

Aliester knew that Ertz and the knights might have been worried. So after this, he would definitely check on them.

"Caramel, do you happen to have a transportation chalk and ebony candle?" he inquired.

"You do know that this is a bar, right?"

"I know, but Holly mentioned that you might know someone who might have." The young lord took a sip on his drink.

Caramel sighed. "All right."

She asked one of the three helpers in Midnight Brew to take over in the counter before she undid her apron.

"Follow me." Caramel motioned with her head. "It is a good thing that you came this afternoon. We still have time before the bar gets jampacked."

The two navigated through the alleys and head to a small hut at the edge of Hemlock.

"I have to warn you, my younger sister is normally weird in a good way. So, I hope you won't be offended." Caramel said while opening the door and guiding him in.

Aliester was a bit perplexed with the state of the house. It was mostly filled with a lot of tools scattered around.

"Be careful with the things scattered here. Those are mostly enchanted so please don't step on them carelessly." She cautioned as she avoided the litter and tiptoed her way towards a door.

"Candice! Can I have a moment?" she knocked on the door.

It took several more knocks before a rather sleepy looking girl with unkempt caramel colored hair answered.

"What?" Candice yawned while trying to keep her eyes from opening. The girl looked like a younger version of Caramel except for the huge eyebags and untidy look.

"Did you pull out an all-nighter again?" Caramel asked while clapping her hands. Several items moved and put themselves in their proper places. The place looked a bit tidier than earlier.

"Yes. I only got to sleep for an hour before you woke me up." Candice leaned on the door frame. Her eyes drooped.

"I told you to at least sleep for a few hours. You really get too engrossed when you craft something." the older witch said disapprovingly.

"Did you just come here to reprimand me?" the girl asked as she almost slumped on the door.

Aliester could not help but smile. These two reminded him of himself and his twin.

'I wonder how Aria is doing.' He mused as melancholy and nostalgia crept in his heart.

He only snapped out of his musings when Caramel called for his attention.

"This is young man would like to look for several items." Caramel said while looking towards him.

Aliester cleared his throat and addressed the girl. "I am Aliester, I would like to purchase a transportation chalk and an ebony candle."

The girl waved her hand and a cup of tea floated towards her. She took a sip before focusing her dark brown orbs at him.

"Why would you want those items? And where do you wish to travel?" Candice asked.

"I need to travel far away." Aliester answered vaguely.

"Young lord, Candice would need the specifications." Caramel incised. "The chalk would be easy to make but the ebony candle would be a bit tricky depending on the place you have to travel."

Aliester then turned to the girl and said. "I need a black candle that would allow me to travel to another realm."

Candice spit out the tea that she was drinking. "What?!" she exclaimed.

Caramel was quick to give her a cloth to wipe the tea. "Geez! Candice!"

"Sorry, I was surprised." The younger witch defended. "It is quite rare for people to ask for such an item."

"Would it be impossible to craft?" the young lord asked.

"It is not impossible." Candice replied. "But I may not be able to make it."

Aliester's shoulders droop.

But Caramel butted in. "She did not have to make it. You still got that candle from the Great Mage. Just make a replica."

"Are you crazy? Do you even know the risks?" Candice's eyes almost bulged out. "Why would you want me to replicate such an item and sell it?"

"Of course, I know the risks. But you see, your replicas are as good as the original ones. Aliester had tested your nullifying dagger." Caramel explained.

Candice's dull eyes popped with excitement. "So, how was my dagger? Are there any backlash or after effects when you used it?" her questions came one after another.

Aliester was almost overwhelmed by her enthusiasm. But he patiently answered her questions.

After she was satisfied with his feedback. She then grinned as if an amazing idea hit her.

"I don't like that look. She usually shows such face when she comes up with crazy ideas. Be careful, young duke." Caramel whispered in warning.

Aliester almost felt nervous at her words.

"Say, Aliester." Candice's smile looked a bit creepy. "I can give you a discount on the chalk. Would you like to test some of my items in exchange for the black candle prototype?"

Though a bit apprehensive, Aliester decided to gamble. "If it won't be dangerous, then I might give it a shot."

After a few hours of being a test subject, Aliester managed to get a hold of the items he needed.

"Thank you for your patronage! Please come again!" Candice showed a satisfied merchant smile.

"She looks like you when she smiles like that." Aliester commented as they turned to leave.

"She does." The older witch agreed. Then all of the sudden, she froze and her eyes glazed.

In a trance, she said. "Make haste, young lord. You have to go back to your companions. Trouble awaits you, you have to be careful."

Aliester held on the witch to ask for details but Caramel snapped out of her stupor. "What is it, young lord?" she asked.

"I have to go!" he said turned towards the inn. "Thank you for everything Caramel!"

"Don't mention it." She said as she head back towards Midnight Brew.

Aliester entered the inn and made his way to their rented quarters. However, the young lord froze when he saw that the rooms were empty.

"Those guys left yesterday and they only left this." The landlord gave him a note which pointed the direction of his companions.

Aliester wasted no time in trying to find them. He was a bit shocked when he came to the familiar looking swamp where he defeated the two witches.

His eyes widened when he saw Terrano and the others being suspended on the trees while the old witch whom he thought he had killed emerged.

"We have been waiting young duke…" those were the words of Malerna before Aliester felt something hit his head and fell unconscious.