Prison Riot

The prisoners were normally given food in their cell. If they need to relieve themselves, they had to use a built-in toilet inside the cell, which explains why the area reeks.

Being imprisoned in this dungeon was quite bad due to the condition. They were rarely given the chance to clean up.

The only time that they could get out of their cell was the once a month carnival.

"Carnival?" Aliester asked.

"Since, you've only been here for a few weeks, you did not know what it is." Daxton commented.

The young lord nodded. He was curious and wanted to learn more.

It was Conrad who filled him in. "it is one of the events here in the dungeon. The warden and his men would choose a prisoner whom they would pit against with another prisoner. It was like a battle royal, where they had to fight to the death."

'Almost like a gladiator in a coliseum.' Aliester thought.

"Have any of you been chosen before?" The young lord asked.

The earl answered. "Most of the prisoners chosen to fight belonged to the other layer. They are prisoners, who committed petty crimes and do not pose real threat to the queen's schemes."

Conrad added. "In some cases, they would choose in the middle layer where most of the knights loyal to the Alcovian faction were kept."

Daxton then chimed in. "They never choose us. Most of the inner layer prisoners were high ranking nobles and knights who could resist the curse at some extent. They might be afraid that we would be able to break free or something."

Aliester nodded.

Vince then continued. "During Carnival, we are free to wander about and mingle with the prisoners from other layers. Betting certain things or services are allowed."

"What?" Aliester was confused. 'they have bets but they have almost nothing here.' He thought inwardly.

"There are occasional riots if the betting would not go well. Brawls happen from time to time. However, with the guards and the warden watching the area, most conflicts are easily dealt with." The court mage said.

"However, if a prison riot of a larger scale breaks out…" Aliester muttered.

"then we might be able to slip past the guards unnoticed." The king filled out for him.

"we only have a few days left. Best, we inform the others." Earl suggested.

While waiting for that time, information was being passed around to their allies from the other layers. It was a good thing that Aliester still had items from Candice.

The young lord had tested several items before and one of the items from Candice was a burn up communication.

Aliester and the other tested it out and were able to one-sidedly send a message. The young lord also learned that they actually had planted spies amongst the warden's men. So they were able to plan for their riot.

Then the time came…

"Let's do this." Vince, the troublesome Earl will have to ignite a fire that could make them execute their plan.

Without speaking much, he approached a group of officers, who were part of the bet organizers.

The fight in the arena had started and several of them already lost whatever little possessions that they still had with them.

Vince gave the others the signal and began picking fights with the leader. In no time at all, a brawl started between the two.

One guard tried to stop the brawl but Aliester took the opportunity to take him down and hit another prisoner in the process.

With a loud voice, Blaze declared "Prison riot!"

After which he threw a couple of punches towards some of the prisoners near him.

Hearing the signal, the other captives sprang into action and all hell broke loose.

Though they managed to get into fight with the other captives, Vince, Aliester, Conrad, Daxton and Blaze remembered that they have a separate goal.

Aliester was able to take down a couple of guards while snatching a dagger and a sword. The others managed to arm themselves as well while trying to make a break.

With the riot progressing, they managed to gradually slip out.

Unfortunately, the warden spotted them. He asked some of his men to go after the group.

"Stop!" one of the officers shouted after them.

But they were not able to come after Aliester's group. Terrano blocked their path.

"Go! I will handle this. These guys beat me up pretty badly last time." Terrano gritted as he engaged in a hand to hand combat with his opponents. "It's payback."

"Mind if I assist?" Euclide joined in holding back the guards.

"Go for it you two!" Daxton cheered his fellow Verbenian knights before slipping away.

With the distraction provided by the two, the group were able to reach their destination.

Using the transportation chalk, Conrad hastily drew a huge pentagram on the vast grounds.

Aliester was quite glad that the court mage agreed to cast the spell.

Conrad was hesitant when Aliester told him about the transportation spell a few days ago.

"You do know that this is a forbidden magic from the Hallows." Conrad said after reading the copy.

The court mage was very much against it but when he learned that the mission was from the guardians and even the head of the Hallows allowed the spell to be used, he finally obliged.

Aliester was taken aback when Conrad said. "I need blood."

The men looked at one another in confusion.

"I mean I need blood from Verbana's bloodline, preferably the princess's relative. Since we are aiming to find her and transport to where she is, we need a catalyst to locate her." He explained to his companions.

Without speaking a word, Aliester took out a dagger and cut his palm. Rich blood oozed out from the wound and dropped on the ground.

Once it fell inside the pentagram, the place glowed an eerie shade of blue.

"Blue…" Blaze muttered. "That would be in another realm. We need to sacrifice something for the gatekeeper."

"What do you mean?" Vince asked.

"To cross realms, the gatekeeper will only allow us to pass if we offer a sacrifice." The wizard explained.

[Notice: The pentagram drawn using the chalk is ready. The transportation gate to another realm is initializing. Blood offer has been met.] Zarame informed.

Mist appeared after the pentagram illuminated, A huge door appeared and a hooded figure similar to a grim reaper appeared.

"Creatures who wish to pass the gate, a price must be given before you can cross." Its ghastly voice sounded.

[Notice: soul sacrifice is still insufficient. Only two souls are available.]

Before they could activate the teleportation spell, few guards spilled out to the grounds.

"You, gentlemen, go. Daxton and I will handle those small fries." Vince said as he and the knight made their way towards their enemies.

[notice: Casualty in the prison riot has now reached six. Condition for the soul sacrifice had been met.] Zarame provided.

Aliester stepped and addressed the gatekeeper. "I offer the souls of those who had died in the riot!"

The gatekeeper's eyes glowed and the door opened.

"We have to go." Conrad produced the ebony candle and the pentagram radiated a blinding light.

Vince smiled as he saw that the three had already started their journey.

But unfortunately, one of the guards, managed to unleash a nightshade after them.

The earl tried to impede the nightshade but he was pinned down by the other guards.

Daxton, on the other hand, tried to come after the nightshade to stop it from going after the triad.

Taking a sword from a fallen guard, the knight ran after the plant like monster.

Before the light ebbed from the pentagram, the nightshade and Daxton slipped through the door and vanished with the three.

"please bring back the princess and save everyone." Vince muttered before he received a blow which rendered him unconscious.