Hausen House 2

Just then the phone rang which made the boys jump. Daxton drew his sword and pointed it at the ringing device.

"Monster!" the knight shouted as he moved advanced towards the ringing object and tried to protect the others.

"Stand down, Daxton." Aliester stopped his advances and made the knight lower his weapon.

{It is just a phone.} Aria made her way near the device and answered it. {Hello! Yes?}

The girl had talked for a few minutes before hanging up. She then explained while Aliester translated for her.

"That is a phone. In this realm, people use this to communicate to others who are in long distances." The young duke said while showing them the item.

Blaze, who seemed to have taken an interest on the device, kept asking questions. When he was satisfied, he addressed the knight. "Daxton you may put your sword away. No one will hurt us here."

The knight sheathed his sword and Aliester took it. He then let the girl keep their weapons.

"Speaking of sword-what was that sword she was carrying?" Daxton asked while eyeing the weapon that Aria had placed on the altar of the house.

"That was a katana." Aria replied while taking the sword gently from its rack. The girl carefully handed it to Daxton.

"It is light weight." The knight muttered as he inspected the weapon.

The sheath was a bit curved and the sword that comes with it had a circular guard and a long grip. When he drew it out, he noticed that it has a curved, single-edged blade.

{Careful, it is sharp.} Aria warned. {That blade is designed to cut people in half. Swordsmen used them in battles. But nowadays, they are mainly for ceremonies and decorations.}

Aliester then translated for her.

But it seemed that the knight was quite curious about the blade. So he asked. "Why?"

"Wartime has been over for many decades in this realm. So they don't need these weapons. Plus, with modern technology, there are more advanced weapons that were produced." Aliester translated for the girl.

After explaining about the katana, both Aria and Aliester had to tell them about the other things that caught their curiosity. Most items were foreign to them and hence, they asked questions every now and then.

It was like being with a couple of curious toddlers. The siblings smiled at how they were interested with items in Linden.

Taking note of the time, she called their attention. {It is already seven. You need to freshen up first. Then we need to talk about your problem.}

Aria led them to their dojo's annex where the bathroom was located. "Get rid of your clothing and take your bath. I'll find some clean clothes in the dojo."

When they took off their upper garments, Aria gasped. Her eyes were focused on the awkward protrusion on Blaze's shoulder.

{We better fix his majesty's shoulder before it could get worse.} She reminded the duke.

The twins had been trained in combat since they were young, so, the two of them also have their background knowledge on first aids. Luckily, Aria knew how to fix dislocated shoulders.

The girl drew near the king to look at his injury. Blaze was a bit surprised at their proximity so, he started blushing. He only stayed still since Aliester had explained that they will fix his injury.

{This is a clean break.} Aria murmured while inspecting his injury. Then turning to Daxton and Aliester she said. {Hold him for me.}

The two obliged. When they were ready, she quickly pulled the king's arm. Then the girl swiftly set it back into place before the king could even cry out in pain.

{It will help if you could heal his shoulder with a spell.} she said to the young duke.

{Conrad can take care of that. You may leave us now.} Aliester reassured her.

With his remaining mana, Conrad healed the young king's injury at Aliester's request.

"I could only do that much. I could not heal all your wounds since my mana is depleted." Conrad said before sagging on a chair.

Blaze felt that his shoulder was much better than before. "I am quite grateful. They don't hurt as much as before." The king even stretched for a bit to test his shoulder.

After fixing Blaze's shoulder, the males stripped and entered the bath, which was more like an indoor mini hot spring. A huge pool with steam rising from the surface greeted them.

"Hot bath!" Conrad relaxed as he submerged in the hot water. "perfect for my aching muscles."

"I can't believe that I could have this luxury after such a long time." Daxton muttered as he settled himself in the steaming water.

"Glad we found the princess." Blaze said as he enjoyed the hot water.

"Only problem is to convince her to come back home." Aliester muttered. He somehow knew that it would be a challenge to convince his twin to go with them.

'Which reminds me, Zarame, do we have a spell that we could use so that I won't have to translate for Aria and the others?' he asked.

[Answer: for the spell, you have to ask the mage.] Zarame replied.

Before Aliester could comment, Zarame added as an advice.

[The princess can understand but she could not speak the language properly. It meant that some memories had remained. You can ask the wizard to help her unlock some of her memories so that she can access knowledge regarding Verbenian language.]

Aliester wanted to consult the mage but seeing how Conrad had been relaxing while taking his bath, he decided to postpone his talk.

After their baths, the men changed into the clothes Aria left for them. Aliester recognized the uniforms that their father left behind.

He wondered why his twin brought his father's hand-me-downs and not Aris's clothing until he remembered that Aris Hausen is much smaller compared to Aliester's built.

He sighed while putting on a pair of white wide leg pants. He then donned a white robe-like top which was held together by a black belt.

The others were given clothes that were similar in style.

"These are comfortable." Daxton muttered as he adjusted his clothes.

When they came out of the bathroom, they looked for his younger sister.

Aliester's stomach grumbled when he caught a whiff of the food that was being prepared.

Aria let them take a sit on the carpeted floor around a coffee table and served them tea.

"You may talk." She muttered as she went back to the kitchen to finish her task.

Before that, Aliester whispered something to the mage. Conrad obliged and made his way near the girl.

"Your highness, if I may." The mage asked permission.

The girl looked at her Aliester who nodded in response. The girl then held the mage's outstretched hand.

A small pentagram formed above the girl's head. She scrunched her brows as if she is in pain before her face lost color.

"Bloody murder!!!" she cried out and the girl swayed as if she were dizzy.