Taking a break in the other realm 1

It had been a couple of days since Aliester's group had arrived. Since they were in a different realm with a different culture, they made it a point to learn anything that caught their attention.

Aliester and Aria felt like she was babysitting a set of toddlers because of their questions.

It was a good thing that they arrived Friday night, so she was able to spend her time with them during the weekend.

"You guys seriously need to cut your hair and shave your whiskers." Aria eyed them with disgust. "You are nobles and yet you look like you came out from the streets."

Blaze took a few strands of his red hair which reached his back. "You are right. I could use a few snips."

"What are the preferences of the males in this realm?" the mage asked. He was aware of the trend in Verbena where long hair was preferred, but it may be different in this realm.

"Majority of the males in this realm usually wear their hair short. But there were still few who wear them long." Aliester answered.

"Most of the guys keep their looks neat and tidy by shaving their facial hair." The girl added. "Though there were others who occasionally wear a mustache and a beard."

With that said, their makeover began. Aria had even shown them pictures from magazines of what they want to look like.

With a downloaded video from the net, the girl had a ball giving them a haircut, which she did quite clumsily.

"Don't shave all of my hair?" Aliester cried in horror when Aria tried to use the razor. She playfully ran it over her brother's temple. Good thing it did not cut much of his blond locks.

At the end of the session, the girl marveled at her masterpieces. Most of them opted for a shorter hair except for the wizard who had preferred shoulder length cut.

With the absence of their mustache and beards, the years that were added to their faces were taken away.

"You now look like the people I know five years ago. Only a bit more mature." She beamed at the three Verbenians.

She turned to look at Blaze. "You don't look bad as well, your majesty."

At her compliment, the young king blushed.

Aliester narrowed his eyes at the exchange. He knew that Blaze may have a tiny crush on his twin. Call it brotherly instinct.

But he decided not to interfere. It looked like his dense sister did not notice the king's small infatuation with her.

'Thank God! She is an airhead!' he thought. 'there is no need for me to meddle yet.'

[You are forgetting your mission]. he jumped a little when Zarame suddenly reminded.

'Let us take it easy, Zarame. We need a break. It is hard convincing that girl to get back to the other realm. Besides, we haven't found a return ticket yet.'

[You can use the same spell] Zarame suggested.

'Aria will not allow any soul sacrifice. So, using the same spell is not an option, unless it is an emergency.' Aliester reasoned out.

Their conversation was cut when Aria suddenly declared. "Now we are done with your hair. I think I better provide you with normal clothes."

"You cannot keep on using the gi from the dojo." She motioned the uniform they were wearing.

"So, what do you suggest we do?" the knight asked after he checked his new look.

"We will be shopping!" she exclaimed in excitement.

"Damn it!" Aliester cussed.

He knew how long and agonizing his twin would shop. Though she is not much of a shopaholic compared to their older sister, Anika.

"Shopping?" the other three men chorused.

Without knowing the foreign word, they were not able to anticipate the activity that they would engage in.

Aria allowed the four to go out of the house for the first time. They were able to sightsee and observe what is like to live in this realm.

Then the girl had fun in dragging the four men to a nearby shopping center.

After their escapade, the four males almost regretted having been dragged around to shop for clothes by the girl.

"I am tired." Aliester complained as he rested his head on the table.

"I am hungry." Daxton muttered his sentiments as he copied the young duke. His stomach grumbled in agreement.

The king whined as well. "I feel like my feet were about to fall off."

The wizard remained silent as the three groaned from exhaustion.

"You are exaggerating." The girl muttered as she left to order some food for them all. When she came back, she carried a tray of assorted food.

As the smell of tea whiffed through their noses, they perked up.

"Finally food!" Daxton almost clapped like a ten year old kid at the smell of the sweets.

But when his eyes took in the food, he became a bit suspicious. "What is that fish?"

"It is fish-shaped cake." Aria explained as she put the tray down. "The most common filling is red bean paste. Just try it."

Though a bit apprehensive, the boys took the food. Gulping and looking at one another, they waited for the Aliester to take a bite.

Aliester ate it without any reservation. He had missed the flavors from Linden and fish cake with red bean paste were among his favorites. "Come on guys, dig in."

Being famished, Daxton could not take the tension any longer so he took a huge bite. His eyes widened as the flavors exploded in his mouth.

He chewed happily before he encouraged the others. "Eat up! It's good! They are like waffles."

After they finished eating, Aria also made them taste test a few more treats. After their food trip, they enjoyed more sights and entertainment the place could offer.

A few days later, the men seemed to have settled in quite well in Hausen's residence. However, they were not able to go out as often as they please and explore the place.

People may wonder about the foreigners who had suddenly turned up in their neighborhood.

Aria and Aliester kept them busy with movies and with other gadgets in the house.

"This is how you search the internet." Aria taught Blaze, who was by the far the one who got fascinated with modern technology and gadgets. "type here and then click this button."

{this is quite easy, thanks.} Blaze answered in Linden tongue.

The mage had managed to coax Aria and Aliester to teach them Linden language. Blaze and Conrad had both excelled in learning.

Since Blaze was a prince, he was taught several languages from other countries around the forest of silence. So, learning Linden tongue came easy.

The mage also got a ball learning the language, since he needed to decipher the text that may help them return to the other realm.

"When are we going to start our combat training?" Daxton asked as he diverted his attention from the action movie he was watching.

"We can begin when you are ready." The girl answered.

"I've picked up a lot of strategies from the movies you made us watch. But I doubt I can use them if I won't learn some of the moves that those shadows used."

While they were planning on their schedule, the doorbell rang. Being the nearest one to the door, Aliester volunteered to answer it.

"It must be the pizza we ordered." He grinned as he thought about the food.

When he opened the door, he was taken aback to see a familiar teenaged girl at their doorstep.