Catching a glimpse...

La Vervain Dungeon, Verbena…

a few weeks after Aliester and his companions had escaped…

"So where are they?" Looking sternly at the captive, the warden asked.

Although his left eye was swollen, the Earl of Cayenne looked up and glared at the hulking man.

Spitting out blood and a broken tooth, the earl answered. "I have no idea…"

"You were with them when they escaped." The warden said while browsing some papers. "Tell me, where did they go?" he inquired.

When the earl refused to answer, he ordered the guards hit the poor lord.

Grimacing from the impact which busted his lips, the earl gritted out. "I honestly don't know. I was left behind so I have no knowledge of the place they escaped to."

The Earl of Cayenne has been a loyal vassal of the Duke of Alcove. Despite being subjected to such torture, he would never betray his friend.

Agitated from his captive's uncooperative attitude, the warden commanded. "Beat him up until he talks."

The guards moved as ordered. But before they could land a blow, a feminine voice made them halt.

"Desist!" Gloriosa entered the torture chamber.

The young woman looked out of place with her velvet off-shoulder gown and with her hair styled in an elegant bun.

"you may leave…" she ordered.

The guards were momentarily distracted by her sylphlike beauty that they did not hear her command.

Sighing, she snapped. "Stop that and leave us alone!"

The men snapped out of their reverie, they bowed before the woman and left her with the earl.

Sauntering near the captive, she seductively greeted. "Fancy meeting you again, Vince."

At the flick of her wrist, the stinky prison chamber changed into a lovely rose scented bedroom.

The room was illuminated with candles and in the center was a king sized bed adorned with rose petals.

Despite the change in the ambiance, the earl remained suspended from the ground. Chains were still keeping him in place.

"I am not really happy to see a whore like you." He gritted out as he eyed the woman with distaste.

Hearing his insult, Gloriosa slapped him with a force that made him turned his head to the side.

Grabbing his chin, she made Vince face her. "I really wonder how you Verbenians could resist our enchantments."

Her eyes glowed purple and her face brightened up with her teasing smile. "Don't you find me pretty, my lord?"

His eyes met her purple ones. The woman smiled as she cast her spell.

But instead of getting captivated by her beauty and falling for her trap, he gave her a mocking laugh.

"You may be beautiful to look at, Gloriosa. However, I could still see the monster behind that fake mask." The earl spat.

The girl narrowed her eyes at him. Her purple orbs grew dark in anger.

"If you won't cooperate, then I will have to do this..."

Just like what her mother has done with the Duke of Alcove, she formed a portal in front of his chest and let her dainty hand penetrate his flesh.

The earl cried out from the excruciating pain. Blood dribbled from corner of his mouth.

Finding his heart, she held it firmly. But instead of squeezing it and ending all his misery, Gloriosa had planted a spell directly inside it.

"You shall obey my command. You will answer me with nothing but the truth." She then released him.

Panting, he glared at her. "What… what have you done?"

"Just a little spell to ensure that you will obey me and give me the information I needed." She smiled triumphantly. "If by chance you disobey or betray me, that spell will release poison and you'll die."

Clapping her hands, Gloriosa made the chains that held the earl disappear. He dropped on the carpeted floor with a loud thump.

Though the carpet cushioned his fall, Vince felt pain through his body from all of the beatings he had received.

"That hurts." He grunted as he tried to control his uneven breaths.

"So, tell me… where are they?"

The Earl's eyes glazed. Although, he seemed to have no control over his body, his mouth refused to open. He turned a shade paler than his color and sweat coated his beaten-up body.

Even after a few minutes of waiting, the earl did not let any information leak.

Gloriosa was getting impatient. "It seemed that you are really a tough nut to crack. Even my obedience spell seemed to be not working on you."

"Very well, if you won't give me what I want, I just have to forcibly take it from you." She finally made up her mind.

Vince was in a state of trance, but due to his resistance, he was able to somehow fight the spell. However, he was not able to anticipate what the witch would do next.

Gloriosa grabbed him and smashed her lips to his in a fervent kiss.

Vince tried to fight against her but due to the spell he was rendered immobile. He could not help but allow pieces of information flow out.

It was as if Gloriosa was reading his memories, which was what she was really doing.

Though some of the images and information were jumbled, Gloriosa was still able to extract the needed information from the earl.

"So, that was what they were trying to do. I doubt that they had actually succeed." She smirked after catching a glimpse on the events after the riot. "They would need more than a hundred soul-sacrifice for that to work."

Satisfied with what she learned, she released him and throw him on the bed.

Smiling the woman untied the ribbons from her dress and let the clothing drop on the carpet. "Now, allow me to reward you."

She mounted the still dazed and weaken lord. Then pulled him for an ardent kiss.