Chapter 16

Cerulean City, the seaside City, and the third most populated City in Kanto. The city had lots of wonderful attractions, but Waterflower Aquarium was perhaps the most famous of all.

The Aquarium was built by Mathew Williams nearly a hundred years ago. The man had a dream of showcasing all of the World's Water Pokémon in one place, and the Williams Family have worked on his dream to the best of their abilities.

The Aquarium currently had 25 Water Species. And was situated on the sea inlet in the North-East of the city. It was right beside the Cerulean City Water Theater, and the famous Cerulean Gym.

Misty had dragged her friends right here when they arrived in the City, and they were glad that they didn't have to wait long to see this place.

Half of the Aquarium was built underwater to accommodate larger species, and the half that was on the surface held the smaller ones, including those Water Pokemon who lived on land.

Misty enthusiastically introduced them to the history of each Pokemon and how they were brought here. She was really proud of all the work her Father had done.

"Dad worked really hard and pulled a lot of connections to bring Sawmpert, Empoleon, and Samurott to the Aquarium. And the License for each still cost us a fortune." She sighed but was all smiles.

"Why?" Leaf curiously asked.

"Because they are the Star Starters of their respective Regions, and there are Laws prohibiting the breeding and selling of these Pokemon in other regions," Misty explained to her. "Since this Aquarium is a business entity, and we make money from showcasing all of these Pokemon here, we need Licenses for each of them. We still can't breed them with the intention of selling. At any one time, the number of the said species must not rise in the Aquarium. If these Pokemon mate and eggs are laid, we have to send those eggs to their respective Regions."

Leaf understood her words and fixed her eyes back on the pair of Milotic that were dancing around and singing in the water. They were so beautiful that she felt her heart melt at them.

Misty chuckled at her reaction and wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"I will one day catch one of these. They are at the top of the list of the Water Pokemon I want."

"Me too..." Leaf whispered with a smile.

"Your Breeding Farm is doing quite well." Aizen was going through the pamphlet he was given when they entered the Aquarium.

"Yes!" Misty happily nodded to him. "We are not allowed to breed Blastoise, but we have breeding Licenses for Kingdra, Starmie, Golduck, Poliwrath, and Dewgong."

"Five is the limit." Aizen smiled at her. They could not be allowed to breed another Pokemon unless they give up on one of the Licenses that they already possessed.

Five was the limit at any Breeding Farm.

Misty stuck her tongue at him over his reminder.

"If your family breeds Kingdra and Dewgong, why do you not have them on your team?" Leaf looked at the information about these Pokemon on her Dex and asked.

"I was offered a seel by my father, but Dewgong are an integral part of our Water Theater. So I let it be under the care of my sisters who manage the Theater." She revealed to them as they started walking to the exit. "As for Horsea, their breeding cycle is very long. The females only bear one or two eggs in their lifetime. Each year, there are no more than four eggs, and we have to keep two of them at the farm, and the others are privately auctioned off."

"Horsea are hard to fish as well. They are very smart, and with Kingdra being part Dragon, despite the fact that Seadra needs a precious Dragonscale to evolve into it, their demand is very high and so is their price." Anira understandingly nodded to their reason for auctioning the extra Eggs each year. It was a good business.

"Mhm.." Misty nodded her head. "But I do want to catch a Horsea one day, and then I will train it to become the most powerful Kingdra!" She pumped her fist up in the air and showed her resolve.


Someone called out to her, and the group found three beautiful girls waving in their direction from the entrance of the Aquarium. They could see the resemblance and knew that they were Misty's elder sisters.

Leaf had stars in her eyes as she really loved their shows. Misty had made her watch them back in the Pewter City Pokemon Center, and now she was their fan.

"Come, I will introduce you to them." Misty grabbed Leaf and Anira's hands before dragging them to her sisters. She had not even bothered to look at Aizen.

"Vee..." Rinko licked the Prince's cheek who was sighing at being left behind.

"Wow, Misty..." Lily, the red-haired sister, whispered in her ear as soon as she saw Aizen approaching them. "Who's this handsome fellow?"

Misty snorted at her words and grumpily answered.

"This is Aizen. Anira's older brother."

Daisy, the blonde-haired girl, and Violet, who had blue hair, stepped forward and grabbed each of his arms.

"Hello, Handsome! I am Daisy." She smiled beautifully at him.

"And I am Violet." She too flashed a bright smile at him.

It was nothing too intimate but they managed to get the reaction out of their little sister that they wanted.

"What are you doing?!"

The orange-haired girl screamed and dragged both her sisters away from Aizen. But this gave Lily the opportunity to jump on him.

"Wow... You are just as handsome as your sister is beautiful." She cooed and ran her fingers through his platinum hair.

"Well, Thank you! I must say that you have really beautiful hair." He grabbed her hand and planted a kiss on its back. "Now that I see your eyes... I think they are prettier..." He flashed his brightest smile at her and saw her cheeks warm up.

"I..." Lily tried to search for words to tease him back but she couldn't think of anything. Her mind was captivated by his beautiful smile and his gorgeous Violet eyes. "Thank you.."

"Wow... He's good!" Daisy giggled and winked at Misty.

Aizen had to admit that he was rather enjoying playing along with them. And the reactions of Leaf, and Misty were worth it. However, his joy was short-lived as he felt Anira grab onto his left hand.

"Brother..." She sweetly smiled at him.

"Yes, Princess?" Aizen knew he had to do something, and so he leaned in and planted a kiss on her forehead.

This worked as Anira smiled brightly now, and turned to look at the rest of the girls.

"Daisy, Violet, and Lily have a show tonight. They have invited me and Leaf," She informed him.

"You are welcome too!" Lily hurriedly said. The blush on her face had not yet subsided.

"Thank you!" He smiled at the sisters. "We will be there."

Misty stomped her foot on the floor and marched out of the Aquarium after glaring at Lily.

"What's up with her?" The Red-Head feigned ignorance and asked.

"Who knows? Maybe it's that time of the month..." Daisy muttered, causing Leaf to embarrassedly lower her head.

Aizen inwardly chuckled at guessing why Leaf had done so, but he was a gentleman enough to not tease a girl about something that personal.

"Come," Lily grabbed his hand and Daisy did the same with Leaf. "Let's go to our home. We will introduce you to Father and you can stay with us for as long as you are in the city."

"Thank you!" Aizen did not refuse the hospitality that they showed, and he was looking forward to meeting their father. From what he had heard about him, he seemed quite an intriguing personality.

And he was not disappointed.

The man in front of him exuded an aura of confidence and experience. He was tall, nearly six and a half feet in height, and despite being nearly fifty years old, he was in great shape. However, the man was looking at him with a piercing gaze.

Aizen guessed that he was behaving this way because of how upset Misty looked. And she was standing right behind her father, with her arms crossed and not paying attention to him.

"Hi, I am Aizen Orayen." He knew he had to do something to change the mood, and so he revealed his family name.

Edric's eyes widened at that, and the three sisters nearly squealed, but the man recovered fast and took the hand Aizen had offered.

"Edric Williams. Welcome to my home, Prince Orayen."

"Aizen, please." He smiled at the man and introduced Anira and Leaf to him. And then Edric started asking about his time in Aquarium, and they managed to start a healthy conversation.

Misty snorted when she saw her sisters staring at Aizen with even greater interest. Her heart was beating erratically for some strange reason.

She knew that Father was always protective of her and her sisters. Which was why he chased away any guys that approached them. But now he was getting along so well with Aizen that it scared her a little.

"Misty told me that you saved her in Viridian Forest. I thank you for that. If you have any request, I will try my best to fulfil it."

"Dad!" She embarrassedly called out her father.

"It's okay, Mr. Williams. Misty is our Friend, and we would feel embarrassed if you persist on thinking that you have to pay us back." He replied unhesitantly.

"For a parent, their child is most precious." He smiled at the young man, pleased at his character and demeanour.

"My friends are very dear to me, Sir." He smiled back.

Edric understood that Aizen would not allow him to return the favour, and he relented with a sigh.

"She can be a handful at times, but she has a beautiful heart..."

"Father!!" Misty embarrassedly cut his words and came forward to grab his arm. "We have still not had our lunch, and we need to take some rest after all the travelling," She informed him.

Edric chuckled at his daughter's words.

"Daisy," He called out to his eldest. "Show our guests to their rooms, please." He then turned to look at Aizen and the girls. "Lunch is in an hour. I will be happy if you join us at the family table."

"Thank you." Aizen gratefully accepted the invitation.