Chapter 30

The clock kept ticking and soon it hit midnight. The night was dark and the sky was cast by clouds that rumbled but not rained. The occasional flash of lightning lit up the horizon, and the bellowing winds were testing the patience of the sea.

"Are you sure something will happen?" Misty finally asked.

They had been sitting on the edge of the cliff for the past four hours. The girls were excited when they heard that they were going to see a special Pokemon, but now both Leaf and Misty were tired and sleepy.

"The old man never stated the time of the night when the phenomenon happened, but I think it should be happening anytime now." Bill, who was going through the old man's diary once again, replied with a smile.

Anira was calmly sitting, leaning on Aizen, who had his arm wrapped around her small waist. Her eyes were closed as she was doing some Psychic exercises. And her brother was curiously looking at the lightning in the clouds.

"I hope it happens..."

Whatever Misty wanted to say was left unsaid. They didn't know what happened, but a powerful wave of Psychic Power washed over all of them, and both Leaf and Misty immediately fell unconscious.

Bill and Anira seemed rattled, but they persisted and managed to hold onto their consciousness.

Aizen narrowed his eyes at the vortex that emerged in the sea. He tried to pry into it by sending some Psychic Waves, but they vaporised as soon as they came in contact with it.

"Are you okay?" He looked at Bill and asked.

"I am fine!" There was a grin plastered on his face. "He was right!" The happiness in his voice was so contagious that it relieved their minds of fear that was slowly creeping its way into their hearts.


A terrifying roar emerged from the depths of the vortex and the clouds started rumbling in agony.

Colour drained off the faces of both Anira and Bill, but Aizen only narrowed his eyes and tightened his arm around his little sister.

"It will be fine..." He whispered to her.

"Mhm..." Her pounding heart started to calm down, but then it went crazy again.

What emerged from the vortex right in front of their eyes could only be called a force of nature. It was gigantic!

The Dragon King floated in the air in all its majesty. Its massive wings, which resembled that of a Charizard seemed to cover the entire horizon.

At first glance, all of them thought that it was a Charizard, but there were clear differences that they discovered under the flashes of constant lightning.

The first difference was its long tail that did not have a flame burning at its end. The second was the color of the Skin which was on a lighter shade of Orange. And then there were its arms that were much thicker than a Charizard's. No bladed wings were protruding from its arms as well.

Its underbelly was cream-coloured and had scale-like markings. But the inside of its wings was sea green. It also had an elongated neck, unlike a Dragonite, and a more draconic face as well, but upon a closer look they found similarities in its expressions to that of a Dragonite. At the base of its next was a glowing sea green gem, and from it sprouted two angelic wings that formed a mane for the King. And if that was not enough to announce its nobility, the massive antler-like crown on its head left no doubt that it was indeed a King.

"Beautiful..." Anira whispered in awe.

Bill subconsciously nodded his head to her words.

Aizen smiled brightly at the Dragonite in front of him. The blood in his veins was excited and he looked directly into the eyes of the King who was glaring at him.

"Human, you have some courage to come in my presence, doused in the aura of Crimson Queen."

All of them heard its booming voice that was filled with majesty, yet soft to the ears.

"Aizen Orayen pays his respects to the Progenitor Dragonite!" Aizen respectfully stood up and greeted the King with a slight bow.

"Anira Orayen pays her respects!" The little princess followed her brother's suit.

"Bill Stone pays his respects to the Mighty King of Dragons."

There were a lot of questions in Bill's mind about what the Dragonite had said and what Aizen had called the Pokemon in front of him. But he understood that now was not the right time to ask his friends any questions.

All three of them tensed at the silence from the Dragon King. They waited for minutes but Dragonite did not speak and only looked at Aizen and the Pokeball on his necklace.

"Since you three have withstood my presence, ask what you want to know. But know that the knowledge I give you comes at a price. And the price is that you can not divulge it to anyone who is not present here." Dragonite finally spoke, and his voice seemed calmer than before. "Know that I can choose what to answer and what not. There are mysteries that you must never know."

Anira glanced at the two fainted girls behind them, and then curiously looked at the Dragonite.

"Not even to them." The Dragon King answered her unvoiced question.

"What happens if we tell the people what we learn tonight?" Bill curiously asked.

"You can not reveal anything. The moment before you learn something that the world must not come to know, your mind will enter a vow of silence. You won't be able to disclose that information even if you want to." He patiently said. "Now, what do you want to know?"

"What are you?" The moment Bill asked the question he felt his mind get locked with something. His Psychic Powers reached into his soul, and he felt a weight on his chest. He understood what Dragonite meant about the Vow of Silence. He could feel that he would never be able to tell anyone what he was about to learn.

"I am the Progenitor Dragonite. The first Dragonite, created by All-Father, Arceus, himself. Every Dragonite in the world is created after my image. But I am their King and they can never be like me." The Dragon's Pride was evident in his voice.

"So you are not a Mega Dragonite..." Bill muttered as he looked at the Dragonite in surprise. "But if there is a Mega Dragonite, it would look somewhat more like you?"

"Mega?" Dragonite frowned at his words.

"The True Form," Aizen smiled and informed Dragonite what Bill was talking about.

Dragonite curiously looked at the three of them and then his eyes settled on Bill before they shined briefly.

"What happened?" Anira curiously asked Aizen when she saw Dragonite and Bill looking right into each other's eyes.

"He's reading Bill's memories." Aizen patted her head and informed her.

It only took Dragonite a minute to go through all of Bill's memories.

"The day approaches..." The Dragon King happily whispered.

"What happened to me?" Bill asked as he suddenly felt tired and panted for breath.

"Dragonite just read through your memories."

"What you call Mega Pokemon are actually their real forms." Dragonite looked at Bill and told him. "Every Pokemon that descended from the Progenitors lost their True Forms after the War of Titans. And those Pokemon whose Progenitors perished in the war lost their True Forms forever."

"War of the Titans?" Bill was excited at what was being revealed to him.

Dragonite looked at him meaningfully and then looked at the Orayen siblings. He seemed to be lost in some thoughts before he decided to speak again.

"Arceus was birthed by Chaos itself. Father then created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. The three of them, together with Father, created this Universe we live in. When this Planet was created, Arceus willed for Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza to be born. And at the same time, Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie were created. When the Planet was ready for the purpose it was created, Arceus willed the birth of Life and Death, in the form of Xerneas and Yveltal. And after their birth, us Progenitors were created. We are the Kings and Queens of our respective races, but we can not sire any children of our own blood. After our creation, Father took the Blood of all Progenitors and created our little sister, Mew."

Bill and Anira were fascinated by what Dragonite was telling them. The truth of Origin was one of the most sought-after Truths in the world.

"Mew then created all the Pokemon after our images. Our descendants looked similar to us, but not the same. They gained some of our Powers, but not all. And all their Powers are connected to us. Mew also created races that did not have any Progenitors. These races were weaker, but they thrived due to their high reproduction rate. The cycle of life went on, and with time, more races came to life by Mew's meddling, even those that are now considered Legendary Pokemon." Dragonite smiled at the three of them. He could see the question on the minds of Bill and Anira. "No, you humans were not created back then. You were created after the War of Titans." He then continued with the tale of Origin. "Millions of years passed, and eventually, the descendants of the Progenitors gave in to their desires and started fighting amongst each other for supremacy. The world was in Chaos. The Divine Pokemon were forbidden by Arceus from meddling in the War that was erupting. Father wanted us Progenitors to deal with the problems, but we failed and gave in to our desires as well..." There was remorse in his tone as he recalled the War. "The only Progenitor that did not take part in the war was the Crimson Queen. Her race is the embodiment of peace and harmony, and she took her descendants into retreat. But War reached her door as well. Some of her descendants were killed by a group of Kings and Queens who wanted to drag her into the War, and she made them pay by becoming the first Progenitor to kill another. The Power she displayed scared everyone, and some retreated to their homes. But there were those, whose Pride was greater than the rest, and they kept fighting. The War continued for another millennium before it came to an end. More than half of the Progenitors perished in it. And the Pokemon Population of the world remained less than half of what it once was."

Dragonite closed his eyes and then opened them as he looked at the Sky.

"Then came the day Father descended to hand us our Punishments for all the blood that we shed."