Chapter 52

Aizen panted for breath after what he pulled off. But his heart was thumping hard in shock that he had failed.

There were some weird devices behind the ears of Archer and his scientist partner. The devices fried up under Aizen's Psychic Power, but saved both of them from losing consciousness. However, they were mentally rattled as well and looked horrified at what Aizen had just done.

Druddigon was on the ground, writhing in pain as he had done its best to resist the attack and suffered as a result. It was no longer in shape to battle anymore.

"You..." There was blood in Archer's eyes. He recalled Druddigon before throwing out another Pokeball. "Tyrantrum, shred him to pieces with your Dragon Claw!"

The Dragon gave Aizen a vicious look before lunging at him to do as commanded.

There was nothing Aizen could do right now. He needed, at least, a few more seconds to recover from the attack he had performed. But his mind was still calm, and his eyes never showed any sign of fear.

The moment the Dragon's claw was about to touch him, a bright light glowed out from the necklace he was wearing under his shirt. No one understood what happened right then, but the mighty Tyrantrum screamed in agony that he had never felt in his life before.

The purest of the Fairy Energy invaded its system and utterly destroyed his Dragon Energy. To the horror of Archer, his beloved Pokemon dropped on the ground lifelessly within seconds.

The teal-haired even tried to call it back in the Pokeball, but the dead Pokemon could not do so. And this time, there was no rage in his eyes. The smile on Aizen's face scared the life out of him. He stumbled back and crashed into the old man who was already slumped on his ass on the ground.

"Mewtwo..." The old man whispered in horror, thinking that it was someone else disguised as Aizen.

"Mewtwo?" Aizen raised his brow at the name.

Before he could inquire anything, the machine started beeping as the Cube stopped absorbing the electricity. It looked like it was made out of pure blue energy, and Aizen had to admit that it looked pretty.

Archer tried to make a run for it, but Aizen used his telekinesis to hurl him at the wall of the room. And now he was completely spent of all of his Psychic Reserves, but he did not show any signs of it to the old man.

"What is that cube?" He glared at the scientist.

"This is a Tesseract. A weapon of Mass-Destruction capable of killing Legendary Pokemon." The old man shivered under his glare and informed him.

"And you made it?" Aizen narrowed his eyes.

"No, no! Mewtwo killed Ronan, who created it. I was just an assistant and know how it works." The old man sweated profusely and answered.

"Who's Mewtwo?" He asked.


Whatever the scientist was about to say was left unsaid.

Aizen was attacked by a Telekinetic attack that crashed against the shields of Lyla which protected him.

But what he saw next horrified him. Several Time-Bombs appeared inside the room out of nowhere. Archer and the Scientist disappeared, but the Psychic Pokemon responsible for all of this failed to take away Tesseract.

Aizen grabbed the blue Cube of light that flew to him and landed in his hand.

"Thanks, Lyla." He sighed. "Can you do something about these bombs? I don't want the people in the room to die." He looked around the fainted Oliver, Officer Jenny, and the rest of the hostages.

The Pokeball on his necklace glowed once more before all of the bombs disappeared from the room.

He did not know where Lyla sent them, and frankly, he did not care.

Aizen fell on his knees as tiredness washed over him. He held the Cube in his hand and stared at it, lost in his thoughts.

"Heh... He said it is capable of killing Legendary Pokemon." Aizen smirked. "Can it, Lyla?"

[No...] Her amused voice echoed in his mind. [But it can do serious damage to the weak ones.]

"Why did you let them go?" He asked.

[They were insignificant.]

"But I needed to question them." He complained.

[If you were stronger, you could have made them stay.] There was no longer any amusement in her voice. [Become strong if you want things to go your way.]

Aizen frowned at her words. They were harsh but he could discern something else from them as well. It was care. And for some reason, Lyla had always pushed him to become stronger. She rarely helped him, and only when he was helpless did she take action. Even after all these years, he was yet to clearly understand her intentions.

"Did you read his mind at least?" He asked.


Her answer made him sigh helplessly.

[Mewtwo is special.]

"You know who Mewtwo is?" He surprisedly asked.

[Father is involved in his creation. And he is Mew's punishment.] She spoke sadly. [He's strong. So, do not be reckless, my Love.]

Aizen felt her end their mental link and sighed again.

Lyla did not reveal much but he now knew that there was some strong Pokemon called Mewtwo out there. And for Arceus to be involved in its creation, and the name it bore, all signalled towards the birth of a new Legend.

The exhaustion finally got to him and his eyes started drooping. And even in this alien place, he felt unusually safe, soon succumbing to sleep without a care.

The Pokeball in his necklace glowed again, the glow spread all over him, and his body recovered at an alarming rate. Right after the light diminished, the Tesseract disappeared from his hands, and the platinum-coloured Pokeball returned to its normal state.

When Aizen regained consciousness, he found himself resting in Anira's lap. There was no roof over their head, but a dark sky that was showing signs of the approaching dawn. A moment of clarity later, he could hear the sparks of Electric Pokémon in the distance.


The violet eyes of his little sister brightened when she saw him wake up. And then Aizen felt a weight on his chest before his silver fox happily gave him licks all over his face.

"Vee vee.."

Their voices attracted the people that were around, and Leaf hurried over to them.

"Good Morning!" He smiled at the two girls and sat up before stretching his arms over his head. He tried to recall how he had lost consciousness, and then horror hit him. "Sky.." He forgot that his Pokemon were engaged in a battle.

"They are all fine!" Anira hugged his arm and smiled. "They fought well, and were injured, but they are resting inside their Pokeballs now."


The humanoid fighting Pokemon hurriedly came over to its Trainer, with Golbat right behind it.

"Machoke!" It took off the belt it was still wearing and handed it back.

"Thank you!" Aizen smiled at his two Pokemon. "And good job!"



The two of them were happy with the praise.

He felt better after he had all his Pokemon back on him. Anira handed him the Pokeballs of Sky, Dexter, and Aerius. And then she handed him another Pokeball as well.

"What's this?" He curiously asked.

"I caught you a Pokemon." She smiled brightly at him. "You were unconscious, and I came across a cute Electric Pokemon. Didn't want to waste any time before someone else decided to go for it, so I had Rinko battle it and caught it after activating the Pokeball with your fingerprint."

Aizen frowned at her words and then looked around them.

There were quite a few people here, and some Trainers were battling out Electric Pokémon to catch them.

"What happened here?"

"After Bill and Uncle Joseph settled the things here, and calmed down all the Electric Pokemon, they contacted the Lavender Town Pokemon Center and notified all the Trainers there to rush to the Power Plant if they wanted to catch Electric Pokemon. The enthusiastic Trainers really rushed here after they heard that there were Raichu and even Jolteon." Leaf excitedly said. "Bill said that it was to reduce the population of Electric Pokémon from the Plant."

"But it is an attempt to calm down the people of the Town, After all the rumours that have spread there, it is necessary, and they need to feel that everything is back to normal." Aizen heard Bill's voice from behind him. "Sorry for the delay."

"What kept you?" The Prince asked with a frown.

"Headquarters of Silph Co. was under attack when I received your distress signal. It took a while to deal with problems there."

"Team Rocket?" Aizen asked.

Bill shook his head and looked Aizen in the eyes.

The Orayen Prince frowned and lowered his head as he lost himself to his thoughts.

Team Doom attacked the Headquarters of Silph Co. And he could guess what their target was.

"Did they get their hands on them?"

"No," Bill smiled at him. "We repelled them and retrieved all four of the Balls. Now there is only one out there that we need to get back."

"Let's get out of here." He sighed and stood up. His attention returned to the Pokeball Anira handed him. It was inactive since his roster was full, so he had to get to the Pokemon Center and see what it was.

Out of curiosity, he looked at Anira and raised his brow at her.

"It's something you always wanted!" The little princess happily giggled and then dragged him with her to the Town.

"I will see you tomorrow for lunch!" Bill waved his hand before walking inside the office of the Power Plant.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Misty came running from far away, and the bright smile on her face showed that something good had happened.

"Did you catch it?" Leaf asked.
