Chapter 68

"If you give up, I won't have to beat you." Diance generously suggested to the Ice Titan that was staring at her.

Getting no reply from Regice, Diancie pouted and turned to look in the direction of Aizen and Dexter, who was right behind him.

"Hi!" She happily waved her hand at them. "Are you here to cheer for me?"

"Diana, stop wasting time." Sabrina indifferently spoke. "Power Gem."

"Hmph..." The Diamond Fairy expressed a little dissatisfaction at being chastised but complied with the command of Sabrina.

She brought her hands together and shot a dazzling ray of light that seemed to be made out of gemstones, right at the waiting Regice who countered it with its own Ice Beam.

The collision of the two attacks echoed in the hall, and dust and debris rose all around.

Regice readied for an attack, and Aizen frowned at it. He knew exactly what Regice was going to use, and so did Sabrina.

"Don't let it charge for Flash Canon. Stone-Edge."

A sharp piercing rock erupted from right under Regice, which caught it off guard, and unbalanced it, making the Flash Canon that was not yet ready to slam up into the roof.

"Diamond Storm."

Diancie was already preparing for the attack when Sabrina called the move.

Aizen was awestruck by the beautiful storm of diamonds that engulfed Regice and rattled it. Its yellow gem-like eyes kept blinking as the storm ruthlessly punished it, and when it subsided, Regice looked weary.

The Power behind the move was too much even for the Titan, however, it still had some strength in it.

"Light Screen." Sabrina immediately called out.

Diancie's eyes glowed briefly before she was surrounded by a pink shield of light, that soon turned invisible.

Regice summoned a howling Blizzard and attacked Diancie. However, the light screen took effect and lowered the power behind the move as soon as it came in contact with it, and the rest was negated by Diancie, who used Gyro Ball to protect itself.

"Hidden Power."

Diancie complied with the command, and a powerful Telekinetic attack threw Regice up in the air.

The Diamond Fairy did not need another command as she already knew what she had to do. Another Diamond Storm was summoned, and it was stronger than the last one.

Regice dropped on the ground, and the yellow gems on it were now dimly blinking. A hum-like sound leaked from it.

"Dazzling Gleam."

The last thing Regice witnessed before losing consciousness was a blinding light, and then an excruciating pain that suddenly jolted through its body.

Sabrina wasted no time and took out a Great Ball to capture the fallen Ice Titan. The ball blinked twice before the ping sounded out, and Sabrina picked it up using her Psychic.

"I am the best!" The Diamond Fairy smugly looked at Sabrina, who only indifferently looked back at her. "And why didn't you call me out in so many days?! I was so bored..." The Fairy complained.

"I was travelling and did not want to attract attention." She simply answered.

The Diamond Fairy seemed satisfied at her answer and levitated towards Aizen and Metagross.

The smile on her face was bright as she inspected him, and then she took a whiff of him, which made Sabrina questioningly raise her brow since she had never seen Diancie do that before.

"You smell of Fairy Energy!" Diancie seemed really happy at the discovery. "It is hidden, but definitely present. You have a Fairy Pokemon?" She cutely asked.

"Yes." He chuckled and nodded his head.

"Can I meet her?" She hopefully asked.

"She's resting." Aizen made an excuse and then nudged her cute little nose very lightly. "You are strong!" He complimented.

"I am the best Diancie there is!" She proudly folded her arms on her chest and replied. "You can call me Diana." She smiled at him.

"Diana it is then." He nodded his head. "I am surprised you have a Diancie." He looked at Sabrina and commented.

"I found her when I was travelling through Kalos. She wanted to come with me, and I accepted." Sabrina informed him and then turned to her Pokemon. "Do you want to stay out or go back inside the Pokeball?" She asked.

"I am not going back in there." She vehemently shook her head. "I want to play!" She announced.

"Sure," Aizen replied immediately and called out Rinko from the Pokeball.

The usually proud silver fox had its eyes sparkling as it stared at Diancie in awe.

"Vee vee!" It called out.

"I am the most beautiful Diancie there is. And you are beautiful too." The Diamond Fairy liked its compliment and soon the two little narcissistic Pokemon were busy playing around with each other.

Rinko asked him to call out Growlithe as well, and the Diamond Fairy was more than happy to have another playmate. The three of them ran inside one of the Tunnels, and Aizen glanced at Dexter, telling him to keep an eye on them.

"Come with me." Sabrina suddenly said after she opened her eyes from a meditative state.

She led him inside a Tunnel and found an Aerodactyl peacefully sleeping there.

It was not an Alpha Pokemon, but it was an old and extremely strong Aerodactyl.

The raven-haired girl called out her Mega Alakazam, and woke the bird up, before battling it. Aizen smiled when she didn't just attack it while it slept. He knew that she did it because she had watched him show some respect to the Aerodactyl earlier.

Alakazam made quick work out of the Aerodactyl, who was rattled and not in the perfect state after waking from hibernation, and Sabrina got the Pokemon she had come to the island for.

"Where have you been after your Vertress Conference win?"

"Exploring." She replied. "I explored Kalos, Sinnoh, and Unova to search for strong Pokemon."

"Found what you were looking for?"

"Yes." She nodded her head. "There are a few more on my list that I need to capture."

"You are preparing for something?" Aizen frowned.

"Champions League." She replied to him.

"That's nine years from now." Aizen surprisedly said. "And you have only won Vertress Conference. You need to win two more Regional Leagues to take part in it."

"I plan on winning Indigo and Silver Conferences in the future."

"You are not taking part in it this year?"

"No." She shook her head. "I want to explore Hoenn first. And then either Alola or Galar."

Aizen walked with her in silence as they headed to the place from where they entered the dungeon. He wanted to ask her to join them on their Journey, but Sabrina seemed to already have plans for what she needed to do.

"How long are you going to stay in Kanto for?" He asked.

Sabrina turned to look him in the eyes and then answered after a few moments.

"I have to go to Saffron City to check on my adoptive parents, and then explore the region."

"If you don't mind it. You can travel with us." He suggested. "At least until this year's Indigo Conference. And perhaps you can help me with something."

"I don't mind it." She simply said. "And what do you need help with?"

Aizen then informed her about what was going on in the Region, and he invited her to join their Action Team. It would not only be helpful to him but also to her.

Since she was a Moonheart, the High Table would gladly welcome her into the fold. Her contribution would earn her a favourable impression from the Arcane Creed, and it would give him an excuse to stay close to her and protect her from falling into the wrong hands.

He did not hide his intentions from her, since he knew that Sabrina only looked at things from a logical perspective, and sure enough, she agreed to go on with his suggestion.


They were waiting right under the hole in the roof of the dungeon when Rinko called out and came running towards them, followed by Growlithe and Diance. Dexter was already right behind him, silently hovering in the air.

"Had fun?" Aizen smiled at them and asked.

"Yes! And Rinko found this." She handed him a stone she was holding in her arms.

Aizen observed the stone and the patterns on it, and it was a pleasant surprise.

"A Fossilzied Egg." Sabrina looked at it and said.

"Yup." Aizen happily nodded. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"



Diancie, Eevee, and Growlithe happily replied.