Chapter 91

"Come on, Nido. One last move. Use Bite!" Leaf cheered up her little Nidoran, who was up against her brother in a friendly duel.

"Use Double-Kick to send her away!" Aizen called out, and the Pink Nidoran listened to his words, barely managing to throw away his sister.

However, after the move, both the Nidoran slumped down on the ground and panted heavily.

Both Aizen and Leaf had upped the training of their Nidoran, and today, they had pushed both of them into a friendly duel that lasted nearly an hour.

All the Stamina and Speed Training they put their Pokémon under had yielded results, and the Nidoran were in a perfect state.

"You have done well!" Aizen crouched next to his Nidoran and gave it a wild Berry which was a little poisonous.

The Nidoran-line could safely consume Poisonous berries, and research had shown that they could enhance their Poison reserves by consuming such naturally poisonous berries. However, it was recommended not to give them very poisonous ones as they could upset their stomachs.

It was the ninth day since they had arrived at Camomile Island. They had explored all of the reserves, coming across various Pokémon that were not native to the Kanto Region. They even met a few Trainers, and Leaf engaged in battles with them, winning all of them and earning herself a good sum that she planned on spending in the Neon City.

But the first thing they had to do after reaching Fuchsia City was to challenge the Poison Gym there. And both of them had already prepared for it.

Leaf planned on giving her new Pokémon a chance, and had spent a lot of her time training Pichu, Charmander, and Ponyta. She had even learned how to ride Ponyta under the insistence of Anira, and she was grateful that she agreed to it. The smile had not left her face when she returned from her first ride.

And that incident prompted something that took everyone by surprise.

Misty openly declared that she wanted a Ponyta as well, and then Anira accompanied her to explore the place to search for one whilst both Aizen and Leaf spent their time training their Pokémon.

Even after searching for four days, Misty did not come across a lone Ponyta. Most stayed with the herd and were quite young. She did not have the heart to separate them from their parents. And fate seemed to have different plans in store for her.

But today, on the evening of the fifth day of her search for a Ponyta, Misty and Anira came across an injured Rapidash, who was resting under a tree and oozed a depressing Aura.

Anira could not help but talk with it and also read its thoughts. And she informed Misty that it was a newly evolved Rapidash, who had challenged an older Rapidash over the right to mate with a female that he liked. But he lost the fight and then left its herd as its pride was hurt.

For some reason, Misty felt very connected with the sad Pokémon. And she decided to take him on her team.

Aizen and Leaf burst out laughing when Anira informed them what Misty had promised to her Rapidash to convince him to become part of her team.

"So you will make him strong enough that he will have dozens of beautiful mares in his harem?" Aizen's stomach started aching from laughing so much, and when he heard Misty's admission, tears threatened to pour out of his eyes.

"Yes! My Rapidash will have the best harem in the world!" She folded her arms on her chest and proudly proclaimed. And the beautiful horse standing behind her also proudly neighed to her words, showcasing his resolve.

"Okay!" Aizen finally managed to get a grip on his laughter. "Good Luck!" He said, and then the orange-haired girl huffed before walking away with her Rapidash.

He did not miss out on how her face suddenly burned in a scarlet blush right before she stormed off, which prompted him to break out into chuckles again.

"Are we leaving tomorrow for the Theme Park?" Sabrina, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere together with her Mega Alakazam, asked them.

"Yes!" Leaf nodded her head, wiping off her tears and suppressing her giggles.

"What happened?" The raven-haired girl asked when she found all of them with flushed faces.

"I will tell you!" Anira happily stepped forward and grabbed Sabrina's hand, leading her away with her, telling her exactly what happened.

Later at the dinner table, all of them discussed their plans for the rest of their journey.

With less than seven months remaining in the Indigo Conference, they still had a lot of time on their hands. However, with everything that was going on in the Region and all the danger that surrounded them, Aizen proposed that they grab the rest of their six Gym Badges within two and half months, which would leave them with nearly four months to prepare for the Indigo Conference.

"Have you thought over which Pokémon you need on your Team?" He seriously asked and looked Leaf in the eyes.

"Yes. I have a few in mind." The hazel-eyed girl confidently nodded her head, which prompted Anira and Misty to curiously look at her. "I need another Water-Type and one more Ground-Type on my Team. Also, I don't have a Fighting-Type yet." She pointed out and then mischievously looked at Misty. "And I need a Bug-Type as well."

Misty felt chills up her spine when Leaf talked about a Bug Type Pokemon.

"Please... No weird eyes..."

"I was thinking about a Pinsir." Leaf playfully revealed her plan.

"Hell no! They are so creepy!!!" The orange haired-girl immediately cried out.

"They are decently strong." Sabrina, however, acknowledged Leaf's choice.

"Yup." Aizen agreed with the raven-haired girl. "They are very capable battle Pokemon."

"Please, no..." Misty pleaded, even though she knew that it was not going to work now.

Leaf seemed to have already made up her mind and playfully stuck her tongue at her.

"You can find a Pinsir in the Kanto Safari Zone." Anira checked her PokeNav+ and informed her. "Do you have any specific Pokémon in mind for Water, Ground, and Fighting Types?"

"No." Leaf shook her head. "But I need heavy hitters." She said and then looked at Aizen. "Which ones do you need?"

"A Psychic and a Fairy." He said.

"Which ones?" Misty curiously asked.

"Nintetales and a Clefable." He revealed to them.

"You can catch a Clefable when we return to Pewter City to challenge the Gym." Misty nodded her head. "As for Nintetales. It's hard to find a Vulpix in the wild."

"I know." He smiled at her. "If I don't find one, I can go for an Alakazam."

"It's not easy to find an Abra as well." The orange-haired girl smiled and pointed out.

"Well, then, I guess I will have to go after an Exeggutor or maybe a Slowking." He mused.

"So, you don't want anything from the Safari Zone?" Leaf curiously asked.

"Not really, but if something catches my eye, I will go for it." He shrugged and then lovingly caressed Togepi's head, who loved his ministrations and cutely moaned.

"They grow really slow..."

Aizen understood what Misty was talking about and nodded his head.

"I don't plan on using Togepi in the Indigo Conference. This little one can take his time growing up." He gently smiled at the Pokémon in his arms.

"Togepree!!" It brightly said before yawning and retracting in its shell to get some sleep, and its cuteness made everyone smile at it.

"Make sure you finish reading the Research works I have forwarded to you before going to bed." He said to the hazel-eyed girl before handing Togepi to Anira, and then he turned to look at Sabrina. "Let's go." He said and the Raven-haired girl nodded her head before following him out of the Pokémon Center.

Misty frowned when she saw them leaving together. She knew that they were only going out to train their Powers, but she did not like him spending alone time with the pink-eyed girl.

"Let's get to work!" Anira sensed Misty's mood and then pulled both the girls with her to their suite.

Since Misty also planned on giving the Pokémon Breeder's Exam in the future, the three of them daily spent an hour or two on their studies.

Tomorrow, they were going to leave for Fuchsia City.

Who knows what adventure awaits them next?