The next day, early in the morning, both Aizen and Misty followed their routine and went out for a run and the morning exercises.
They returned to the campsite a couple of hours before noon, and after a quick breakfast, they changed their clothes and got ready for the day that they planned on spending fishing in the lake.
The orange-haired girl was very excited and nearly dragged him with her as soon as they packed up their tent and utensils.
A mile away from the campsite, they arrived at a spot that they had discovered on their morning run.
There were no people around here, and there were several huge boulders by the side of the lake that they could sit on and fish comfortably. Since the mountains covered their back where the sun was rising from, they also had a shade to stay in for hours to come.
Both of them were quite experienced in fishing, and it did not take long for them to get ready and take their spots.
They sat a little away from each other on different boulders, and since there was no one else around the place, they could openly chat.
Aizen let Rinko out of the Pokeball, and the silver fox happily jumped on his shoulder and gave him a few loveable licks. After it was done showering its love on him, Rinko excitedly looked at the surroundings, appreciating the beauty of nature, and then jumped right into the lake for a swim, not caring if there was an angry Gyarados who could attack it.
"Let's see who makes the first catch!" Misty announced and used an overhead cast to send the line nearly twenty metres away.
She smugly grinned at him as she stood atop the boulder, and Aizen could only helplessly sigh at her.
He stood up as well and then used the same overhead technique to cast the line, sending it easily over twenty metres away before giving her an innocent smile.
The orange-haired girl stomped her foot and begrudgingly sat down, not willing to look at him.
"You are mean!" She announced.
"Thank you." He replied and then comfortably sat down on the boulder before closing his eyes.
Misty curiously looked at him as he started meditating. And even though she planned on chatting with him as they fished, she decided to not disturb him.
However, she soon found someone to talk with when Rinko got out of the water and shook off its fur before sitting next to her.
"Vee... Vee!" Rinko said something, and though she could not talk with Pokémon, she somehow understood what it wanted to convey to her.
"There are lots of Pokémon inside the lake?"
"Vee!" The cute silver fox nodded its head in reply.
"We will catch them all!" She excitedly said and then patiently waited for a Pokémon to take the bait.
However, the Pokémon inside the lake seemed really smart as they refused to fall for it.
Deciding that she should, perhaps, change the lure, she reeled back the line and then put something more tasty for the Pokémon to fall for.
She used the same method again to cast out the line, and this time, she managed to send it over twenty meters.
Misty suppressed her urge to shout at Aizen, telling him that she could do it too, and just calmly sat back down.
"See, I sent it as far as he did." She told Eevee, who confusedly looked at her.
"Vee vee!" The little fox told her something that she did not understand, and her instincts told her that she did not want to know what it had said.
Rinko was undoubtedly trying to tell her that Aizen could cast the line even further and that he had held back.
Another hour passed, and the day got warmer. However, strangely, Misty was quite patient today.
Just when she decided to reel back the line and try another lure, something finally took the bait and she felt the tug.
"Yes!" She excitedly said and stood up as she quickly reeled back the line.
Her heart was racing as she wanted to see what she had managed to catch, but she was in for a disappointment as it turned out to be a Seaking.
It was a male Seaking and quite old. She needed a young Goldeen whom she could train properly, so this Pokémon was of no use to her.
"Calm down. I will let you go." She gently said to the large fish Pokémon, who looked ready to put up a fight as soon as it surfaced.
But after listening to Misty's words and looking at the silver fox that indifferently looked at it, the Seaking stopped struggling.
Misty climbed off the boulder and then stepped into the lake to let Seaking off the hook. And the giant fish immediately scurried away.
Though she was a little disappointed that it was not the Pokémon she wanted, she was still happy that she was the one who made the first catch.
Aizen was still sitting cross-legged and meditating, and nothing had fallen for the lure he had used.
"Let's see what we catch next, Rinko. Wish me luck!"
"Vee!" The silver fox called out in her support and watched her manage to send the line over twenty meters again. "Vee vee!"
"Thanks!" Misty brightly smiled and then sat down again on the boulder, patiently waiting again for the next Pokémon.
She did manage to hook a few in the next hour, but sadly all of them were either Seaking or Magikarp, both the Pokémon that she did not need.
However, her luck finally kicked in when she felt something big fall for the bait. She feared that it might be another Seaking, but to her surprise, it turned out to be a Slowpoke.
"What were you doing in the water?" She curiously but happily asked, but only received a dumb look from slowpoke in return.
Slowpoke usually stayed at the water's edge, and even when they wanted to hunt, they usually just dipped their tails to catch some fish. However, it did not mean that they could not swim or could not stay underwater for long. They were exceptional swimmers and could stay underwater for hours.
But Misty had a hunch that this Pokémon was after something else as it looked like a fully grown Slowpoke, almost ready for its evolution. She guessed that it wanted to evolve, and since King's Rock was not really found here, it was probably searching for a Turbann, a rocky carnivorous plant that grew on the sea-beds, riverbeds, or lake-beds, which helped slowpoke evolve into a Slowbro by biting onto its tail.
Misty gently pulled Slowpoke out of the water and then crouched down next to it, patting its head.
She could not help but smile as she stared into its blank eyes.
"Since I want a slowpoke. You are mine!" She declared. "But you are still not ready for evolution, and after we have trained for some time, I will help you find a Turbann or a King's Rock." She promised it and fished out a Safari Ball from her pouch before tapping it onto Slowpoke's head.
The Pokémon did not even struggle as it allowed itself to be caught inside the Pokeball. And Misty sighed a little as she watched the Safari Ball lock on its own.
She would have to wait another three days to see Slowpoke again.
A sudden voice called out from behind her, taking her by surprise.
"Aizen!" She smiled at him. "I have caught a Slowpoke."
"I saw." He chuckled.
"And I fished 7 Seaking and 19 Magikarp!" She smugly informed him.
"I know." He nodded to her. "It's not my day." He shrugged. "You can keep fishing. I will go and prepare lunch."
"Thank you!" She was really happy that he suggested it as she was really pumped up to continue fishing now.
Time passed, and they both ate their lunch together.
Misty managed to fish a few more Magikarp, and late in the afternoon, she finally hooked something new.
She really hoped that it was a Goldeen as she did not find it hard to reel back the line, but when the Pokémon surfaced out of the water, she stared at it dumbfoundedly.
The shock eventually wore off, and then she loudly screamed out in excitement.
"I caught a Horsea!"
She hopped on her feet and hugged Aizen before taking out a Safari Ball and throwing it at the Horsea.
Misty waited with bated breaths as she watched the Horsea struggle and the Pokeball blink, and she was so relieved when the ping sounded out that she slumped down on her knees, grinning happily.
Rinko jumped into the water and fetched the Safari Ball for her, and Misty planted a dozen kisses on it before she stored it away.
"This is the best day ever!" She hugged Aizen again and then immediately prepared to go back to fishing. "Time to catch a Goldeen!"
And hours later, right before sunset, she did manage to catch a beautiful Goldeen that she so desired.
It was the best day of her life!