Chapter 128

[Graveler, a bipedal, boulder Pokémon. Its round body is covered with small bumps and it has a rocky crest above its small eyes and mouth. It has four arms, each with a three-fingered hand. Its second pair of arms is typically kept tucked against its chest. Graveler, despite having legs, can revert to a legless form. This grants it the ability to float. However, it can only float if it stays stationary.

Graveler's preferred locomotion is rolling, specifically, because it is a slow walker. It often rolls down mountain paths at high speeds exceeding 100 kmph, crushing objects in the way and stopping by running into huge rocks should it build up too much speed. However, it will explode if it rolls into a river instead.

Graveler is known to be generally free and uncaring, not minding if pieces of itself break off, as it can restore itself over time. Graveler loves climbing mountains from base to summit, feasting on rocks all the while. Their favourite rock to eat is moss-covered rocks.]

[This Graveler is a Male]

[Ability: Rock Head]

[Moves Known: Defense Curl, Protect, Rollout, Bulldoze, Rock Throw, Smack Down, Heavy Slam, Self-Destruct, Stone-Edge, Explosion, Earthquake, Iron Head]

"That's a nice catch." Aizen gently patted her head, impressed at what she had gotten her hands on, and Leaf happily smiled at him.

"I will teach him Giga Impact, and when it will evolve into Golem, we will be unstoppable!" She excitedly informed him, and he nodded to her plan, approving it.

The group entered the Pewter City Pokémon Center, and Nurse Joy smiled at seeing them again.

"Welcome to the Pew City Pokémon Center." She greeted them as usual. "How may I help you?"

"We would like some of our Pokémon checked and treated," Leaf said as she submitted the Pokeballs of the Pokémon she had used earlier today for her Gym Battle, as well as the Pokeball of her newest catch.

Aizen did not need to get his Pokémon cheeked up, so he opted for an evaluation.

"We would also like to Sign Up for the Pewter Gym Challenge."

"Of course." Nurse Joy took their Pokedex and then scanned them on her computer. "There are four slots available today. 5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, and 8 pm. And you can have your battle at any time tomorrow."

"Why are there not many challengers?" The girl from Pallet Town curiously looked at the screen and asked.

"Most Trainers pick Pewter Gym as one of the first that they challenge. Now, there are less than five months left in the Indigo Conference, so, there are not many Gym Challengers coming here during this period. We do see some rise in their numbers two months before the Conference..."

Leaf nodded her head after listening to the explanation and then turned to look at Aizen.

"You want to have your battle today?"

"Yes." She nodded her head and smiled at him.


They both registered themselves for the 5 pm and 6 pm slots and since they were having their Gym Battle in a few hours, they went to their suite to freshen up and arrived at the Training Ground to make preparations.

Anira and Sabrina stayed in the suite with the two Vulpix, Togepi, Rinko, and Diancie, who wanted to play with the two foxes. She loved making new friends, especially if they were cute. And the two Vulpix qualified her standards of cuteness.

Time went by very quickly, and a few minutes before the Gym Battle, all of them arrived at the Pewter Gym.

There, Aizen and the rest met with Brock's Family, including all his nine siblings, who had the same eyes and hair as him. However, two of his sisters had a lighter complexion, taking after their mother, Lola, who was a famous Water Pokémon specialist.

Flint, Brock's Father, and the Guardian of the Pewter City, looked like an older version of their friend, but unlike the aspiring Pokémon Breeder, his old man looked very rough, as if he loved playing in dust all day long.

Leaf had her match first, and when she saw that Flint chose Graveler as his first Pokémon, she did the same.

Even though Graveler was a newly caught Pokémon and Leaf had not started its training yet, they had a chat at the Pokémon Center, and the Pokémon was willing to listen to her commands in the battle. Well, it did not take much convincing after it lost the rematch against Magnezone.

Since it loved battling, the moment it saw that it was up against a Graveler, it grew very excited.

However, it was soon very clear which Pokémon was well-trained and which one was not.

Even though Leaf's Graveler put up a great fight, it lost the round. The result, however, did not demoralise the hazel-eyed girl in the least.

All she wanted was to test out Graveler's limits, and she had achieved her purpose.

In the second round, she sent out her Bellossom, who made quick work of Flint's Graveler by hitting it with a Petal Dance.

The third round happened to be between Bellossom and Magcargo, where the Grass Pokémon was pushed to its limits, eventually falling short and fainting after doing considerable damage to Fire-Rock Pokémon.

Leaf finally became tensed after losing two of her Pokémon, and debated if she should use Magnezone or Exeggutor.

The choice was not just for this round, but also for the next, against a Pokémon which had not been revealed yet.

Eventually, she opted to go with Exeggutor, finding it a safer bet.

However, the decision pushed her to the very edge, where she had never been through a tougher battle.

Exeggutor won against Magcargo after some effort but then found itself against an Aerodactyl, another Pokémon with a Type-Advantage against it.

The fight that ensued pushed the two Pokemon to their very last strand of strength, and it all came down to when both were on the ground, trying their best to get up to continue.

"Come on, Exeggutor!" Leaf pleadingly called out to her Pokémon, whose eyes briefly glowed before it managed to get up on its feet with the help of its Psychic Powers.

Aerodactyl, however, stayed down and eventually gave up.

Once the result was announced, Exeggutor too fell back and fainted, and Leaf immediately rushed to its side and thanked it before recalling it inside its Pokeball.

"You have a very tenacious Pokémon," Flint commented as he handed her the Boulder Badge and the girl from Pallet Town thanked him for the match, which had helped her learn a lot.

"Well done." Aizen patted her head before walking inside the Arena, and the Gym Leader already had a Pokéball in his hand.

After seeing how Flint fought against Leaf, he knew that the man would not hold back.

However, when he saw him call out a Rhydon, he sighed in his heart and took a gamble.

Leaf tensed up when she saw him use his Rhyhorn, intending to let it gain battle experience, and she was praying in her heart that he would not fall into the same situation that she had fallen into after losing her Pokémon in the first round.

And as the round progressed, her fears seemed to be coming true.

Aizen did not seem too tense about the situation, his mind already had a recovery plan, but he was hoping for something here, and it finally happened.

When Rhyhorn found himself at the mercy of Rhydon, it grew angrier and became more stubborn, and this stubbornness resulted in it soon exuding a brilliant light.

They all watched its figure grow and stand on its hind legs, and when the light finally subsided, the newly evolved Rhydon roared to the sky before grimly looking at its opponent.

Both the Pokémon used Earthquake at the same time, which caused the entire building to shake, and at the epicentre, both suffered the consequences of their actions as their insides were rattled.

The two Rhydon then charged at each other and smacked each other with Hammer Arm.

"Grab it, and use Horn Drill on his left shoulder," Aizen called out a very ruthless move when he saw an opportunity.

Since his Rhydon was shorter than the opponent and moved first, there was nothing that Flint's Rhydon could do except try to use Stone-Edge to throw it away, but it failed to shake it off, and now it was too late.

Rhydon's horn managed to pierce through its opponent's hard body, and Flint immediately recalled his Pokémon to prevent some serious harm.

The newly evolved Pokémon roared to the sky at its victory, something it terribly needed to boost its confidence, and Aizen was not sorry for the harm he had caused by making such a ruthless decision.

Flint understood it as well, and he did not mind it either. It was very important for Aizen's Rhydon to win that match as its pride was on the line, and this victory was going to shape its future growth.

"Go, Kabutops!"

The second round started between Rhydon and Kabutops, and the former got hit by a very powerful Liquidation right off the bat.

However, it did retaliate and used Earthquake, which made the Ancient Pokémon suffer from dizziness, but even after giving its best, it was not meant to win this round.

Aizen retired Rhydon when it fell on the ground and Kabutops climbed over it, preparing to pierce it with its scythes.

He did not want his Pokémon to suffer any grievous injuries.

Not willing to take any chances, he asked Rinko to step into the field, and the experienced Shiny Eevee used the element of surprise by taking out the opponent with its secret Grass-Type move, Sappy Seed.

In the fourth round, Flint called out a Golem, and Aizen recalled Rinko and sent Machoke into the battle.

The Fighting Pokémon was pumped up, and after whatever good had happened at night that it had spent with that female Machamp at the Fighting Dojo, its confidence was through the roof.

Golem was a Pokémon renowned for its defence, and this one was extremely well-trained. Despite the type advantage, Machoke fell short.

However, the Ground-Rock Pokémon was no longer in perfect shape, and when Rinko stepped into the field again, Aizen exploited its Water Weakness and earned a comfortable win in the end.

"Good job!" He caught Rinko in his arms when it lunged at him, and then laughed as he received licks all over his face.

Now, one one badge was left.