"Where did Aizen go?" Cynthia, who was wearing a golden gown, walked up to Sabrina, who entered the Throne Room with her Delphox, wearing a green dress.
On the side, Joseph and Bill looked their way as well, curious where the Orayen Prince had disappeared after meeting with Gary Oak earlier today.
"He said he will be back by 9 pm. I don't know where he is," The Moonheart informed them, and they all subconsciously looked towards the Clock Tower that could be seen outside the balcony of the Hall.
Seeing that there were still more than 40 minutes to go until 9 pm, they all relaxed.
The preparations were hasty, but they had managed to decorate the Throne Room, prepare the marriage contract, and all the other paperwork.
Ilene, who was in shock at how quickly everything was happening, was in her room, all dressed up in a beautiful golden and white gown, which her mother had worn at her wedding.
Sitting at the dressing table, she was absentmindedly looking at the items placed on it, and by her side, her Mime Jr was having its own fun.
This was how Cynthia found her, lost deep in her thoughts that she did not even notice the door open and her maids leaving the room.
The Queen nearly jumped in a scare when she felt a hand on her shoulder, but calmed down after seeing who it was.
"You look beautiful."
"Thank you," said Ilene, and returned the compliment.
Even though Cynthia had not made any real efforts to get ready, she was breathtakingly beautiful, and she never required much effort to overshadow any girl in the room. And this was something that made the Queen feel quite envious in her heart right now.
"How many Pokémon do you have?"
"I have twelve," she replied.
"Which ones?" Cynthia curiously asked.
"Charizard, whom I received upon acquiring my license. I captured a Pidgey a few days after becoming a Trainer, and it is now a Pidgeot. I have an Altaria, who once belonged to my mother. A Blastoise, who was a Squirtle when I captured it. A Lucario whose Egg I found in the hills near the Tree of Beginning. A Raichu, who was once my adorable little Pichu. Rapidash, who was a gift from my father. My Espeon, who was once the most adorable Eevee. I also have a mischievous Liepard, whom I captured on a trip to Unova. Then there is Roserade, whom I found on another trip to Heonn, and Gardevoir, who was..." The smile on her face stiffened as a face crossed her mind, and she lowered her head.
"Uncle Riven gifted you the Ralts." Cynthia nodded her head, and the name brought tears to the Queen's eyes.
"Thank God you don't have what I plan to give you," she said, and then under the curious eyes of Ilene, she fished out a Pokéball and presented it to her. "Not a fighter, but its line is very cute. One of my favourite Pokémon, and so, a Wedding Gift to you from your future Sister-Wife."
Before she could even form words, the blonde grabbed her hand and placed the ball in it.
"Thank you." The Queen managed to smile and then curiously picked up her Pokedex and scanned it, initiating the registration process.
Once the process started, she placed her thumb on the button on the ball, which served as a fingerprint scanner needed to activate it.
She did not look at the details of the Pokémon on her Dex but called it out when the Pokéball was registered under her name, and instantly, her eyes brightened in joy.
"Eeeeehhh! You are so cute!"
Cynthia was shocked when she saw the Queen suddenly turn into a little girl and start gushing over the cute Pachirisu.
However, soon she was relieved in her heart at seeing the lady genuinely smiling.
"Like my gift?"
"I love it!" Ilene excitedly said and then jumped on her feet to hug her.
Moments later, she was chasing after the squirrel Pokémon in her room. Not caring about anything else.
"Wow..." The Sinnoh Champion laughed and then silently left the room, allowing the Queen to play and get acquainted with her new Pokémon.
When the maids finally entered the room and found her cooing at the Pachirisu in her arms, they were stunned.
No one remembered the last time they had seen her this happy, and old Jenny really had to fight her tears at seeing the scene.
"Your Grace," she gently said, and regretted it immediately as Ilene's smile ceased.
"Give me a minute," said the Queen and then slowly walked towards the full-length mirror.
A mirthless smile formed on her lips as she saw her image. It was her dream to wear this dress at her wedding, but her wedding was not to the man whom she had loved with all her heart.
She felt like she was betraying Riven's memories, but lowered her head as she reminded herself of her duties as a queen.
Taking a deep breath, she masked her expressions, wore a fake smile on her lips, and then walked out of the room, carrying her Mime Jr and Pachirisu in her arms.
"My Pokémon?"
"They are all in the Throne Room, Your Grace," replied Jenny.
"Thank you."
The old woman smiled and silently followed her to the Hall.
Freddy, the Knight of Cameran Palace, and his father, Gareth, were waiting for them.
Their Family was the last remaining Arcane Family that still followed her, and even though they were just a branch of a now-extinct Family of Aura Users who once served the Cameran Throne, they were the reason why her Kingdom still stood today.
"Your Grace," bowed the old man, and when he saw her smiling, he was relieved in his heart.
"Thank you, Sir Gareth." She sincerely said as she took the man's arm, who was going to give her to her husband in place of her late father.
The door of the Throne Room opened, and the moment she looked towards the platform under the Throne, her heart skipped a beat.
Her groom was there, dressed in the colours of his Royal House, purple and silver, with his hands behind his back, looking at her with a smile.
Despite herself, her cheeks warmed up at how handsome he was. He was the Prince every girl in the world would dream about marrying, and here she was, about to become his wife.
She shied her eyes away from him and looked towards her Pokémon, who were standing on the sides, and when she smiled at them, it made them happy.
There were more Pokémon in the room, some quite young, and she figured that they belonged to Aizen as he had only started his journey this year.
A lot of thoughts crossed her mind as she walked down the aisle, and it was only after Gareth freed his arm and knelt to Aizen that she returned to the present.
Behind Aizen, stood Joseph Stone, acting as his guardian, and the one who was going to officiate their wedding was Riley, who had his Mega Lucario by his side.
"My Lady," said her Prince, drawing his hands to her, and Ilene planted a kiss on the heads of Mime Jr and Pachirisu and knelt to put them on the ground.
Before she stood up, she took a deep breath, formed a smile on her lips, and then placed her hands in his hands.
His hands were warm, not too warm, but comfortably warm, and she noticed how soft and slender they were.
Since this was the Wedding between the Aura Users, both of them started utilising it, and after Riley used his powers to wrap their hands in his Aura, they silently made promises to each other whilst conveying their conviction through the Aura Bridge that had been created between them.
Once they had made their silent vows, it was time for the declaration.
"I, Ilene Cameran, the Queen of Rota Kingdom, the Blood of Cameran Family, take you, Aizen Orayen, as my lawfully wedded Husband and Consort."
"I, Aizen Orayen, the Crown Prince of Blanc Kingdom, the Blood of Orayen Family, take you, Ilene Cameran, as my lawfully wedded Wife and accept to be your Consort."
They spoke one after the other, and though she was nervous, Ilene tiptoed and raised her head, and Aizen leaned in to capture her soft lips.
As soon as their lips met, the Aura Bridge between them brightened, and Riley respectfully stepped back with a smile.
A few moments later, when they separated, the Queen shied her eyes away, trying to hide her blush, and then smiled at the people and Pokémon in the Hall, who had started cheering and clapping their hands.
Old Jenny then accepted something from the maids, which was wrapped in red cloth, and then she stepped onto the platform and stood behind her Queen.
Ilene smiled at Aizen before she carefully unwrapped the gift she wanted to give him, which turned out to be a beautiful golden Mace, about five and a half feet long, with an Aura Crystal forming an orb at the top.
They all knew that the Mace was the symbol of Rota Kingdom's King, and even though Aizen was only Ilene's Consort, she still decided to give it to him.
It was a show of respect to him, to his Blood, and her sincerity and trust towards her husband. Had he only been a Prince and not the future Orayen King, she would not have given him this Mace.
"Thank you," said Aizen as he accepted it from her hands, not showing any reservations, and it truly made his wife happy. "I have a gift for you as well."
The Orayen Prince smiled at her and then raised his left hand.
In an instant, and out of nowhere, a beautiful red chest appeared, floating above his hand, catching her by surprise.
"Open it." He said, and she curiously undid the latch and pulled the lid up.
Her eyes widened in curiosity when she saw five beautiful luxury balls lying inside the Chest.
One was red and yellow, the second was blue and with dark orange spots, the third one was green and red, the fourth was white and pink, and the last one had three colours, cream, blue, and pink.
"The top three are from my Grandmother, the fourth one is from Anira, and the last one is from me," he informed her, and she smiled before she picked up the first Pokéball.
After registering her fingerprint, she excitedly called out what was inside it, and her eyes gleamed in happiness when a cute little Torchic appeared out of the light.
Cynthia covered her mouth and giggled when she saw how hard Ilene was trying to not jump out of excitement or scream, but everyone could tell that the Queen was beyond happy.
She now already had an idea of what was inside the next two Pokéballs, and after registering them one after the other, she called out both Pokémon together.
Gary Oak, who was a guest, was shocked when he saw the Hoenn Starters, and as much as he wanted to step forward to take a closer look at them, he stayed in his place. Thankfully, Ash was not here, or else he would have surely screamed out of excitement and ruined the gift-exchanging ceremony.
Aizen smiled as he watched his wife sit and show some love to her new Pokémon, who were soon running after the mischievous Pachirisu.
"Thank you," She said to him, and he nodded to her before asking her to check Anira's gift.
Ilene picked up the pink and white Pokéball and then called out the Pokémon inside it.
"Yip!" A small Eevee cheerfully called out to her, and seeing how beautiful it was, her heart instantly melted.
This time, she could not help herself and picked up the Pokémon in her arms, and then she openly cooed at it, as a mother would do with her baby.
Her melodious giggles as the Pokémon started licking her face, brought smiles to everyone's faces, and her husband patiently waited for her to return her attention to the chest and the last Pokéball inside it.
It took a good couple of minutes before she embarrassedly looked at him, and biting her lower lip, she picked up his gift to her.
The Pokémon that came out of it, surprised quite a few people, and she was both dismayed and then elated.
"Feebasss..." The fish Pokémon, who was floating in the air thanks to Aizen's Psychic Powers, stared right into Ilene's soul, who stepped forward and gently stroked its head.
"Her Egg was laid by my mother's Milotic a few months ago," he informed her, and she felt even more sweet in her heart.
Ilene turned to look at him and then stepped forward to enter his arms.
"Thank you."
Aizen gently planted a kiss on her head and asked her to call the fish Pokémon back inside the ball.
The two of them then received warm wishes and gifts from the guests and then joined them for a banquet.