Learning Haki and Finding Treasures

A/N: I searched the wiki and there were no specified training methods for Armament Haki except for Rayleigh's method of attacking wild animals, so I'm gonna use that.

(Kairo's POV)

The return journey was boring.

There was nothing special on the way back to the H.Q.

No sea beasts, no pirates, not even a strong gust of wind attempted to hinder our path.

There was nothing to do on the ship, and I couldn't spar with Dragon due to the 'risk of him accidentally falling into the seas'.

As if he would.

He has a wind Logia, and he learned Geppo.

There was virtually no chance of him falling into the seas.

Of course, in the off chance that he does, I would be the one to fetch him anyways.

So, I did the only thing I could on the ship.

I did exercises.

The ship didn't have a lot of space due to the recruits occupying them, so I settled for doing push-ups, sit-ups, and squats.

I did as much as I could until we reached H.Q.

When we arrived at H.Q, the recruits got off the ship to either brag to their families, or to continue training.

Zephyr and I went to the Exchange Office to exchange the Skillful Grade sword, while Dragon went to his father to notify him of eating a Devil Fruit.

The sword was exchanged for 5000 points, and I didn't know if that was a lot, so I asked Zephyr, is that enough to train in Haki?

Zephyr replied, "Of course. Training in one type of Haki costs 2000 points, so to learn both types, you'd need 4000 points. You probably don't know this, but there are 2 types of Haki that you can learn."

I acted cluelessly and said, "There's another type of Haki?"

"Yeah, Conqueror's Haki, but we'll talk about that another day."

We walked to Zephyr's private training ground, and he started explaining the two types of Haki to me.

"As I said before, there are two types of Haki. The first type is Armament Haki, which allows you to reinforce your blows and attack Devil Fruit users that would normally be immune to normal attacks, such as Logia users, which would normally be intangible.

The second type of Haki is Observation Haki. It grants the user a heightened sense of perception, allowing them to perceive others' presence and strength. There was even a user in the past that was able to sense someone's emotions using Observation Haki."

"We'll get started on Observation Haki because Armament would take a longer time to learn."

A/N: Kairo will learn armament by beating wild animals. *NOT ANIMAL ABUSE*

"Alright, put this on.", Zephyr told me as he threw a blindfold at me.

'How hard could it possibly be to dodge someone blindfolded? I'm stronger than Luffy at this point (he wasn't even born yet), and Luffy learned to dodge Rayleigh's blow pretty quickly.'

Ah sh*t. I just jinxed myself, didn't I?


(Zephyr's POV)

'Ahhh... it feels so good beating the brat.'

He was the root of so many of my troubles, and my wallet's nearly emptied because of him.

Beating him blindfolded feels good.

I didn't even try to hold back as I beat him.

At one point, I lost control of myself and activated Armament Haki, giving him a sizable bruise.


"Oops, I lost control of myself, my bad."

"OUCH, AGAIN!?!!?!?"

"Haha, that was a mistake!"


'What did he say to me? Guess I'm keeping Armament Haki on this time.'

I kept on beating him for the majority of the day, then he started dodging.

No, it wasn't dodging.

He got tired and fell to the ground, 'dodging' the blow aimed at his head.

'It seems like he passed out... haha guess I beat him too hard!'

I grabbed the kid and carried him to the medical ward, then I told the doctor to heal him as much as he could.

'Tomorrow, I'll be beating him even more!'


(Kairo's POV)

I woke up in a bed.

As I regained my consciousness, my vision was blurry, and the last thing I remembered was that bastard, Zephyr, beating me.

'It usually doesn't hurt that much when he beats me... Ah right! He used Armament HakI'

What a f*cking bastard, beating your student with Armament Haki.

As I got up from the bed, Zephyr walked into the room and said with a smile, "Good! You're up, that means I can continue beati- AHEM, training you!"

'Ah sh*t...'


It took me 2 and a half years to learn both types of Haki.

I turned 18 after 2 and a half years.

Not a lot changed.

Dragon got a better grip over his Devil Fruit and Ryuusoken, while I mastered Flowing Star Instinct.

I created a lot of moves in that time, but everyone always looks at me weirdly when I announce the names.

It sounds cool to me.

Most importantly, I learned the basics of Observation and Armament Haki.

It seems like I'm more attuned to Observation rather than Armament, perhaps because of my enhanced instincts?

Anyways, the range of my zone extended from 8 meters to 30 meters, with the help of Observation Haki.

[Redirection] also became much more effective with the help of Armament Haki.

Speaking of which, I learned Armament Haki by beating animals.

Yes, beating animals.

Zephyr dropped me off at an island and told me to keep beating the animals until I could use Armament Haki.

I did just that.

At first, I felt bad for the animals I was beating, but gradually, I outgrew it.

I became sadistic.

I enjoyed beating the animals as Zephyr beat me, just to pass the pain onto someone else.

Then, the animals started beating other animals.

I started a cycle of never-ending hatred.

If recruits come here in the future, I'm sorry.

There was a new batch of recruits after a year, but there was no one I recognized.

But, a notable thing in the boring 2 years was Dragon graduating from the Elite camp and officially joining the Marine.

I stayed for Instructor Zephyr's training, but he told me to graduate after half a year.

But most importantly, it was time for a training expedition with the recruits.


This time, we were hunting the pirate, 'Borax the Ripper', who has a bounty of 90 million berries.

At first, we were going to hunt a pirate with a bounty of 30 million berries, but then Zephyr remembered that I was here, so we decided to hunt someone with a higher bounty.

We found the wanted poster of Borax The Ripper in a remote corner of the bounty board.

It seems like everyone who's gone after him before died to his Rip-Rip Fruit.

The fruit allows him to rip apart anything he touches.

According to the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, the fruit can't rip anyone stronger than the user.

It was tested by a bounty hunter who tried to assassinate a Vice-Admiral.

I snapped out of my thoughts as we got on the warship, then set off to find Borax.

After an hour, we were able to find Borax and his fleet in Paradise.

It seems like they were preparing to go to the New World, but they, unfortunately, encountered us in Paradise.

The 'fleet' was too small to be considered a fleet with 5 ships, but it made up for that with its strength.

They were strong.

Each of them could be as strong as a Marine Captain, while Borax seemed like he was on the level of a new Vice-Admiral.

If he goes all out, he would hold Zephyr back for a few seconds, allowing his crewmates to massacre the recruits.

Zephyr told me to take out 2 ships, while he and the recruits would handle the other 3 ships.

I act concerned for the safety of the recruits due to the strength of the pirates, but he waved me off and said it was fine.

'Oh well, at least I'd get to loot the ships.'

I Kamisori'd to a ship, then I massacred the crew except for a few.

"I'll let you live if you have something valuable on you."

After a few moments of hesitation, pirate cautiously stepped up and led me to the bathroom.

"What the hell? I'm not into dudes??"

"I'm not into dudes either!", the pirate said with a reddened face, but he calmed himself and proceeded to move a wooden plank, which revealed a chest.

He opened the chest and showed me the insides of it, and it was impressive.

There were 2 Devil Fruits.

One was glowing with curved arrow symbols etched on it (imagine recycling symbols), while the other one was black in color and emitting heat.

I decapitated the pirate, but not before respectfully thanking him, and now...

'Which one should I eat?'

A/N: I already have an idea for each devil fruit, but I'll tell you this; one is Logia, while the other is Paramecia. Choose in the comments which one should he eat, and he'll eat that one within 4 chapters.