The Rise of the Krogan

I ate my deep fried pyjack nuggets out of a hard case while sipping from a thermos of ryncol and watching the eternal sunset and rise this special ship chased constantly.

Glyph, the dumb AI that thinks everyone in the Shadow Broker's office is the Shadow Broker, had recorded the entire confrontation using his access to the room to get every angle of the battle. I had the helpful bugger cut an excellent vid of the entire fight right up to my declaration as the Ultimate Krogan and had him send it to everyone, and I mean everyone. Every fucking email account in the galaxy was sent a link to watch me kill a yahg with my bare hands.

My homie Draug gladly took up the task of flaying and butchering the defeated Broker. A quick trip to the kitchen determined that his guy subsisted on a diet of luxurious seafood and our initial cutting revealed a deep red meat marbled beautifully. We'd eat his nutrient rich liver a bit at a time over the course of a whole month. Absolutely decadent.

I had Joker bring the ship down and made the Cerberus crew unload my possessions onto the Broker's ship. The knowledge of that made the sound of Shepard's approaching footsteps beat on my hearts heavier than any blow the yahg hit me with.

"So this is the end?" Shepard asked as she sat down next to me and we both enjoyed the breathtaking view as a series of uprights shielded us from the wind.

"Yep." I answered, "This is the end of the adventures of the krogan warrior baby and his Space Mamma. The baby is all grown up and has too much pulling him outside for him to stay put in his mom's basement."

"A part of me hoped that it would never end." Shepard mused, "Combat is so dang easy with you around I don't know how I will manage going back to the hard way."

"But isn't this the most beautiful end you could have imagined?" I asked her.

"Unless the reapers are beaten, no one gets a beautiful end to anything." Shepard denied.

"We will beat the reapers." I shook my head, "They are fucked."

"After what Sovereign did to the fifth fleet, even while immobile." Shepard remembered the horror of the battle of the Citadel.

"Sovereign had the advantage of the geth fleet and the best guns in the galaxy." I said, "But now we have the Thanix cannons, designed after the reaper's own weapons. Even a frigate like the Normandy now hits like the dreadnoughts in that battle. If we spread that tech out to everyone, and scale it up to dreadnought class ships, the reaper's advantage in firepower is now leveled, and because of their reproduction method, we will have the numbers."

"Is it really that simple?" Shepard shook her head in dismissal.

"No." I replied, "The reaper's are still faster, more agile, and have better shielding and armor."

"Not to mention any ground forces they have built up like the collectors." Shepard added.

"The ground game is going to be a lot easier than people think." I assured her.

"How so?" Shepard inquired.

"I've got the cure for the Genophage, the Retrovirus, and all of Okeer's research on accelerating krogan development and education." My answer caused Shepard's eyes to widen, "I am going to offer Legion an alliance between the krogan and the geth. They build the facilities and the armor and weapons, and even if I only use the females from Gatatog we can pump out 30,000 fully grown, trained, and armed krogan warriors a month."

"And how exactly are you going to make an alliance between the krogan and the geth to get this done?" Shepard inquired of me.

"If I called a Grand Crush right now, the assembled Chiefs would declare me the Overlord." I grinned, "When I show up with an army of warriors armed by the geth, they'll probably make me a living god, and at that point its just breeding and the geth building enough facilities and arms, the two things our species are best at in the galaxy."

"If you can secure the resources, that alliance will be unstoppable." Shepard muttered.

"We need unstoppable right now." I told her, "When the reapers are gone we can put the ovulation limiter into play and stop growing our kids in tanks, but till then we need that endless supply of powerful soldiers." I chuckled, "And as for resources, I just so happen to know quite well both the Shadow Broker and the Queen of Omega."

"Well, shit." Shepard cursed in astonishment, "Did you just think up a winning conventional strategy for beating the reapers?"

"I am sure Liara will find a spectacular McGuffin to deliver us from the reaper's anyway, but yeah. We have an easily identifiable route to a hard fought victory just by connecting the dots of all the research and development we've completed over the last year. All that's left is to put it all together without the Council races bombing us into oblivion. Fortunately I just so happen to be fucking the asari councilor and Anderson is our boi. The longer it takes the turians and salarians to figure out the absolute coup we've pulled off the better."

We sat there for a bit, enjoying the glow of our inevitable victory and the view in silence.

"This really is the best ending anyone could imagine to our adventures." Shepard said, and I agreed wholeheartedly.

When I came inside an hour later I was bull rushed by a beautiful blue woman.

"I heard what you said outside using the ship's monitoring system." Liara spoke with a heated energy, "Don't say a word, just come here and fuck me you glorious bastard!"

A quick text to the wife drew her in fast so we could complete the hat trick.

Draug and I sat at the Broker's private dinner table and ate a meal of melt in your mouth yahg steaks.

"We are eating the previous Shadow Broker for dinner, after you spent the day bringing intense sexual pleasure to the current Shadow Broker." Draug commented, "Days like this should be remembered in song."

"Fuck yeah, bro."

Just over a month later, Draug, Mordin, Legion, Jack, and I stepped off a freighter and onto the oldest settlement on the surface of Tuchanka, the lands of the Gatatog. The freighter was just one of many coming to this barren wasteland bearing the supplies we'd need to execute my plan. The geth were about a week out, but once they arrived this old city will quickly transform into the new womb of the krogan species.

Discussions with Urdnot Wrex solidified the game plan for subduing Tuchanka and the rest of the scattered krogan people. We'd give everyone the cure for the Genophage at the Grand Crush at the Hollows, but only the clans currently allied to us would be give access to the Retrovirus, and only Gatatog, Urdnot, and Nakmor under Draug would participate in the Acceleration Initiative. It was simply too much power to let out among the less dedicated, intelligent, and good looking Chiefs.

If we can build the infrastructure fast enough we can have over a hundred thousand new warriors in just one month's time.

Draug had taken the time at the Broker's base to decorate my armor with the various trophies I'd kept from the more fearsome beasts on my travels. The Broker's bones and hide joined an all-star caste including alpha varren skulls, harvester chitin and spines, and thresher maw mandibles. All carved and attached lovingly by the enthusiastic Nakmor. The Broker's demonic skull fit over my right pauldron and his hide became a sick cape, the skin for his arms hanging over my chest and his legs cut off just below my knees.

With a coating of blood rage red lacquer and a crimson glow applied to the cameras on my helmet I now looked like a proper Chosen of Khorne. A look that obviously worked wonders on awestruck warriors of Gatatog that greeted us at our landing site.

"Great Chief!" They declared and knelt, the leader talking for the rest, "Welcome home!"

"Well, don't just kneel there like a pack of lazy varren!" I yelled at them, "Get unloading."

With all my kids located at the Urdnot Alliance female camp, I only had to adjust to leading a horde of three thousand and growing young and hungry krogan warriors without the added pressure of being the father of eighty kids.

To adjust to my new position, I adopted the habits of the greatest fictional king I could think of, Bobby B from Game of Thrones. While we waited for the geth to show up I led my clan in hunting, feasting, drinking, and fucking. It may have been a shit plan for leading Westeros, but on Tuchanka my men worshipped me as a god. And since we came with enough Genophage Cure for everyone, aside from the ten best females I kept for my own breeding purposes, the other 490 females of the Gatatog clan were run ragged by the desperate horde of warriors that followed me.

I'd never seen more happy females than the women my men tried to woo with trophies from the hunts we conducted daily. We killed everything Tuchanka had to offer from thresher maws to klixen, and we ate them and wore their fangs and claws and bones and hides. It was fucking metal as hell.

Draug missed out on it cause he had to travel to the Nakmor clan to challenge the current Chief for control and bring his people to our settlement to get this triple alliance banging. Slow going, but he'd get his fun as the arrival of the geth didn't change my daily antics at all.

Not only were Jack and I having too much fun, but I wouldn't trust a single one of the dipshits that follow me to install all the vital equipment and infrastructure we need to pull off the Acceleration Initiative. And yes the geth were pleased that the acronym for the plan to save all life in the galaxy was AI.

As the geth built more and more of the tanks we needed in renovated bunkers under the ruined city, we began filling them with the newly hatched babes, unwilling to subject a developed child to the procedure.

The krogan that came out of the tanks were painful for me to look at. Even with improvements to the imprinting process made by Mordin and the geth, the tankgrown lacked the emotional depth a naturally raised child would have. They were cold and efficient. When I handed a geth minigun to the oldest son I had fathered among my Gatatog harem, he operated it with ease.

"Welcome to the world, my son." I told him.

His almost blank gaze met mine.

"It is good to be, father."

"That it is, my son."