Mass Effect: Alter Jump Chapter

I would have been able to wonder about the irony of Jack's speech more if Jean didn't immediately burst into tears after parsing through the week's worth of memories from our victim of this frenzy.

Spoiler alert, it was one of my rejected super krogan brothers.

I put a hand on Jean's shoulder to do the whole supportive lover schtick and she jerked back.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed.

"Huh." I grunted, "I didn't think you'd be the one to have troubles assimilating."

"I don't feel it anymore!" she shrieked, sending some warning bells jingling.

Was I about to have another abuse incident with a psychic lover?

"I don't feel the need to be with you anymore." she sobbed.

"Wow, that is really hurtful." I said in surprise, "Usually chicks go the other way on that after sleeping with me."

"It's not your dick you sex crazed lizard!" she shouted, "Every time I look at you I feel like we were meant to be together and it's just gone!"

"Huh. Now that you mention it, that little pull I feel towards you is gone." I realized that the supernatural part of my attraction to Jean was gone.

"A little pull?" Jean gasped, "A little pull? You and Jack were all I could think about. I wrecked my relationship with my parents, with my friends, left my world without even once thinking I was making a mistake."

"Ah…" I tapped my finger tips together, "I can speculate on that but mostly because the Archetypical Jean Grey is so wrapped up in cosmic bullshit and I know you don't want me to compare you to some fictional Jean Grey…"

"Fucking speculate right now!" she ordered.

"You know about that whole Phoenix BS." I started, "Chances are it's gone, and with it, whatever influence it was having on you."

"And you think it was influencing me and my feelings for you." Jean sighed.

"I'd put it in the probable column." I admitted, "It sounds like it had a much bigger hold on you than on us. I am sorry, Jean. I thought I understood how you felt."

"Just give me some time, Grunt." She looked away.

"Silver lining," I grinned, "You look great."

Jean had shot up in height after eating my brother and got the amazon express body rebuild, Wanda too who was currently looking at her hands like they were betraying her.

"My powers aren't working." She stated.

"Chthon." I told her, "From what I understand he was the source of your powers and if he abandoned you when you left the verse…"

"I'd lose my powers." Wanda nodded then grinned, "Who knew dick would fix all my problems."

"Glad to be of service, honey." I smirked, "Now let's kick up the nanobots and get them building you some new power armors for those new bodies."

"This is fucking rad." Wanda said as she threw a few punches that made her giant tits jiggle, "I can definitely get behind super strength and durability."

"Good." I chuckled and programmed the nanite hive I kept in the trunk to use the junked ships of my home world, Korlus, to make a pair of nanolaminate armors suits for Jean and Wanda, using Halo materials to building them an Elite style powered undersuit and covered it all in a top layer of Ormagoden for that chrome swag that repped my divine daddy.

Add on a pair of reconfigured plasma rifles and pistols to better fit their new larger hands and in two hours Wanda and Jean were ready to stand and bang like no one in this verse was ready to match.

"I always love cheating the algorithm by using mats from other verses to pull off shit that won't be possible here." I chuckled as I installed two Spartan style power packs to give the suites infinite energy for twenty years.

"Once I get some of schematics and software from this verse I can make our suits stupid durable." I smiled while thinking about my old tech armor, fortification, devastation mode setup that crushed this verse the last time.

"Hate to rain on the parade, but I don't think we ended up in the past at home." Jack commented.

"Why's that, babe?" I asked.

"Linda just showed me a Commander John Shepard coming our way." She answered.

I looked over at the approaching trio of Commander Shepard, Garrus, and Jack Jr.

"Ah shit." I complained, "That guy's face is lit up like a cybernetic Christmas tree. We got a Renegade for Life MaleShep... and I was excited to show you all my Mom."

Jack and I took off our helmets and I held up a hand to halt the trio.

"Hold up, space cowboys!" I shouted.

"Who the fuck are you and why do you look like me!" Jack Jr. demanded with her shotgun pointed at us.

"Well look at you, little pitbull." Big Jack chuckled, "They just bust you out of the clink?"

"Answer the damn question!" Jack Jr. shouted.

"Fuck me, I don't remember you ever being this high strung." I said in slight exacerbation.

"I had some big lizard cock keeping my stress levels pinned down." She smiled, "I'm you kid. Plus twenty years and a whole lot of multiverse travel."

"Bullshit." Jack growled.

"Oh no." I deadpanned, "She called our bluff and now we have to reveal that we are actually Christian missionaries here to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the wayward people of Korlus."

"Keep the sass down, xeno." The Commander asserted himself, "What kind of mutant krogan freak are you?"

"The kind that can run the whole campaign against the Collectors without your xenophobic ass, you renegade dickwaffle." I growled.

"I didn't mention the Collectors." The Commander and Garrus joined Jack Jr. in pointing their guns at us.

"Fucking time travelers you insufferable assbags." I stated in annoyance, "Don't make me kill Garrus because you are being a douche."

"Hey!" Garrus barked, "I can be douche enough for myself, thank you very much!"

We all looked at him like the guy was a few crayons short of a rainbow.

"You are still the lamest cop I know." I turned and walked away.

"Hey," Jack Jr. shouted, "Don't walk away after I start believing in the whole time travel stuff!"

"Okay." the Commander nodded his head while seated on some salvage near The Good Evening, "That isn't how it went at all. Saren was my mentor and the Geth weren't under the control of some machine god Reaper. The Collectors did attack the Normandy and have begun kidnapping human colonists, but they aren't bug people."

"More of a cyberpunk aesthetic." Garrus added, "Lots of robot parts, advanced weapons, and tech."

"So we are in some wacky AU." I muttered, "The Reapers not being a thing is a big win so long as we can make sure that they aren't waiting in the wings, but hey, Harry Potter and Thanos were in our last verse and one of them definitely had no business being there."

"The timelines may not match up, but if you've been through a version of this already then my mission needs you." the Commander stated.

"We don't mind signing up again." I saw Jack nod her head in confirmation, "But I want to track down all my brothers Okeer has been dumping on the Blue Suns and smack some sense into them. It will be tight. But unless the Normandy is smaller this time then I should be able to fit them all in the cargo bay till its time to dump them on Omega. Is Aria still in charge there?" Shep nodded, "Neat. Then I'll put a baby in her and leave them there to protect it."

"You think Aria is going to let you impregnate her?" Garrus snorted.

"We had two kids last time." I responded.

"Are you being for real right now?" Garrus raised a plated eyebrow.

I nodded my head.

"Dude. Nice." he hissed the 'nice' like a bro.

"Come on mini me." Jack told Jack Jr. "I am going to teach you how to kick ass."

"Bitch please." Mini Jack scoffed, "I'm the greatest killer in the galaxy."

Jack punched her in the tit

"Lesson one:" She grinned maniacally, "Nipples are not an appropriate armor system."