The Citadel.
Center of the Galaxy, or so many call it.
Strategically located in the center of many Mass Effect Relays and routes with easy access to many key worlds.
And when I say strategically placed I mean it.
Whoever built the Citadel, whether it be an ancient extinct race or the Reapers themselves, the placement of the Citadel and subsequent Mass Relays across the galaxy are a model of efficiency.
This allows for tremendous good, but it also guarantees the fact that it would be the first step in the Reapers living up to their names.
With how efficient taking the Citadel first was, cutting the heads and centers of communication and economy, then removing a key travel route and using it against us, any synthetic, logic based life form would do exactly that.
Then we have it being the largest artificial structure ever built, even if not by anyone ever known.
Another fact drew suspicions for me, even more so after the revelation that the seat of the Prothean Empire also laid in the Citadel and it existed even before them, were the Keepers.
Those insectoid beings are of high interest.
As old as the citadel, workers who know more about the station's workings than anyone, access to inaccessible systems and areas, impossible to study, lack of any clear origins, and so many other mysteries.
All pointing to the fact that those currently inhabiting the Citadel were not its owners, merely its residents with specifically limited access and that the Keepers were likely caretakers set to lure beings into staying on a ready and fully functional space station, or at worst double agents set to betray any inhabitant to the Reapers using their access to unknown systems and parts of the Citadel.
And with those thoughts in mind, when I first saw the Citadel, my thoughts were:
'A beautiful flower, all the more tempting for its sweet aroma before its reveals the poison it holds for those who pick it.'
But I couldn't deny the wondrous sight before me.
The knowledge given to me and images shown were one thing, but to truly see the Citadel was another.
It was like a five petaled flower, blooming for everyone to see, with glittering lights spread across its entire body. Each petal, a city, with hundreds of thousands to millions of people from all advanced species the galaxy had to offer, cities with towering towers and hidden depths, and examples of the highest heights and lowest lows of all civilizations. And at the center was where the powers of the galaxy lay, with the tower at its peak.
Looking at things in a less… flowery manner, I recalled the current numbers which helped truly grasp the immensity of the Citadel.
At the very center of the Citadel laid the Citadel Tower, seat of the Council and Citadel Control, which deals in ship traffic, monitoring of Citadel systems and communications.
Connecting to the Tower was the Presidium, a massive, park-like complex containing the offices of the various branches of the galactic government, as well as the embassies of all the races represented in the Citadel. It as great ring measuring 7.2 kilometers (4.474 miles) in diameter, connecting to every Ward. Technically, the Presidium area also served as the main docking area for the Citadel due to it being the easiest area to dock in thanks to the rotation moving the Wards.
It is the only part of the Citadel completely sealed from space, with natural plants, lakes and even an artificial 'sky' with a day-night cycle set to 14 hours of daylight and 6 hours of night. Predictably, the Presidium is also where all the 'Elites' reside, with the highest quality shops, restaurants and dwellings.
And connecting to the Presidium were the Wards, which were the 'arms' or 'petals' of the Citadel.
These Wards, each 43.6 Kilometers (27.092 miles) long and 330 meters (360.89 yards) thick, not counting the buildings upon each, make up the bulk of housing, business, and even defenses for the Citadel. There is the Zakera, Kithoi, Tayseri, Bachjret, and Shalta/Aroch depending on who one asks.
Each Ward is closer to a self contained city of millions than a part of the Citadel, with various cultures developing due to either species division, industries present, and overall usage. Unlike the Presidium, the Wards do not have a 'Day-Night' cycles, and in fact they are only contained by a sealed atmosphere up to 7 meters (22.97 feet) in height. As a result of both, the Wards technically 'never sleep' due to residents and workers not having set 'days' and going off work hours to manage their days, thus a wide variety of businesses are always open.
Zakera is the Ward mainly dominated by official Council affiliated races, but of lesser importance or influence than the three main council races, meaning the economically minded but diminutive Volus, Sturdy but rather slow Elcor, bafflingly advanced Hanar, and chaotic humans.
I still have trouble understand how a race like the Elcor have managed to develop as a space-faring race due to their homeworld's intense gravity and their resulting evolution from it, much less the Hanar. Prothean knowledge considered them appetizers and the jellyfish worship them because they found some ruins.
The Kithoi Ward centered more around culture and knowledge, with Citadel Archives, amphitheaters and learning instituations.
I held an interest in the Archives as they may provide clues to a great many secrets the Council races have likely missed due to lacking context or desire to investigate.
Tayseri Ward is a center of Asari influence. Their ways heavily dictating what was present, with a large focus on biotics in the business sectors.
I will be avoiding this one until I master myself.
Bachjret is the most industrial and more militarized Ward due to heavy Turian influence. Within lays C-Sec academies and many warehouse districts.
There should be few reasons for me to interact with this part of the Citadel. I will be avoiding heavy C-Sec presences to minimize my presence in any systems.
Finally the Shalta/Aroch Ward, center of medical research and treatment, controlled in large by Salarian interests.
I might spend some time here or maybe attempt to gain some further information regarding medical treatment and the biology of various species. Hacking into Salarian controlled systems unprepared would be unwise considering their cultural, the borderline military beliefs on such things, the high likelihood of retaliation and the presence of unfamiliar systems.
And to defend this behemoth, the joint fleet lead by the massive Asari ship Destiny Ascension, its position in the Serpent Nebula itself: the nebula's composition is such that it is difficult for attacking fleets to navigate, thus preventing them from launching a concerted attack, the Citadel's ability to close its 'arms' to form an incredibly resistant cylinder, turrets stationed all over the Wards to prevent any possible dropships, and C-Sec officers who register at around 200'000 members throughout the Citadel.
"Citadel Control, this is the SSV Normandy requesting permission to land." Joker said through our communications.
"Standby for clearance." A female voice responded with a pause. "Clearance granted Normandy. You may begin your approach. Transferring you to an Alliance Operator."
"Roger Alliance Tower. Normandy out." Our pilot responded, following protocol with none of his usual snark.
A few moments later we were signaled.
"Normandy, this is Alliance Tower. Please proceed to Dock 422." A male voice directed.
"Roger that." Was Joker's quick answer as he piloted.
"So Terminator? What do you think?" He then asked with a smirk my direction.
"As any civilization, this center will hold both uncountable beauty and opportunity, alongside filth and corruption." I answered stoically. "I look forward to the Citadel's show of both."
"You really need to lighten up big guy. At least you can enjoy the fun stuff." Joker replied in mock chastisement while making light of his Vrolik Syndrome.
"I am looking forward to it. I am simply also preparing myself for everything which will try and hamper my enjoyment." I responded with a knowing smile. "I am also ready to jump into whichever… situation our Commander involves herself with."
"I heard that." Jane chided as she came from behind us in her N7 armor.
"I was aware of your presence. My words were to announce my support in your endeavors should it be required." I honestly replied.
"There won't be any 'endeavors'." She chuffed with an exaggerated eye roll.
"That's good, cause I think Chora's Den just reopened not too long ago." Joker informed us with a teasing grin.
"Well, they can't ban a Spectre, but I'll try to stay away." Shepard jokingly replied, aware of the possible awkwardness it would cause to frequent the establishment.
"I doubt this would be a difficult task considering the size of the Citadel. I am quite certain there are an untold number of seedy establishments for the Commander to destroy before needing to do so in Chora's Den again." I spoke aloud, keeping an impassive face.
The stunned silence while both our pilot and Commander looked at me in bewilderment made me doubt my attempt at humor.
I was told it helped make one more approachable.
"Terminator, did you just make a joke?" Joker asked for clarification.
"Indeed. Was it not appropriate?" I asked in return, looking for honest feedback.
"No, that was good. We just never expected you to make one." Jane answered earnestly. "Keep up the good work."
"That is a relief. Those 'buddy-cop' movies Garrus is fond of watching and those comedies I used as research were not wasted hours." I revealed to the duo as they stared at me with amusement.
"Only you Neo." Jane said, much to my confusion.
"Yeah, only the Terminator can make watching movies and stand-up about research." Agreed Joker as he finished docking us.
"Was my approach wrong?" I asked the duo in hopes of correcting my methods should they be erroneous.
"*Chuckle* Maybe a bit." Jane admitted with a smile of her lips. "I'll try and explain during lunch, but for now go and have some fun while I deal with some stuff before we can meet up."
"Understood." I seriously answered.
"Ho oh? You got a date with our resident beefcake Commander?" Joker teased.
"Just trying to relax like everyone else Joker." She replied with a wry smile. "It's nice to talk with someone who uses my actual name sometimes."
"*Gasp* You're telling me you weren't born Commander Shepard?! The recruitment brochure lied to me!" Our pilot exaggeratedly said in mock dismay.
"Ha Ha. Very funny." Jane dryly laughed. "Just play nice while I'm away."
"Aye aye Commander." Jeff answered with a victorious smile as we took our leave.
-Tali POV, Bachjret Ward, Mech Bazaar
"Look Neo! Look!" I excitedly pointed out the servo parts we were looking for… on sale!
"Wondrous fortune indeed." My big friend said as he carefully looked over the offered parts.
I did the exact same.
It would be horrible to buy these and find out they were on sale because of a hidden critical defect.
We had made our way to these wards because we heard about cheaper options and second-hand shops which could be hiding some nice treasures.
I just couldn't help myself and Neo was happy to come along.
We did buy some nice things we were going to cannibalize and raw materials for upgrading our gear.
"Hey! *Ch-Sshh* Hands off Clanless. *Ch-Sshh* We don't serve your kind." A volus suddenly said as he swiped the servo pieces out of my hand like I would steal them.
"What the!? Hey!" I exclaimed at the rudeness.
"I won't have *Ch-Sshh* a clanless rat in my shop. *Ch-Sshh* Out!" The Volus, who owned the shop apparently ordered.
"It is interesting to know xenophobia truly is not limited to humanity." Neo said as his imposing figure came behind me. "I have listened to Jane and Lt. Alenko discuss some unsavory opinions Turians can have regarding humanity, but to see their client race hate an Admiral's daughter currently working under a Citadel Spectre due to being a Quarian truly opens my eyes."
'Oh Keelah, the tone he used and the sheer presence he has, it's like when Heirax defends Sarve'er nar Koleps from Batarian scavengers in Fleet and Flotilla!' I inwardly squealed as I felt all warm and fuzzy.
"Back off Earth-clan! *Ch-Sshh* Or I'll have C-Sec here in minutes." The Volus threatened, which caused me to grasp Neo's arm.
The big, strong arms which always bring me to bed when I pass out mid-work… and sometimes when I fake it too.
'No, bad Tali! There's no way the big, strong…nice…intelligent… understanding human would be with you anyway. He just sees you as a friend.' I scolded myself to stop me from fantasizing things I couldn't get. 'You have to leave after Saren is taken care of anyway. Go back to the Flotilla and try and find some way to retake our homeworld.
You don't have time for hunky humans.'
"And tell them what Vol-clan? That a young woman was looking at the quality of your wares before deciding to buy, you thought to stop her and send C-Sec her way due to it? This only tells me your goods are as faulty as your character and you wished to hide this." He sternly tore that volus apart with his stoic face.
He then gently took my hand and looked into my eyes.
"Let us find better shop. I have plenty of credits thanks to my work on the Normandy and little need to spend any of it, so I think we could look in the Presidium for the best parts available." Neo suggested in the calm and confident way he almost always was.
He was never afraid to admit his faults or where he could improve, and when fighting he was like an unstoppable juggernaut. Sure Wrex was our toughest and most experienced squad member, but everyone was realizing that Neo was probably the deadliest. Only to his opponents though, to his allies he would take much more than gunfire for them and he was currently in that mode.
'He's really protective of his friends.' I summed up feeling really happy that he was standing up for, but also sad that I couldn't be more than that.
I wasn't even considered an adult yet, but looking into his eyes and seeing them betray his cool facade as they showed worry and care, it just made me wonder.
'Maybe…just one night.'
"Tali? Are you ok?" Neo asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Y-yes!" I answered as I felt my face heating up in embarrassment and internally thanked my suit from hiding it. "I'd love to see those Presidium shops, but I'm helping to pay. I might not have as many credits as you since I buy stuff, but I'm not poor."
"Then shall we? I do not wish to spend any more time around this rotund, xenophobic swindler." He simply replied as he offered me his arm, almost making me squee at the gentlemanly gesture.
"Let's." I nodded in agreement as we left that close minded Volus sputtering in rage as he breathed heavily, only now noticing all the suspicious eyes on him from passersby and other merchants.
'Take that you pompous balloon!' I cheered as I enjoyed the moment with Neo.
-Neo POV, Presidium, Illium Café
"So you just insult the guy to his face, take a stab at his business then leave arm in arm?" Jane questioned with barely withheld mirth.
"Indeed. The Volus offer second-rate goods at best, hence after having this one insult Tali and threaten to call Citadel Security on her for simply being Quarian, I thought it fitting everyone saw him as he saw her." I replied feeling rather pleased with myself in my ways of avenging this slight on Tali.
"Well, I can certainly say you can give a girl a good time." Jane responded with a wide grin. "I doubt we'll see Tali for days after getting her some cutting edge Salarian stuff. Talk about a pick-me-up."
"It was Tali's second time on the Citadel, with the first being rather… intense, hence I desired her to have a pleasant visit and memories this time." I revealed, strangely feeling some shyness. Odd.
"Well that's very thoughtful. I'll be the first to admit Tali's previous time on the Citdel wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, so it's really nice of you to do that for her." Shepard said with a considerably gentler smile on her face.
It was such a change from the usual Commander that it almost stunned me.
"Thank you." I softly replied. "But I believe this is enough about my own morning, what about yours Jane?"
"Ugh. I had to deal with two different dicks, two reporters, one of whom was part of said dicks, and somehow give marriage advice to a couple." She revealed as she nearly slammed her head onto the table.
"And you wondered why most of the crew wanted some alone time." I knowingly told her with a teasing smile.
It was always fascinating to hear about the events Jane seemingly stumbles into which usually end up causing significant good.
"I mean, two of those weren't so bad. That couple was just having some concerns on Gene therapy for their unborn child, and one of the reporters was investigating a legitimate concern regarding Citadel Control, so I was happy to help. The problems were Rear Admiral Mikhailovich's snap inspection of the Normandy and this pesky tabloid reporter named Khalisah Al-Jilani." She explained with a smile turned annoyed frown. "I wanted to punch her."
"That is remarkable. How annoying could this woman be to desire such a reaction?" I asked out of mild fascination at someone without a gun, testing Jane's patience. "But does an Alliance Rear Admiral even have the right to inspect a Council Spectre's ship?"
"For the reporter, she was trying to somehow get me to say things that would make people believe I was some kind of handout from the Council so they could shut humanity up and then have me do whatever they wanted." Jane answered with distaste at how insulting the premise was. "As for the Rear Admiral, well technically he can request it since it was an Alliance built ship manned by Alliance members, but I could have shut is request down.
I didn't so he couldn't try and hamper our mission or support by going to complain to the Alliance. He was just a stubborn ass for most of it and I hate having to 'politic' my answers so some people can stop being so anti-everything new. And it was all because the Normandy was supposed to be under his command and he thought it was a waste of money!"
"I could see why you were frustrated. The Rear Admiral sounded self-important. Any report he sent would have been self-destructive.
Decommissioning the Normandy would be the true waste of money now that it has already been built and harm relations with the Turians who participated in its joint construction. Taking a stealth ship away from humanities first Spectre would be a tremendous blow to the Alliance's reputation in the Galaxy. And attacking an Alliance War Hero with great deal of respect and pull within the Alliance would have likely seen him come under heavy scrutiny if not lose command." I systematically broke down the foolish approach this Rear Admiral had taken in my mind.
It was shortsighted, emotional and ill thought out.
"You know, next time someone tries this shit I'm calling you on your Omni-tool so you can tear them a new one." Jane said with satisfaction clear on her face from the idea. "I hate having to be polite to assholes and you can apparently give them a metaphorical finger without even trying."
"I am pleased to be of service." I smoothly replied as I took a drink of this rather nice tea.
The rest of our meal was much more mundane, but still a nice change of scenery as we enjoyed the nature around the Café.
A brief respite like this was doing wonders.
I could already feel myself being ready to redouble my efforts to improve.
This chapter was pretty much a little break for everyone while also getting Neo's current thoughts regarding the Citadel across.
He sees it as a perfectly laid trap. Only unsure as to how it is sprung, but believes the only beings who truly know the citadel and which had been there even in the Prothean Cycle certainly have something to do with it.
There's also the fact that he sees the parallels it has with every Seat of power a civilization has ever had. Overt beauty hiding chilling depths, even without the Reapers being involved.
Then I wanted to also throw out some basic info regarding the Citadel and some original stuff regarding the Wards since there's Jack known about them except small parts at best.
The Tali bit was to try and show just how hard she's crushing on Neo and to remind everyone that she's basically someone on the cusp on adulthood and who has to leave at one point.
Quarian's not exactly being seen in the best light sounded like a good way to have a nice little *Doki Doki* moment for the girl.
And the Jane thing was just to be lighthearted and mention the side quests one could do on the second visit to the Citadel and how my Shepard could feel about them.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed.