she went back...in the state of shock ... well it was obvious that she would be shock meeting a person with such name and more over he was the one who started conversation.

She didn't know that did Kenji survived that day, but she always hoped he survived and keep his promise to meet her once again.

She kept thinking...did I misunderstood, was he the one? If not then how he knew my name.

Emiyo started to search... she knew he was a writer... she search his page, his bio... his story, his novels, his family members... but she found nothing.

she thought she misunderstood and moved on, she kept her friendship with Kenji... and more over she don't want to remember that incident anymore and she only remember few things about that incident... including how he saved her, the promise that they made and the name Kenji... she barely remember the Ojisan that carried her...

She started a new life... a new Friend (Kenji) until she found a short article same as the kidnapping event...and it was written in Kenji's article page.

The article says;

"2007, November 20... A horrible incident happened... I don't remember too much cuz I was partially unconscious... I was kidnapped, it was cold and a dark room, for five days I was alone... until that girl came, she was scared and all tied up...she made me brave enough to escape and help her... I remember we were in the same room for 3months... until the day we got separated, an old guy help us... the last thing I remember was her small face crying and call me and the tip of katana on my neck...I don't know how I survived but I do remember the promise that we made... a promise of meeting once again in future..."

She believed that Kenji was the same guy who saved him but she asked him, he never answered that question...and he was nervous every time when she start that topic

Emiyo took him easily... thought he doesn't want to tell anyone anymore about it and he knew Emiyo since starting...

Emiyo also kept quiet and started their new friendship...

But why was Kenji not answering that question? Was Emiyo true about her thoughts, was there some other reason to his silence and nervousness... why?