A lesson Never To Be Forgotten

Here is todays chapter, also no chap for the next 2 days due to exams

Hope you enjoy the chapter :)

[ 2983 words]


Chapter 5

A Lesson Never To Be Forgotten

'' That stuck-up teacher's boy and you, YOU!'' My grandfather pointed his finger at me accusingly as we walked through the rowdy festival.

''Where do you get off on betraying me!, because of you Ryuuji found an excuse to dump off a months worth of paperwork on me'' He shouted through the crowds

''Heh, a deserved punishment for a sinner such as you, how dare you steal my sweets. This will remind you never to cross me again'' I scoffed as I kept my usual smile plastered on my face.

''Punishment huh...punishment… Arata, i've decided...'' suddenly chills were sent down my spine, I swerved my head around, only to see an evil grin stretched out on my grandfather's face.

''Im bringing a medic to our next training session, I need to blow off some steam and you just happen to be here, Arata'' The way he said it with his grin really was disturbing, however, behind his grin I could see a hint of guilt within his eyes, but, I just played it off as my imagination.

''Grandfather, surely...you don't intend to kill your cute grandson'' I say, as my smile stiffened from my despair.

''Of course, like I said you're my treasure, I would never kill you, however, your heart may stop once or twice during our training, that's exactly why I'll bring a medic. And look on the bright side, for those few seconds that you'll have your heart stopped, you'll get to meet your mother and grandmother for the first time. Please do send them my regards.'' He said jovially.

''You demon, the only grandson you have and you send him to his death!'' I shouted, my body screaming to find some sort of child care service to help me.

''Baah, I said it was only for a few seconds, don't sweat the details. Now let's explore the village, this is your first time out isn't. I'll even buy you some mochi'' He said ignoring my complaints.

''You say that after you stole all my sweets'' I grumbled as we walked through the festival.

The festival was quite beautifully done, there were paper lanterns lighting up the festival and stalls orderly lined up with different decorations. The lively atmosphere infected my mood and made me look at each stall in curiosity. The deafening sounds of chatter overwhelmed me as I left on my own to look through the stalls. As I looked around the stalls, I could see a variety of products hung up on each one. From skin care products to stage masks. After a long search through the stalls, I found a sweet stall that interested me, but I wasn't able to buy anything as I had forgotten my cash cow in the crowds. Seeing as I had to find him again, I went back into the crowd.

''Arata!, over here!'' I heard my grandfather shout from behind me, when I turned around, I smirked internally as I had found some teasing material in the form of my grandfather's friend.

'' Arata, meet my friend, Takaki Nara'' He said as he presented a black haired man with his emotionless facade back up again.

''Oya, I'm surprised that you even have any friends grandfather, I thought you were just a poor bloke that took out his frustration on his grandchild in the form of training'' I said with no change on my smile.

I could see the Nara barely holding his laughter as I continued.

''I apologize for not introducing myself earlier, my name is Arata Uchiha. I'm sorry for all the trouble my grandfather has caused throughout the years, I hope you can forgive him for it, as you can see he's quite… unique'' With that pause, Takaki couldn't hold it anymore and broke into laughter. I could see my grandfather's face twitch in annoyance

''Hahaha, to think there's an Uchiha that can smile, much less have a sense of humor'' He said as he fought through his laughter.

''I'm flattered by your words Nara-san'' I humbly replied, my smile never leaving my face. My grandfather sent me a look telling me how much training I was going to face. If I was going down I might as well bring his reputation down with me.

''Just call me, Takaki''

''Hai, Takaki''

''Your grandchild is quite different from normal Uchihas, Masahiro'' Remarked Takaki

'' I agree, the amount of trouble he seems to give me seems to never end'' he grimaced

''Well then Masahiro, I'll leave you to bond with your grandson''He said snickering at our antics. Once he left, my grandfather stared daggers at me.

''Before you say anything, I have something to make it up for you.'' I quickly cut him off before he lectured me.

''Hoh, go on then, it better be good or else you'll be needing multiple medics after our training''

''I was able to find a decent sweet stall. Dango, mochi, hard candy, Imagawayaki and ice cream. It had it all'' My words interested him as he urged me to take him to the stall.

''It better be as good as you say'' He grumbled.

We pushed through the crowds as I led him to the stall. When I reached there, my grandfather gave me an approving nod at the stall and asked the owner for the prices. Once we finally finished with the stall, my grandfather turned to me with an approving smile.

''Alright, you're forgiven. I'll only bring one medic for the training''

Meaning you're still planning to kill me!

''You really are ruthless'' I said in annoyance

''Aww, you're making me blush. Now enough of that, lets explore the festival''

The rest of the night we just walked around emptying all the sweet stalls in sight. It was quite the fun night. The day that came after wasn't. True to his promise, a medic with his kit was sitting in the Dojo with my weirdly stoic grandfather. I thought he would be grinning at this moment.

''Arata, I may have played it off as a joke yesterday, but, in our spars today, you only need to do one thing. Survive'' He said with no emotion on his face as he took out his bokuto and urged me to take mine.

Getting into stance, I opened my sharingan. When I did, all I could see was a bokuto hitting my face and then a resounding boom exploded in the dojo. After that, I found myself in the air floating above the ground, with my nose broken. Strangely, the moment felt so serene as I stared at the ground that seemed so far away. Then all the pain kicked in, upon hitting the floor, my head suddenly spurted out blood like a fountain, as tears of blood trailed down my eyes.

''Don't let your guard down'' he simply said.

Despite knowing it was reckless. I couldn't help but let my emotions rage as my battered body stood up once again. Not giving him the opportunity to attack me again, I quickly executed a barrage of attacks as I enhanced my body with chakra. He blocked each strike effortlessly, still I continued to barrage him with ordinary attacks to lower his guard against me. Each attack I executed was aimed to open his stance little by little. I could feel his disappointment at my generic attacks and a hint of suspicion. However, his suspicion came too late as a small opening appeared, seeing my chance, I quickly pushed forward. As I ran at him, I condensed balls of erratic chakra under my feet and upon touching the floor again, I exploded forward in a stabbing motion aimed at his collar bone. The impact of my attack made a dull sound and I looked up, expecting a pained face on my grandfather. But, what awaited me was his same stoic expression on his face without a speck of pain on his face.

'' Although, I'm certainly surprised that your chakra control has reached such a level that you can perform a bastardized version of body flicker correctly, I've long past my patience waiting for your supposed surprise. Now Arata, engrave the feeling of powerlessness that you will feel today'' He said with a menacing expression.

And engrave it, I did. That spar would continue to haunt me for the rest of my life. The humiliation I felt that day deeply scarred my pride. However, I couldn't be angry at my grandfather. Despite his emotionless face, I could see the pain in his eyes, he didn't want to do this as well. Then I remembered, all his joking about bringing a medic were warnings to me to prepare myself for today. It was clear that he was playing off his dislike for doing this with his usual grin yesterday.

Still, the frustration of being so powerless in a fight continued to make me stand to, at least, land a single hit, and so a cycle began where I would take a beating that left me on the edge of death and then medic healing me and me standing back-up. Knowing that if I wanted to somehow see his movements, I needed to focus on my eyes. I put all my energy into my sharingan as I pushed my eyes further and further trying to see his movements. At first, all I would see would be the afterimages of his bokuto, then I could see some small flashes of the bokuto when they hit me. Now that I was on the last step, I continued to push my eyes further to catch the image of my grandfather's bokuto. Pushing as much chakra as I could into my eyes, I pushed my sharingan to its very limits as blood leaked out of my eyes, causing the tomoe in the sharingan to madly spin due to the stimulus they were receiving.

''Arata this is your last opportunity, are you going to continue to disappoint me?'' He said in monotone voice.

Following his words, I tightened my stance and let one burst of chakra into my eyes, focusing all my energy into my sharingan. Following the stimulus it received, the energy in my sharingan suddenly expanded and exploded with power. I could feel my sharingans perception increase as the tomoe split into two.

The sudden evolution of my sharingan gave me the opportunity to see my grandfather's attack's approaching, however, there was no chance for me to counterattack or defend against it. It was simply too fast. All I could do was jump to the side to attempt to dodge it.

Seeing me finally dodge an attack of his, my grandfather stopped his attack midway and just smiled at me.

''Good work, Arata, now rest for a bit, we will move onto your new lessons after this'' He said as the medic rushed to my side, healing my injuries. Since the mystical palm hasn't been developed yet, the healing was still a slow and painful process.

''Why did you have to be so serious, you actually nearly killed me'' I complained already knowing that he had no bad intentions towards me.

''I've coddled you for too long, Arata. You needed to experience a losing fight in safe conditions rather than on the battlefield'' He said.

'' I hope you remember this feeling of powerlessness because on the battlefield this is what you'll be feeling on a daily basis, and if you let yourself fall into despair, no one will be there to save you. It's every man for himself in war, no one will bother with a dying man'' He said solemnly.

''Now let's move on from the dreary stuff, we'll be starting nature transformations and your new katas'' He said as he brought out a piece of paper, after seeing me fully healed.

''This is chakra paper, this will let you test your chakra affinities, all you need to do is inject your chakra into it'' He said

Doing as he said, I injected my chakra into the paper causing it to wrinkle first and then turn to ash.

''Looks like you have an affinity for lightning and fire, unfortunately, I only have lightning affinity so I'll only be able to teach you jutsus for lightning since I never bothered to learn the other nature affinities. I'll let Ryuuji teach you fire affinity when the time comes''

''How am I supposed to produce lightning then?'' I said confused.

''Lightning is produced through the continuous change of your chakra's energy levels, as for fire, you'll need to continuously rub your chakra together and wait until the friction produced from the rubbing creates fire. You can cause the same reaction as chakra paper on these leaves, try it out'' He said as he gave me a bundle of leaves.

I did as he said and produced chakra on the paper. Once I did, I then continuously changed the amount of energy I put into the leaf causing it to crumble slowly, seeing the positive reaction, I repeated the same for my fire affinity.

''The level of difficulty to produce the same reactions out of the natures that you don't have an affinity for will exponentially increase, hence why people normally only focus on their respective affinites. Seeing as you had so little trouble producing such reactions, you can try producing the same reactions on multiple leaves later in your own time. We'll now be moving onto the intermediate katas''

''First, as a condition to perform these new katas you'll need to perform body flicker, seeing as you already have an idea of how to perform it, just open your sharingan and look at how I form my chakra under my feet'' He said as he formed a ball of chakra under his feet, however, what differed from my technique was that it was much more condensed, to the point, that slight contact with it would explode it. Once the balls made contact with the floor, he suddenly exploded forward, my sharingan barely catching his movement.

'' This technique is the bread and butter of my iaijutsu techniques, it allows you to move at speeds that seem like teleportation. However, what truly makes it useful is the momentum you gain from it. Unlike space/time jutsus, this jutsu is just you moving extremely fast meaning that you will gain a large amount of momentum as a result of you reaching these speeds''

''Usually, the reason why everyone finds it so difficult to use in combat is because the speed and momentum you gain is too much for your eyes and body to handle, however, with our sharingan it is possible to register such speeds, but, our bodies will still require extreme training to handle such momentum. With my iaijutsu technique, I was able to negate this drawback by utilising the momentum and putting it into my attacks. Although, I do have the body to handle using body flicker in combat, if I rely solely on my body to handle the momentum, my body will eventually break.''

''What truly heightens the prowess of body flicker is the ability to induce your chakra nature into it. Adding lightning into it, pushes my speed into heights that can even reach the raikage's, however, the strain it puts on my body is high. You will only be able to perform this far off into the future''

''Now onto the actual katas, and before we begin don't expect to master these as fast as you usually do. These katas will require a much stronger body to handle using them consecutively in battle.'' Nodding my head at his warning, I continue to watch as he drops into an iai-goshi stance.

''All these attacks I will show you are just derivatives of the base offensive katas, just with the body flicker applied to them. The first kata is called Nukitsuke(means draw), this is the derivative of Morote-Tsuki where the moment you draw your sword, you will use the body flicker to push yourself forward in a stabbing motion. You will only need to perform the base body flicker for this kata as Nukitsuke will only require horizontal motion'' As he disappeared in a stabbing motion.

''The next kata is the derivative Kesa-giri called Kiritsuke(means cut). However, this time you will put most of your chakra into your back foot and your front foot will act as a foothold. Once you finish using the body flicker, most of the power formed from the flicker will be stored in your front foot, you will need to release this power in the form of a upwards slash like this'' He said as he disappeared and appeared a few meters away performing a upwards slash.

''The derivative of Sanpou-Giri is called Shomen. Here you will distribute the momentum equally throughout your body as you will be mainly using your front foot for the body flicker'' He demonstrated, as he disappeared and appeared a few meters away with a downward slash.

''Before you start practising your body flicker, you must remember, the upward and downward slashes are just a base, you can use these in any way meaning they can be used in any direction whether it be diagonally or just a normal sideways slash'' He mentioned to me.

''Now start practising your body flicker and your nature transformations. Your chakra control will naturally increase as you train them, so once you reach a satisfactory level we will begin with your genjutsu and jutsu practise.'' He informed me.

From there on out, I continued to train my body flicker albeit unsuccessfully, whenever my chakra levels dropped, I then trained my nature transformations. I continued to train these with zeal, attempting to forget the humiliation I felt today.