Bubbling Desires


This chap is an interlude of sorts, so don't expect much development.

Hope you enjoy the chap :)

[1852 words]


Chapter 20

Bubbling Desires

{Danzo's POV}

That damned Hiruzen, he doesn't see it. He doesn't see those Uchiha's are slowly worming their way in. They can act innocent all they want, but it won't get past my eyes. We already gave them a chance with Madara, we can't take anymore chances with those people. If only I had chosen to volunteer myself that day, sensei would've chosen me as hokage and we would've never had this problem in the first place.

Suddenly, the scene of Hiruzen lashing out passed my mind causing me to smash my hand on the wall, cracking it. Now I can't even compete with him anymore. Why is he so much more talented than me? I've worked the same amount as him, we did the same training, I've worked so much harder yet why does he seem to get further and further away from me. Just the presence of his chakra made me shiver in fear. Has he surpassed me so much that I can't even stand the outburst of his chakra?

Hiruzen had everything given to him on a silver platter, yet I had to put in multiple times the effort just to stand on the same platform as him. He got everything. He got the talent, the power, the popularity, sensei's favour, yet I have nothing. All I could do was grind my teeth in frustration as he got everything right in front of me.

'Friend', he calls me a 'friend'. Lies! Friends are equals, yet why does one look down on the other. We may have been friends before, but the minute I had to beg you for the position of commander of Root, such lies were broken and I now see the truth of those lies. You will continue to look down on me if I continue on this path and all I can do is struggle underneath your feet as you get all the recognition. I refuse to become your stepping stone Hiruzen! I will climb to the top and I will become hokage and stop your mediocre management of the village.

Hiruzen, it may have been only six years since you have become hokage, but your management of the village will be the downfall of Konoha. Each hokage had something to back their ideals of how to manage the village. The first hokage may have been naive, however, his naivety was matched with unparalleled power. Sensei had his genius and meticulousness to follow his strict ideals. However, Hiruzen you have nothing to match your ideals, your power is only slightly stronger than the other Kage, your intellect is matched by the other kage, your strategic mind is matched by the other kage. Your lack of power to follow out your ideals will be our downfall.

I will be the one to prevent Konoha's downfall, I will become Hokage. For that to happen, I need power…much more power...power to overcome the restrictions of my body. Once I achieve that power, I will protect the village myself seeing that Hiruzen cannot be trusted with the village.

For now, I will protect the village from the darkness, I will await my time and then grasp the opportunity once I see it. As for the problem of my lack of power, it looks like I will have to dirty my hands a bit, but that is fine as everything I do is for Konoha's prosperity.


{3rd POV}

{Unknown Location}

A body suddenly fazed out of the ground and landed quietly. The body was half white and half black, it barely had any recognizable features on its face. It lowered itself in front of a chair with a large statue beside it. A man with a long black mane stood up from the chair, his features were hidden by the darkness, only long chords could be seen coming out of his back that was joined to the statue.

''Madara-sama, I have news for you'' The weird creature spoke.

''Speak Zetsu'' The man named Madara ordered as he approached the statue.

''One of my clones has returned with news of new movements in Konoha'' Zetsu answered

''And what would be so important that you would need to interrupt my rest'' Madara looked at Zetsu with his purple eyes as he eyed him with curiosity.

''Your clan has finally made their move''

''And?'' Madara questioned.

''They're recent movements are beginning to bear fruit and the third hokage has begun to accept them and has begun their reconciliation''

''Hoh, to think the hens I left would finally grow up. It looks like that boy Ryuuji turned out to be somewhat competent, however, I fail to understand what this has got to do with our plans Zetsu'' Madara stared at the creature with a powerful gaze.

''The problem is that the Hokage has accepted them much faster than we thought, although, we may have accounted that the Uchihas may reconcile with Konoha, the speed at which this is occurring is faster than expected. This will interfere with our plans Madara-sama''

''Hmm, What about that boy, Danzo, have you not been keeping an eye on him?'' Madara asked to which Zetsu nodded.

''Knowing from what you have informed me, that boy won't sit still, just steer him to attacking the Uchihas for power and then the tension between them and the village will rise, which will slow down their reconciliation enough that it won't interfere with our plans'' Madara informed.

''Hai, Madara-sama'' Zetsu bowed once again.

''Other than that Zetsu, how has your search for a suitable candidate for my rinnegan gone?'' Madara said as he gently touched his eyes.

''Madara-sama, I have been experimenting on which clans can synergise with your chakra and I have narrowed down the results to five, with one being the most successful'' Zetsu informed.

''Which clans are the lucky ones to inherit my power?'' Madara smirked.

''The Hyuga seem to be able to handle your chakra, however, they are the least successful subjects. The Senju's unique constitution should in theory be able to handle your chakra, however, each time I attempted to inject them with your chakra we have had some rejection of some sorts. The Uchiha seem to be able to synergise very well with your chakra as they should, however, their constitution can't handle the chakra strain of a foreign kekkei genkai'' Zetsu informs.

''Even if you did find someone suitable within the Uchihas, don't take them, I have other plans for my dear old clan…'' Madara smiled eerily as he finally approached the ominous statue and checked its state. Seemingly unsatisfied with his examination, he walks back with a frown to his throne.

''Hah, what about the last clan?'' He sighed.

''They are the Uzumaki, they have had the most suitable results. Their bodies were both able to synergise well with your chakra and they were able to handle the large chakra strain''

''Then start your search within the Uzumaki's, find someone suitable and once you do, plant my eyes within them and ensure their survival at all costs. I'll need you to manipulate them to match our plans'' Madara sighed as he returned to his seat and began to contemplate his plans further.

''Madara-sama what of the land of water, should we interfere?'' Zetsu asked.

''No, it is much too soon for another war, our plans have not developed enough to fully take advantage of it and the other villages don't have enough forces to compete with Konoha to carry out a war that will benefit us...''

'' For now, keep your eyes on the Uzumaki and seize the best chance to take away the most suitable candidate'' Madara ordered.

''Hai, Madara-sama'' Zetsu said as the creature fazed back into the ground leaving Madara alone.

Madara just put his hand to his chin and leaned on it as he continued to formulate his plan.

''Hashirama, your way was naive and exploitable…''

''I will follow another path…''

''And I will achieve our dream of peace…''

''With the Infinite Tsukuyomi, I will achieve eternal peace and then all this conflict will finally end…''

Madara whispered to himself as his eyes lit up with determination to achieve his and his friend's long awaited dream.


{Zetsu POV}

Mother, please wait, the plan to revive you has finally begun. Our revenge on Hagoromo and Homura will come soon. They will pay for their betrayal, everyone shall pay for their betrayal against your kindness. I will start with Hagoromo's and Homura's descendants and then the rest of the world shall feel the same pain as the wheels of fate have finally begun to turn in our favour.


{Arata's POV}

The meeting with the hokage went as expected, Ryuuji already predicted that I would be invited to have an audience with the hokage with how many anbu were keeping an eye on the Uchiha compound. He warned me beforehand, so I had time to prepare myself mentally so his interrogation didn't faze me, especially after facing the blunt of Ryuuji's killing intent, anything less than that seemed like child's play.

Other than that, the past few months have gone swimmingly with me being able to befriend the most important figures within my academy year. Although it was annoying trying to get on everyone's good side it was a necessary endeavour, the only time I could really relax was around the Ino-Shika-Cho trio as they were the only ones I considered as actual friends.

As for the Hyuga twins, they were hard ones to crack, especially with me beating them every month in the exams. Their frustration with me just kept increasing with every match and every approach I tried to take just deterred them away from me. The Inuzuka girl didn't help with her trying to fight me at every opportunity. So I've decided to take the dirty route and just straight up challenge them and force them to become my friends. I'll just have to pry my way in to befriend them. Knowing the Hyugas they'd never back down from a challenge if I mock their pride.

As for our plans, everything seems to be going fine, However, I can't shake this feeling that something will eventually go off course. From what I have seen, my actions have not caused any discrepancies with the events, but It's extremely unsettling, the longer the effects of my birth are delayed, the bigger the change I will have on this world. I would much rather face a change in events sooner than later. It was inevitable that I would change the events of the story, however, at this rate my intervention will turn out bigger than I have anticipated.

The feeling of the unknown is the most disturbing sensation to have within your plans. That lurking shadow that you can't seem to assess, it will always be present, but it is growing larger and larger for me at a rate I can not comprehend. All I can do is hope that this won't blow up in my face