ok guys so hit a bit of writers block the past few days, definitely not dropping anything but I need to regroup and plan out exactly where I wanna go next(I'll have the next chapter out by Friday at the latest). I've just been winging it so far but now I need to slow the story way down in terms of how fast hes moving now that hes on the grandline. If I dont its gonna be like a lot of the fanfics on here that are only like 50 or so chapters long ya know? I'm hoping to start putting out 2 chapters a week and keeping some back for when I'm not really feeling it so yall have a regular schedule. I also had an idea while looking up marvel facts, do yall think I should do 2 or 3 other stories simultaneously in the same exact world as Diesel? Like have one guy in the marines and one in the revolutionary army? Could do different personalities and different devil fruits and such but just let me know what yall think.