Chapter 2

Isabella's POV

It has been two months since I have been months since I have been taking into this territory. I don't know my way around here but I have tried to escape but every time day find me. Do I blame them no I don't. I am tired and vulnerable with the silver and wolfsbane in my system. Everyday Logan and his minions find a way to torture me. I'm weak and helpless. Right now, I have given up any hope that I will get out of here.

They only feed me a piece of bread every two days and a bottle of water every three days. I am skinny and underweighted. I look like a bloody punching bag. Chained to the wall wishing for death.

I heard footsteps coming towards me. Who ever it was opened the door. Well guess who it was. It was the devil himself. He came e towards me and grabbed my chin. "very well…it's your lucky day…. the alpha has come…he will decide what to do with you…your destiny is in his hands…...I would keep you…you are a pretty little thing" he said letting go of my body. That hurts. This dude really has a grip.

He called one of his man and he came with a piece of bread and half of a water bottle. He handed it to Logan and left. "EAT" he said throwing the food at me. I glared at him. How the hell I'm going to eat if my hands are cuffed to the wall. "nimrod I think you should go and get that eye checked out…from what I see my hands are chained and there is no way I can't move my bloody hand" I said stating the facts.

"aren't you a comedian" he sassed. He came and unlocked the chains. He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the food that was placed in a near table. He shoved the food in my hand and motioned me to eat. "I would be thankful to that stuff if I were you…maybe this the last meal you will have" he said. As soon as I finished eating, he dragged me to the rustic chains and cuffed me back. He left leaving me here all alone.

Sometime has passed and I heard voices from behind the door. "sir a rouge came in the day you left. A pretty thing too. We had our fair off shares if you know what I mean. Maybe you could have some as well" I heard that scumbages voice. "where do you have her?" someone asked. "she is right over here" Logan said as the voices came closer to my cell. I kept my gaze on the floor

The door swung open and both of them walked in with some of the guards. I heard the door close. I felt his gaze on me and tried to make myself smaller. The guards kept chattering softly. But it stopped we all heard a loud snarl.

"MINEE" he roared and I flinched, cowering away from him. "What. The. Hell. Happened. To. Her.". no one replied. Everyone was quiet. If you drop a coin you could hear it. "wh-what do y-yo-you me-an si-i-ir" one of the guards asked trembling with fear. "I MEAN HOW THE HELL IS MY MATE CHAINED TO THE WALL ALL BLOODY AND BRUISED" his voice could be heard from moon. I shuddered.

"w-w-e di-din…." Logan didn't get the chance to finish since he shouted. "how the hell you mean you didn't know. I haven't given you the permission to do this. even if I'm away doesn't man you could do what you want here. How can I could trust you guys with the people in the cells. Even if I look at another one would I get the same picture. Hmm. For your punishment you are only allowed to stay together in one house and no one and I mean no one should shift unless they want to go through what she has been through. And this will go on until I saw its over. Understood??" pointing his finger to anyone. A whimpered escaped my lips as his voice got louder than before. He looked at me and his feature softened but it was covered with a scowl.

I just want to get into a corner and disappear. He looked at someone and said "liam please call escort every one of the guards and Logan to the house and put a first aid in my room" why would I need a first aid kit peeked from my position and saw this Liam dude handing him a bottle of water. He dragged everyone out of there leaving me with him.

The air was thick. I could feel him his anger radiating of his body. I knew he was trying calm his wolf down. But I was scared. I knew I look like pup trembling in fear. Is this how I'm going to die. Well world it was nice knowing you.

He turned around facing me I couldn't help but whimper. A look of hurt went through his face but I can't help it. "heyy...its ok I won't hurt you" he whispered coming towards me. I wanted to run right there but I can't I'm chained to this stupid wall. I turned my head not wanting to meet his eyes.

"can you look at me for a second" he pleaded. I shook my head as tears flooded my eyes. "please princess can you look at me for a second I won't hurt you" he finished. I knew it was hurting him. I tilted my head so he could see my face. He smiled and raised his hand to stroke my cheek. But I mewled as soon as his hand came in contact with my face. "shhhh...princess it okay' he cooed as he kept stroking. Involuntarily I moved into his touch. It was comforting.

"can you look at me" I pulled my head beck so I could look at his face. He was a true sexy god. He had brown eyes. In those brown eyes was the warmth of an everlasting hearth, as if they were the wood that could burn with golden flame yet be forever perfectly entire. Those messy brown hair with a hint of blondeness.

"let's get you out of these chains" he mumbled to himself. He took a key and unlocked my cuffs. As soon as he unlocked, I fell to the ground. I was waiting to hit the ground but something was interfering. I opened my eyes to see him holding me.

He sat down in the chair and pulled me to his lap. "princess can you tell me your name" he asked stroking my back. "Isa-isabella" I shuttered. He repeated my name. it sounded soothing to hear my name rolling of his tongue. "well Isabella I'm Kingston king for short" he introduced himself.

"where am I??" I questioned. "you are in my pack. Silent rain pack" oh no no no. it can't be. All the colored drained from my face. They are ruthless. I heard stories. I heard people get tortured in the cruelest ways. Well I know that now. King must have seen my terrified face. "hey I know you heard stories about us and I know it sounds bad. Besides I know you didn't have a good experience staying here"

After calming down from finding out about the pack with the help of king I felt at ease. For some reason I felt comfortable and attached to him. "ooh hear babe drink this water" he handed bottle. Water?!! Don't have to tell me twice. I grabbed the bottle and tried to chug it down. "bella stop…take it slow. You are going to make yourself sick." He told me. I started to slow down. Wow he is so ice to me.

"king why did you I was your mate" I asked having no Idea about mates. "babe you know what is mates" he questioned me. I shook my head. "my dad said I would meet someone who will love me and treat me like I'm the most important person in the world and they are called mates" I told him what I know.

"well I will explain that later now come one lets get you cleaned up" he said standing up and carrying me bridal style out of the four walls of misery. He started going upstairs I was calm until I heard voices. I hid my face in his chest as I started to freak out. Tears slipped trough my eyes as I began to shake. "heyy princess what's up" he whispered.

"king…I c-can't go up-stairs with t-t-them in there" I said as sobs racked my body. "I'm sorry babe...gimme a sec" I saw his eyes fog over as the voices quiet down and disappear. From what my father told me a wolfs eye fog over when they mind link. I was able to do that with my family and the pack but with the past two months my wolf has gone dormant.

He carried me to his room and to the bathroom attached to his room. He sat me down in the counter and started the water added some bubble bath. He left to grab something. He came with a hoodie and sweat pants of his and there was a boxer of his at the bottom. He placed them on the counter next to me and went to grab a towel. He came back with this white fluffy towel

He stopped the warm water and cam towards me. "princess do you want me to do this and help you take a bath or can you talk it by yourself" he questioned. I blushed and said I could do it by myself. H mumbled a quick ok and left me to clean myself up.

I took my sweet time cleaning myself. I brushed the blood and the dirt of me. When I got out, I could see the water had turned to this red brownish color. I shakily walked to the toilet shakily put the lid down and sat on it. I have dried myself and dressed in what king has brought me. I was about to get out but king knocked on the door. "bella are you done" he asked I replied a quick yeah and he opened the door. He came over to me and held my hand as I started to walk. But I miserably and fell into kings' arms.

He carried me to the bed and laid me there. He came with a plate full of lasagna. He handed me it. "I can't eat all of this' I mumbled. "eat what you can" he told me. I nodded my head and started eating. After eating like five bites I was full. "can you eat a little more" he asked. I looked at the plate back at him. "I'll try" I whispered. I ate like three bites and I was done. I can't eat no more. I looked at him. "it's ok you don't have to eat more" he said. I smiled as he took the plate from my hands.

He came towards me and said sleep. I looked at him with an unsure look. I didn't want him to leave. I think he knew what I was thinking and said "princess I will stay there at my desk" he pointed to his desk. I nodded my head. He tucked me in to his bed. And kissed my forehead and within minutes I was welcomed into chambers of darkness.