Chapter 004 | Don't think too much, let's practice our ability.

"What are you guys goofing around for!?"

The patriarch, Fugaku Uchiha, came late and stood between Manoshi and the other clansmen. Facing the clansmen, the intention of defending was self-evident.

"Clan Head-sama, he started ..."

"Shut up. " Uchiha Fugaku glanced at the old man lying on the ground and Genichiro, whose hair was charred, and brought out his patriarch's authority, "You can spar, but don't gather a crowd. But since it's a sparring match, injuries are inevitable, so end it here. Everyone, disperse."

Fugaku's words sealed the deal.

This meant they could fight but not get killed or make any trouble whatsoever.

But for the Uchiha clansmen present, continuing to provoke Manoshi wasn't a very smart choice.

Then it's obvious to whom the statement was intended.

Manoshi didn't hide his fighting ability that still existed.

In the shinobi world, fists speak louder than words, and in the Uchiha clan, which worships the strong, even more so.

The act of pretending to be weak, to lead enemies into a false sense of security, wasn't quite suitable for this world where conflicts and contradictions were daily occurrences.

Moreover, his progress in the use of auditory and scent perception was also very pleasing.

Within a few hours, as the external pheromones were received and perceived through his sense of smell and hearing, combined with his existing memory and cognition, a three-dimensional "visual" image was formed in his mind.

Just like the newly hatched butterfly could spread its wings and fly after shedding its pupa shell, he was naturally grasping the abilities given by the power of the divine dragon.

Although there was a relatively high 'delay' for the time being, having a start gave him a direction to improve towards.

Fugaku Uchiha obviously saw the abnormality in Manoshi, but he didn't ask questions. Instead, he just patted Manoshi on the shoulder after the crowd dispersed.

"The family will always have your back. "

Manoshi responded with an 'uh-huh'.

He didn't worry about backing. But, after going blind, even the last perks of being an Uchiha were gone; it only left him in a very bad neutral legal position as a member.

If all his efforts fail, he would probably end up being slaughtered along with the Uchiha clan.

The only advantage would be that he wouldn't get his eyes gouged out by Madara Uchiha after he died.

Fugaku Uchiha left, and Kaoru Uchiha, who had been standing aside, stepped forward.

It's not that she was afraid, but that as a shinobi, she had a clear understanding of herself -- the 'bravery' of the weak would only become a burden on her teammates.

"Manoshi-kun!" Kaoru Uchiha furiously imitated Manoshi's tone of voice. "I just want to find a place to exercise~."

"I'm not doing anything wrong. " Manoshi weakly retorted. "Kaoru-san, help me practice. "


Kaoru Uchiha didn't answer but stared at his immature face. If she ignored the calm smile that didn't match his age, he was still a cute child.

'Obviously, he was just a kid. But he had the strength to be willful and didn't consider the feelings of others.'

"Kaoru-san, why are you staring at me in a daze? You wouldn't do anything lewd, would you? "

Sensing that Kaoru Uchiha hadn't moved for a long time, Manoshi pretended to be afraid.

"You! What are you talking about!?! You're so powerful. How can I do that kind of thing to you? No... I never thought of anything strange at all! But, wait, how did you know I was staring at you?! "

As she spoke, her hands touched Manoshi's face.

'Secret Technique - Face Pinching Technique activated!'

"Don't get any funny ideas!" Manoshi, who was attacked with pinches to his face, vaguely said.

"This is your punishment. From a young age, you were a little adult, always unruly and so talented that you soon left this sister behind. But now that you're my last relative, I am really afraid that you would die on the battlefield. "

At some point, Kaoru Uchiha suddenly hugged Manoshi and began to cry.

The pain brought by the war was long-lasting and profound. Uchiha, the top clan in the shinobi world, also had many war orphans. Even Nawaki, the grandson of the first generation Hokage, died in the last war.

The most resolute young girl couldn't keep her spirits up.

Now keenly aware that Manoshi's "vision" didn't seem to be affected, her emotions were stirred instead of momentarily collapsing.

"It's okay. It's all going to be okay later. " Manoshi gently reassured Kaoru Uchiha as he wrapped his arms around her back.

No one noticed that the girl's pupils were quietly changing.

"Well, Manoshi-kun, let's practice!" Kaoru Uchiha dried her tears and spoke with a slight sob, "I'll try to get stronger to protect you too. "

On the unoccupied training ground, the teenager and the young girl stood opposite each other.

"Come on, try to attack me with a shuriken throw. " Recalling the feeling on the battlefield, Manoshi released the power of the divine dragon leaping inside his body onto the surface of his body.

"Don't worry about hurting me. After all, your strength, heh. "

"Manoshi-kun, you're too much! You won't be able to find a girlfriend in the future. "

The girl pulled out three shurikens from her pocket.

"Ready, I'm going to shoot. "

Although she belonged to the weak group of people who graduated from ninja school, Kaoru Uchiha still had the most basic abilities. At least her shuriken throws were accurate.

(Uchiha Kaoru: Asshole author, don't underestimate people!)

Three shurikens shot out in a zigzag formation, and they were about to hit Manoshi.

Manoshi's ears moved slightly. He felt everything from the vibration in the air, so he dodged sideways. However, this dodge was right in the path of the third shuriken.


Kaoru Uchiha exclaimed. Yet, the shuriken wasn't stuck in Manoshi's body and only made 'puff puff' sounds before they bounced off the ground.

She quickly stepped forward to check on Manoshi's situation.

Peeling back Manoshi's moon-white coat with three small holes in it, she leaned down and rubbed her calloused hands, which had been practicing ninjutsu for years, on Manoshi's chest.

"There is no scar; how did you do it!?"

' Too... too close...'

Manoshi blushed and pushed away from the girl in front of him. "Ahem... It's a secret, the kind that cannot be told to outsiders. "

"And I'm not an outsider?" The young girl asked rhetorically.


'That's unfair!'

"Hahahaha, the little kid is still shy with his sister. " Kaoru Uchiha looked like she had won in teasing and pointed at Manoshi's reddened face.

"When I helped you bathe as a child, I didn't see you shy. I always treated you as my own brother. "

'When we were kids, I was 3, and you were 8. How could that be the same?!'

"What do you mean?! Let's keep training. " Manoshi forcibly changed the subject; otherwise, he wouldn't be able to catch a break. "Perception is not a qualitative change in such a short time. Let's try the close-combat effect of Safeguard. "

"Safeguard? What a strange name." The young girl pondered slightly, "Is this Mangekyō Sharingan's ability?"

Manoshi subconsciously wanted to refute but then thought it would cause more problems to explain, so he simply attributed all his special abilities to Mangekyō Sharingan's ability.

Two people stand opposite each other, forming the Seal of Confrontation.

Kaoru Uchiha took the lead and swung a punch at Manoshi's chest, hitting him squarely.

Kaoru Uchiha also jolted away due to the power of the divine dragon attached to the surface of Manoshi's body.

Thus, the young girl was perplexed.

"You even dodged all of the Fire Release jutsu just then. So why can't you do it now?"

'Of course, it's because the Great Fireball wasn't accurate!'

Just kidding, in fact, Manoshi's perception of chakra was far better than his keen sense of hearing.

If the old man had spared with him using taijutsu and ninjutsu, he wouldn't have had it easy.

Of course, this was also blamed on the almighty Mangekyō Sharingan, "This is also a by-product of awakening Mangekyō Sharingan, probably because it could perceive the flow and change in chakra, but it isn't so sensitive to ordinary fist attacks without chakra. "

Kaoru Uchiha sighed, "Mangekyō Sharingan is amazing. If I can wake my Mangekyō Sharingan, could I become strong?"

Manoshi froze: 'Miss, why do you have such a dangerous idea?'