Chapter 033 I Can Also Be the Kyūbi's Jinchūriki!

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Sighing helplessly, Manoshi pushed Urushi and Kabuto behind Shisui.

"Shisui, it's all you. Take the two of them to find Uncle Duy for body training like yesterday."

After saying that, not waiting for the three Shisui and children to walk far, he felt uncomfortable again and added.

"Remember to ask Uncle Duy for a specific plan that meets your level!"

With everything in order, Manoshi could safely turn his head to face Minato Namikaze.

"What can I do for Minato-senpai?"

He didn't panic. It didn't look like Minato Namikaze was here to blame him.

Impersonating his wife still didn't offend him.

'No, impersonating his wife as a Jinchūriki didn't offend him.'

"Let's talk about it as we walk."

Watching Manoshi follow, Minato Namikaze began his explanation.

"Have you heard the rumor that you're Jinchūriki?"

Seeing Manoshi nod, he went on to say:

"The matter itself is a misunderstanding. But from my standpoint, there's a certain amount of selfishness."

"I said before that I came into contact with a Jinchūriki, and that person was my girlfriend, Kushina Uzumaki. We are both getting married soon."

Although Manoshi didn't know what he had to do with their marriage, he gave his blessing, "Congratulations."

"Kushina has always loved children. So, there's one thing I would like to ask you for help, as a future husband and father."

"Well, just say it..."

"Could you please take the place of Kyūbi's Jinchūriki for the time being? "

Minato Namikaze was having some trouble talking about it. Putting Manoshi, an innocent person, at risk was not what he wanted.

But he had to admit that the Third Hokage was compelling and that having Manoshi temporarily fill in for the Kyūbi's Jinchūriki was the best protection for the frail Kushina.

"The Jinchūriki's seal on the tailed beast is weakened at the time of delivery. Therefore, I hope you can act as the Kyūbi's Jinchūriki until my and Kushina's child is born."

"However, between countries, there have been activities that target each other's tailed beasts for sabotage. So, this matter may be very dangerous for you."

Minato Namikaze stopped and bowed deeply to Manoshi.

"Please, Manoshi-kun!"

"Umm ..."

Although the intention was to take the 'blame' from the beginning, since Minato Namikaze begged him, it seemed unreasonable to not take the opportunity and do something.

"In this matter, we need to ask Hokage-sama first, right?"

Manoshi's subtext: 'I have to talk to Hokage about the terms'.

"This plan was put forward by Hokage-sama."

Seeing Manoshi's intention to relent, Minato Namikaze returned to his usual mild and cheerful appearance and scratched his spiky blond head with some joy.

"And since Hokage-sama has given me permission to negotiate this matter, you can directly tell me anything you want to request."

Minato Namikaze was a good man.

"The request... I still have to think about it."

With the sudden development, many of Manoshi's plans were overtaken by the circumstances.

"But from today, I will be the Kyūbi's Jinchūriki!"

"Thank you very much!"

Minato Namikaze bowed again and went on to say:

"Manoshi, are you interested in the Rasengan technique I developed? I can teach it to you as my thanks."

There's a saying, 'don't bite off more than you can chew', but there's another saying, 'if you don't take advantage of the moment, people will treat you as a fool.'

Manoshi naturally wouldn't refuse Minato's kind offer.

So, after Minato Namikaze's explanation, Manoshi wondered: 'That's it?'

Gather the chakra in the palm of your hand. Then, release the chakra steadily and continuously. Then, form a solid and constantly rotating chakra ball in your palm.

Listening to the description, it was ridiculously simple.

But after getting started, he realized the key was how to control the chakra rotation without spreading it outward.

Chakra was not a simple matter of changing from one shape to another.

Without Minato's own experience and guidance, even if he knew the principle, he would have to work hard to realize it.

"Ah, it seems that I'm not suitable for this technique. But, thank you, Minato-senpai."

Manoshi was never very good at mastering shape transformation and gave up after several unsuccessful attempts.

"I'm the one who should thank you."

Saying goodbye to Minato Namikaze, Manoshi walked on, on his way out of the village.

It's just a pity that he underestimated his reputation. He was twice credited in the war at a young age, and his features were very obvious -- blindfolded + wearing the Uchiha clan emblem.

So, after some unknown Genin, who had been under Manoshi's command, gave him a shout out on the road:

"Are you the Manoshi Uchiha who sacrificed himself twice to save his teammates?"

A certain passerby shinobi came to Manoshi in a flicker, almost triggering Manoshi's instinctive reaction to knock him off his feet.

"Sacrificed twice?" Manoshi was puzzled.

The passers-by who didn't know the truth were also attracted by the shinobi's words.

"It's to sacrifice their Sharingan to protect his companions, as well as becoming a vessel for those monsters to resist Suna's attack."

Therefore, the crowd of pop-corn eaters said:

"The Uchiha clan that's difficult to get along with has such a member, huh?"

"That's a real village hero! "

"The lad is quite handsome."

"I know him. This child is very gentle."


Manoshi scratched his head. Thinking that he had already reached an agreement with Minato Namikaze, he cheekily admitted to the statement.

"It's Indeed me. I'm the new Jinchūriki of the village. But stopping Suna's attack wasn't my work alone. Every ninja on the front lines was a hero of the village."

He pulled the Genin, who had just greeted himself, in front of him and tried to withdraw.

However, the villagers were obviously more interested in Manoshi, whose reputation was beginning to show. The fruit sellers put apples from the stalls into Manoshi's arms, and the fish sellers strung the fish on a rope and stuffed them into Manoshi's hands.

The villagers who sold fruit would give him fruit, one that sold sweets would give him sweets, and one with daughters would give ...

Cough cough, the one who wanted to give him their daughter was too much!

Who could afford to raise your 200-pound daughter, hah?!

Unable to cope with the villagers' enthusiasm, Manoshi had to run away by transforming into an ordinary passerby.

He ran all the way to the outside of the village, during which he hit a street lamp because he ran too fast.

Finally, he found the Might father and son, who were working out.

"Uncle Duy, I'm sorry I'm a little late. I had some things to take care of."

Manoshi greeted and joined in.

"You are?"

Might Duy looked at the stranger who was working out on his own and was a little confused.

He thought he wasn't so face-blind that he couldn't recognize his village acquaintance.

"Ah? Excuse me, excuse me."

Manoshi, who was late to react, quickly lifted the Transformation Technique.

"It turned out to be Manoshi. You're just in time. This is the weight pouch Guy was wearing before, and now it's passed on to you."

Might Guy stopped kicking, stepped aside under the tree, and struggled to lift a large bundle of weight pouches.

"Ah, thank you very much!"

Manoshi stepped forward and tried to take the weight from Might Guy's hand. However, the weight's mass exceeded his imagination and fell directly from his hand to the ground.

"Boom --"

It looks like a few hundred pounds of equipment hit the ground with a loud bang.

Manoshi gave an awkward yet polite smile.