Chapter 036 | Lady Tsunade fled, the Reason Turned Out To Be …

The first batch of figures was so popular that Fugaku Uchiha called idle Earth Release shinobis in the clan to work as 'temporary workers' and rushed to make another batch.

"Manoshi-sama, you always advised me to practice Earth Release jutsu. It's not just for this day, is it?"

Obito Uchiha spat at Manoshi, the supervisor.

Caught in the act, he skillfully plasticized clay in his hand and picked up the next piece. Although the amount of chakra consumed for this kind of work was small and easy for a shinobi, the mechanical work was too boring.

"No, you're thinking too much. I just think rookies like you are more suited to learn Earth Release to escape."

"I'm going to be a full-fledged shinobi too! Don't call me for this kind of toy processing work in the future!"


In fact, Obito was just talking. These Uchiha shinobis, including him, were the first batch of guinea pigs for Manoshi to stop relying on mission income and find their own ways to make money. This would be bitter but enjoyable.

The income of helping to do manual work was probably between doing C-level and D-level missions, which was much easier than going on a mission.

If there was a choice, who would want to go to the field every day to help harvest sweet potatoes?

However, the figurine output came up in the next few days, but sales weren't so exaggerated.

This made sense because Manoshi hadn't even begun designing the second set of figures.

After all, leeks have to be cut one crop at a time, not uprooted, right?

And this was a martial arts world, not an urban business world. Making money was only a means, and strength was fundamental.

Manoshi, who had the initial money in hand, sat firmly in his seat and wasn't at all anxious to cooperate with other clans.

In the morning, he would do physical exercises and meditate to enhance his auditory perception in the afternoon. So, there was no time to think about making money.

In the last 2 weeks or so, Manoshi insisted on wearing his weights with Might father and son's training. With the help of the Divine Dragon's power, the torn muscles were quickly repaired and became tougher every day. As a result, he made great progress in his physical strength.

Although he couldn't break through the limit of opening the first gate of the Eight Gates, keeping up with Guy when running was no problem.

And the villagers have gotten used to the fact that the green-tights weirdo duo had another small tail behind them.

"Let's race to see who finishes ten laps first!"

Might Guy ran around Manoshi while lifting his knees higher in a jog and shouted passionately.

It should be emphasized that although Guy would offer to fight Manoshi, the arch-rival he would be fighting for his entire life was still Kakashi.

(Kakashi: Please give me a break ...)

The two, one in front of the other, chasing after each other and nimbly passing between alleys.


A hand suddenly stretched out from the side of the road and tugged at the back of Manoshi's collar as he was darting away.

The scene was very awkward for a while.

After a few seconds of silence, the person let go of the shredded piece of cloth in their hand but viciously complained first.

"You're the little kid who used my image to make that thing, some sort of puppet... for money?"

The majestic female voice reached Manoshi's ears, and with only one female powerhouse included in the first batch of figures, the visitor's identity spoke for itself.

"Tsunade-sama, when the figurines were first made, it was with the consent from Hokage-sama."

Manoshi argued awkwardly.

"However, if you don't want to, we can fully recall your figurines."

"I'm such an unreasonable person? Now that it's been sold, forget it."

"Then Tsunade-sama is...?"

"Having used my image, I should have a share of the money earned."

"But the money is to be handed over to Hokage-sama."

At that, Tsunade cracked her knuckles and smiled coldly, "Really?"

This was robbery!

Manoshi didn't think Tsunade, the famous Princess, was willing to disregard face and rob a junior's money.

"I thought about it and handed it over to Hokage, who will then hand it to you... I think it's more convenient to hand over the money directly to you, Tsunade-sama."

"You're a smart kid."

Actually, Tsunade didn't want to make money this way, but she owed too many gambling debts and had already borrowed a lot of money from everyone she could borrow from.

So much so that her teacher, the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, directly issued an order prohibiting people from lending money to her.

If she couldn't get a sum of money from Manoshi, she and Shizune would have to live a life of hiding away from debts.


"Tsunade-sama, please wait a moment."

Taking Tsunade to the figurine store, Manoshi walked into the back room alone.

Oki Miyamoto, a veteran member of the team who retired because he lost an arm, was in charge of the shop.

"Oki, have the first batch of figurine shares been sent to Hokage-sama?"

He leaned over to Oki Miyamotoi, who was settling the accounts.

"Not yet. I'm still finalizing the accounts. Is Hokage-sama in a hurry? I'll send it over right away."

"Don't worry, take your time. Let me know when you're done."

After reassuring Oki Miyamoto, Manoshi retreated to the front room.

Two open rooms were nailed with wooden boards as shelves to display the 'booster collection packs'.

Now, of course, the shelves were still empty, and the first batch of figures was only around 20 characters in total.

Tsunade was standing in front of the shelf, looking at the complete set of figures used as a display.

"Is Tsunade-sama interested? Would you like to try your luck?"

He took some paper bags from behind the counter and held them in his arms. Then, Manoshi walked to Tsunade's side.

"I'm not going to spend my money on something that children play with."

Konoha's number one gambling addict, Lady Tsunade, was disdainful.

"Count it as a free gift from me."

Hearing Manoshi say this, Tsunade brought out her Kage-level strength.

Soon, the four paper bags in Manoshi's arms were taken away by Tsunade.

"Kid, how come it's full of your Uchiha clan's members!"

Tearing up four paper bags in a row and putting the four Uchiha member's figures on the counter, Tsunade questioned angrily.

"Hahahaha. There's no other way. We couldn't get any other clan's approval that soon. Besides, the figures of masters like Hokage-sama and you are a little rarer."

Manoshi explained with a smile, stretched out his hand, and touched the figures on the counter.

Heh, four identical figures. He remembered this one seemed to be called Hikari Uchiha.

'Their merit was ... what was it?'

In short, although it was a Jōnin, it did have a little distinction, belonging to the type that was used to make up the numbers.

Tsunade's luck really lives up to its name.

"Bring me some more!"

When it came to gambling, Tsunade was always prone to get carried away.

Or she was deliberately paralyzing her injured heart with this bad hobby.

Four more bags were taken out and handed to Tsunade.

According to Manoshi's estimation, the shinobis who survived the battlefield of this generation had some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Commonly known as PTSD.

For example, Tsunade's fear of blood and abusive gambling, Orochimaru's obsession with human research in pursuit of immortality, and Jiraiya's peeking habit ...

'Ah, it's Jiraiya's normal hobby.'

However, Manoshi wasn't a professional psychologist. Knowing the 'root cause' didn't mean he could cure it. He wasn't Naruto's mouthpiece.

On the contrary, he knew how to use these things to do bad things.


"Tsunade-sama, we're a small business. We can't give too many away for free." Manoshi said wryly.

"Cut the crap, bring it here."

After opening a dozen bags in a row, Manoshi couldn't stand it. He didn't know which one she wanted and opened his mouth to stop it.

"Tsunade-sama, which one do you want? Just take one from the display shelf."

"No, I must open it myself!"

One by one, they were taken out of the paper bags by Tsunade and soon filled the whole counter.

"Ah, why is it that old man!?"

Finally, she opened a figurine bag with a different style from Uchiha, but it turned out to be her teacher Hiruzen Sarutobi.

She slammed it down heavily on the counter.

"Actually, Hokage-sama's figure is a rare item, which is only one in a batch. Tsunade-sama's luck is very good."

Manoshi comforted Tsunade and silently counted the number of figures on the counter.

At this moment, Oki Miyamoto also came out of the backroom in time and spoke to Manoshi with a bundle of money in his hand.

"Manoshi, the accounting is finished. This is for the village."

Seeing the money, Tsunade's eyes lit up as if they were radiating light, and he was about to stretch out her hand to receive it.

This time, Manoshi, who was prepared, was one step ahead of her.

The counter between the two was an insurmountable divide at that moment.

Manoshi, who occupied the geographical advantage, easily grabbed the money, held it in his hand, and smiled at Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, except for the bag that I gave you, you just opened a total of 48 bags for 2400-ryō."

Then he turned around and asked, "Oki, how much is the share for the village?"

"A total of twenty shinobi imagery was used in this batch, of which five were authorized by Hokage-sama, taking up a quarter of the 20% likeness share, so a total of 2,100 ryō."

"Tsunade-sama, you see, this money isn't enough to pay the bill. But it doesn't matter. It's my treat."

Manoshi opened his wallet, drew out three 100 ryō bills to make up the price, and handed the money back to Oki Miyamoto.

"Tsunade-sama, do you want to open some more? This batch will be finished soon, so maybe the next one will be the figure you want."

Originally, she was there to take money, but it turned out to be sending money to him. Tsunade was worthy of the title The Legendary Sucker.

Tsunade waved her hand in annoyance and looked at the counter full of figures with some worry.

Obviously, the idea was to open a few for fun. So how did it become this much?

"Tsunade-sama, use this to pack everything up."

Not seeing the true colors of this Lady Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin, Oki Miyamoto, approached with respect and handed over a giant bag with one hand.


Half an hour later, Tsunade, carrying a large bag full of figures, returned home.

"Tsunade-sama, what is this?"

Shizune, the niece of her late lover, Dan Katō, came up to her and looked curiously at the opaque bag she was carrying.

"Uh, don't worry about these things."

The young girl could see Tsunade's mood was irritable, so she stopped asking questions.

"Shizune, are the bags you were told to pack before ready?"

"Tsunade-sama, in fact, as long as you don't gamble anymore, I can slowly do missions to pay back all the money."

Of course, Tsunade couldn't agree to that. She was entrusted to take care of the child. How could she, in turn, be taken care of by the child?

"No more gambling. Let's go to another country, cure the disease and make money to pay off the debts!"

Throwing the bag full of figures on the couch, Tsunade began to pack up the things she wanted to take with her in the house. Shizune saw that she was determined and had to follow suit.

That night, the two ran away.

The next day, when Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was handling official duties, heard the news, he almost spat out his pipe.

"What? Tsunade had sneaked out of the village?!"


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