Chapter 039 | The Young Girl Who Fled in Panic.

Tsunade and Shizune left the casino.

They came with a lot of stuff and left empty-handed.

"Tsunade-sama, would Tonton really run back on her own?"

Shizune looked back at the gambling house from time to time as if expecting the familiar little figure to appear behind her.

"Don't worry, Tonton is very clever."

Tsunade waved her hand and continued walking with a carefree attitude.

"But, this isn't a very good idea."

Hearing Tsunade's words, Shizune felt her conscience was reprimanded again.

"We've taken the gambling house owner's money ..."

"We've been losing over and over today. There must be something wrong with that gambling house. We're just getting back money that was rightfully ours."

When the young girl who followed Tsunade into the gambling house for the first time thought about it, it seemed to be like this. Losing all the time wasn't normal.

"However, since they have problems. Why did you continue to gamble?"

The heartfelt question from Shizune caused the smile on Tsunade's face to freeze instantly.

"Haha, I just found that out too."

"Since they cheated, let's go back. Get the money and Tonton back!"

The more the young girl thought about it, the angrier she became and turned her head to go back and take Tonton away.

"We have no evidence. How could we ask them for money?"

Tsunade was quick to stop it. Shizune didn't understand, but she had a good idea that this gambling house wasn't fooling people.

"Let's go. This is the first time for you to come to this kind of place. Shizune, do you want to go shopping? We're leaving for the Land of the Rice Paddies tomorrow."

It was easy to persuade Shizune to give up the idea. Tsunade breathed a long sigh of relief, and the breasts followed the waves and swayed twice.

Tanzaku Town wasn't just a gambling complex; on the contrary, it was originally created with the folk industry and snack culture at its core.

Electricity, which hadn't spread yet, could be seen everywhere in this entertainment paradise. The various stores and vendors on both sides of the street were decorated with colorful neon lights.

Even at night, the streets were still bustling with the calls of hawkers. This was the bustling nightlife that Konoha Village never had.

There was a saying, 'women before missions.'

Tsunade and Shizune, who were women, also had little resistance to shopping and sightseeing.

Even if they didn't have much money to buy things.

Tsunade, who was also a sensei and pseudo-mother, took the hand of the young girl. The two beauties strolled down the street.

"Want a candied apple?"

Stopping at a vendor with a wooden cart serving as a store, Tsunade pointed to the red, tempting apples. She didn't wait for Shizune to respond.

"Boss, one candied apple."

Tsunade took the candied apple from the vendor's hand.

The caddied apple was stuck on a bamboo skewer, wrapped in a crunchy sugar coating.

"Open your mouth."

The candied apple was delivered to Shizune's mouth. The young girl lightly opened her lips and teeth. Under the sweet and crisp sugar coating was a slightly sour apple.

The double stimulation of sour and sweet made the young girl retract her neck.

"It's sour but delicious."

"It's delicious. Then, you can eat it all."

Seeing Shizune's reaction, Tsunade decided to put the bitten candied apple into the girl's hand.

'Well, she likes sweet food.'

At that moment, there was a commotion in the crowd, and a young girl about Shizune's age rushed through the crowd.


Shizune collided with the girl. Although the person was held by Tsunade and didn't fall, the candied apple fell out of her hand and almost landed on the ground.

The girl who crashed into Shizune's body reacted three times faster than Shizune.

"I'm very sorry!"

Handing the apple candy back to Tsunade, the young girl slightly bowed and then rushed out again.

However, Tsunade's attention was no longer on the young girl.

Because the candied apple in her hand, in the hole where Shizune had taken a bite, had been covered with a layer of red crystals. If you don't look carefully, you can't see that this was a bitten apple.

"Bloodline Limit..."

"What did Tsunade-sama say?"

"No, it's nothing. Let's go back early and rest."

"Ugh? I haven't had enough shopping."

The child with the Bloodline Limit who ran away alone was obviously being chased or had met with some kind of accident.

However, this had nothing to do with Tsunade. As a shinobi, one can't put oneself in danger inexplicably.

Back at the inn, the two who had been tired for a day soon hugged each other to sleep.



Awakened by the pink piglet, Shizune opened her eyes in surprise and took it into her arms.

"Tonton, you are back!"


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for hurting you."

Shizune quickly apologized to the piglet.

"I told you she would run back by herself. Hurry up and wash up. We have to hurry."

Tsunade, who was already dressed, sat down with a cup of hot tea and urged.

The reason for the rush to leave was, on the one hand, to avoid being caught red-handed by the casino owner with his men.

On the other hand, it was also because it wasn't peaceful here right now.

When she sneaked out in the middle of the night, she found shinobis fighting outside the town. According to the momentum, they weren't weak.

After a quick breakfast, Tsunade and Shizune, who was holding Tonton, set off from the north side of town and continued in the direction of the Land of Rice Paddies.

On the other side, after a night's trek, the tired Manoshi and Hideyoshi arrived nearby.

"There are traces of fighting."

The two stopped and carefully surveyed the scene of the battle. The potholes everywhere on the ground indicated that it was a big battle.

"This destructive power ... was it Tsunade-sama?"

Hideyoshi Hyuga couldn't help but open his Byakugan to look around.

And Manoshi also squatted down to touch the inner wall of the potholes.

"This trace. Instead of hammering down from above, it gushed out from below."

Although he didn't know about Earth Release, he was very familiar with the 'Chakra Enhanced Strength'.

"This isn't Tsunade-sama's battle traces. Don't bother with it. Let's just go into Town."


Closing his Byakugan, Hideyoshi Hyuga nodded his head.

When the two entered the town, they immediately felt alienated from these civilians -- no one dared to reply when they came forward to ask questions.

"As a town primarily in the service industry, these people aren't behaving normally."

Hideyoshi whispered beside Manoshi.

"Never mind all that. Just use your Byakugan to find out if Tsunade-sama is here."

Manoshi said and suddenly joked, "Is it particularly convenient for you Hyuga clan members to peek into the women's bathhouse?"

Originally concentrating on mobilizing his chakra, Hideyoshi staggered, and the veins on his temples almost burst.

"Our Byakugan can see through flesh. Who would like to see a beautiful woman's entire meridian and bones?"

"Maybe there is such a fetish..."

Manoshi whispered but didn't let Hideyoshi hear it.

The two men patrolled the town once while using the Byakugan to look for Tsunade that might be inside a building.

"The whole town has been searched. Are we looking in the right place?"

After examining Tanzaku Town's gambling house intensively, Hideyoshi Hyuga concluded.


A sound comparable to heavenly thunder came from far away.

"There's another shinobi fighting nearby."




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