Chapter 046 | Is This Still My Shop?

The group returned to Konoha village.

Starting from the outer boundary, Tsunade used her prestige all the way. Without a single ninja coming up to question Guren's identity, allowing them to smoothly take Guren, an outsider, into the core area of the village.

In Konoha, Tsunade's face was one of the best passes.

Manoshi hated this kind of privileged behavior.

'Why can't I enjoy the privilege?'

"Konoha's protection is too lax. They all get out of the way when they see it's you, Obasan."

Shizune, Tsunade's minion, retorted, "This shows everyone's trust in Tsunade-sama!"

"It doesn't matter. If something happened, it would be too late to escape."

In the distance, Ryokaze Uchiha, who was on patrol, spotted Guren, an unfamiliar face.

Although in theory, those who have appeared in the core area of the village must have gone through layers of vetting.

It shouldn't be the responsibility of the police force.

But for the safety of the village, he still had to go up and ask questions.

After trotting all the way to Tsunade, Ryokaze Uchiha frowned and said, "Tsunade-sama, this girl is not from the village, right? Show me her ID, and I'll check it out."

"Here we go again. The police force just likes to look for trouble."

Tsunade didn't object, but the villagers who passed by started whispering.

Because of his sensitive hearing, Manoshi could hear what the man said.

That's what law enforcement officers had to do.

When working strictly, it was easy to cause discomfort to others.

"I'll get her ID from the Hokage himself. Is there a problem?"

"Then come with me to the Hokage Building." Ryokaze Uchiha was somewhat rigid.

"Stop, you take Guren to find the Hokage." Manoshi stopped Tsunade, who was about to get angry, stood between the two, and spoke to Ryokaze Uchiha.

"Uncle Ryokaze, I have something to talk to you about."

Ryokaze Uchiha still appreciated Manoshi and even showed a kind expression.

"Manoshi, you have a lot of time to talk later. I have to deal with official business first."

Retract the previous sentence.

On how Uchiha's police force had gotten its reputation into shambles.

It's not the villagers' unilateral inability to understand the law enforcement officers' work.

This stubborn personality also played a big part.

Manoshi reluctantly continued to persuade, "This girl will always stay with Tsunade-sama."

Distracting Ryokaze Uchiha and waving his hand for Guren and Tsunade to run. Manoshi then spoke to Ryokaze Uchiha.

"Uncle Ryokaze, do you have this feeling that the people in the village look at the police force a little uncomfortably?"

"There is? That's the kind of authority we need to have as a police force! How else can we deter those who have bad intentions?"

Ryokaze Uchiha touched his chin and recalled his memory of contact with others.

"But there is a feeling that people dislike seeing us, and friends in the past don't come around much."

'What do you mean dislike? It's obvious rejection! Do you know what police-civilian relations are?' Manoshi couldn't say it.

"Actually, it isn't the attitude but the means that is needed to intimidate others. It's only important to let people know how horrible the consequences of making a mistake are. "

Ryokaze Uchiha nodded, "That makes sense. However, there's still no good way to deal with the disputes of ordinary people. You can't use jutsu to deal with ordinary people. "

"It's times like this when you have to try to smooth things over. "

"Try to smooth things over?"

There was no such saying in the shinobi world, but in Manoshi's past life, these words were still very classic.

"If, say, your brother, Uncle Ryokaze, quarrels with his wife. Would you persuade him to fight?"

"Well, he doesn't even have a girlfriend. "

"It's a 'what if'. If you think about persuading, you wouldn't want to convince them to divorce, right? So, resolving the conflict is necessary. The best way is to let the two take a step back. "

"Take a step back?" Ryokaze Uchiha pondered.

"And let's say two drunks were fighting. How would you handle that?"

"Of course, go up and pull them both apart. Then, tie them up and let them sober up. " Ryokaze Uchiha answered rightfully.

"No, if you do this, people would only think that you've gone too far."


"Because no one else was affected, it's only natural to substitute themselves with the drunkard. So you have to learn to criticize and educate, loudly, on the spot to clarify the danger of such behavior to others."

"You have to let people know that you are doing this for the benefit of everyone, which is called 'having a good reason to do things.' "

"Criticizing, educating and having a reason ..."

"Uncle Ryokaze, think about it carefully. You can give it a try when you get a chance. I'll go first. "

After stalling long enough for Tsunade, Manoshi said goodbye to the contemplating Ryokaze Uchiha and walked alone toward the road to the figurine shop.

Why go to the shop first instead of his home? Because Manoshi, who relied on his hearing to sense the environment, found something strange on the road.

'Why were so many villagers talking about his figurine shop?'

He remembered that before he left, this kind of thing was only popular with children.

Full of doubts, Manoshi pushed open the door.

Sitting behind the counter, Oki Miyamoto, who was so bored that he was fiddling with clay, smiled happily, "Manoshi, you're back!"

"Yeah, I'm back."

Manoshi groped along the exhibition shelf by the wall, and sure enough, he found many new figures.

"You launched your own second set of figures? How are the sales going?"

"It's not the launch of the second set of figures ..."

Oki Miyamoto, who came out from behind the counter, told Manoshi about the customized figure for the granny.

"Then after this matter spread, more and more people came to us to order, and we were too embarrassed to refuse."

Then, because Kaoru Uchiha often exempted the elderly from fees, it didn't make much money.

"Isn't that nice?" Manoshi was a little surprised; he didn't expect that the figures could be developed to have such a function. "It's just ... why didn't you get Hokage-sama to work with you?"


Oki Miyamoto didn't understand why the matter could be connected to the Hokage.

"Yeah, it's possible to get the Hokage to pay for sponsorship and have an event to give the older generation of shinobis and their relatives in the village custom figures. This's a great opportunity to promote the Will of Fire. "

Manoshi put one hand on Oki's shoulder, "This matter is left to you. Write a plan and submit it to Hokage-sama as soon as possible. "

"Would it be okay?"

Oki Miyamoto wasn't confident enough yet.

"No problem, of course. During my absence, didn't you run the shop well enough?"

"There's also Kaoru and Urushi's credit. "

"It's okay. You just need to practice more to do better. You will be left in charge of this figurine shop. "

Thus stated by Manoshi Uchiha, the 'hands-off' owner.


Evenings in the winter, darkness sets sooner.

Kaoru Uchiha, who had finished her practice, came home. She opened the door to her house, found extra pairs of shoes at the door, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Is Manoshi-kun back?"

No one answered back. The young girl changed her shoes and walked suspiciously into the living room.

There were no lights on in the house, and it was pitch black.

There was only a bit of movement in the kitchen.

Kaoru Uchiha felt her way to the kitchen door and found the pull switch for the lights.

The light illuminated the entire kitchen, and what met the young girl's eyes was a tragic scene.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Kaoru-san. " Manoshi was struggling to clean up the messy kitchen, "I wanted to cook for you, but now it seems that my skills are far from good."

"Manoshi-kun, you made the kitchen look like this. It seems like we'll have to go out to eat. "

Kaoru Uchiha looked at the burnt iron pan and the food residue on the ground and patted Manoshi's head gently.